INFJ friends: INFJ friends are likely to be very insightful, warm - TopicsExpress


INFJ friends: INFJ friends are likely to be very insightful, warm and caring. It will not be easy to get to know them well as INFJ personalities hide their true thoughts deep within their minds – however, if their friends are determined enough to work on the friendship, its strength and depth will be remarkable. This personality type is very enigmatic and difficult to decipher yet able to see through other people’s masks very easily. Authenticity and sincerity are extremely important if you want to become friends with an INFJ. INFJs are not really interested in friendships which mostly revolve around practical, daily matters or physical activities. They are quiet yet very determined idealists, brimming with desire to make the world a better place. Therefore, INFJ personalities are likely to seek friends who are willing to let a bit of idealism into their lives and engage in deep, meaningful discussions about things that go beyond the daily routines. INFJ friends also tend to be relatively perfectionistic, which can be both a very positive and a very negative trait when it comes to relationships. On one hand, the INFJ will seek to grow and develop together with their close friends, seeking out life-enriching experiences. On the other hand, this tendency to always reach for the ideal may exhaust people with different personality types, as they may not have the same stamina and determination that the INFJ possesses. Consequently, the INFJ may keep moving from one friend to another, hoping that the next one will be more similar to them than the last. INFJs should remember that they have an extremely rare personality type and not get frustrated if their friends do not share 100% of their principles or goals. INFJ personalities seek friends that they can trust, and who are both willing and able to understand their passions and ideas. Not many people can cope with the depth and richness of the INFJ’s imagination, and even fewer can support the INFJ in the way that they need. INFJs tend to be very loyal and supportive friends, and are sought out by many other personality types for their wisdom, but they need to learn how to meet potential new friends halfway. As INFJs are generally eloquent and persuasive, they tend to be quite popular and influential. The INFJs themselves are often quite bemused by this, as they are very private individuals who do not really need nor enjoy the attention. It is likely that the INFJ will only have a few true friends, but those friends will value the INFJ’s companionship very highly. INFJ.bradgarbus
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 14:37:30 +0000

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