INFJ is also called the Counselor. This is my personality type - TopicsExpress


INFJ is also called the Counselor. This is my personality type based on Myer-Briggs testing and is the most rare (so thats why Ive always been the oddball. LOL.) However, some people that really made a difference in the world like Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, and Mother Theresa were INFJs. I found out some fictional characters who would fit this personality type would be Elsa from Frozen, Gandalf from the Hobbit, the boy from the Pay it Forward movie, and Kermit the Frog (LOL) Hey, its not easy being green! I have done a lot of research and reading since yesterday and Michael did as well and he couldnt agree more that this is my true personality type. Even as a child I had the attributes of this personality. When I was 14 years old I started doing volunteer work in the nursing homes and wanted to become an African Missionary. I have always really cared about others and had a drawing to people many times based on an intuition. Ive always been able to know things without any knowledge of the situation and read people and their motives. I can connect the dots so to speak. I think differently and see things differently. Ive never cared about having a LOT of friends, but rather only very few close ones and it takes a long time for anyone to get in that circle. I truly empathize with others and can feel their pain. I have always been a dreamer, Im very inward focused, and I think about deep things practically all the time. When I was in high school, even though I wasnt very extroverted I could still easily talk to people. Ive always stood firm and voiced strong opinions about my ideas. This showed true in high school when I got lawyers and got a federal injunction amended over our county so I could start a bible club and be able to have the freedom of speech concerning my faith in the public school. I was successful as well and it was in the t.v. news and in the newspapers. Those who know me closely know that I am caring, loving, and gentle with other people. However, it seems unusual then to folks when Im able to boldly speak my mind concerning my ideals which I hold in very high value. I am also not good with conflict and tend to avoid it. I will try to repair it, but then if I feel unsuccessful I will withdraw or kind of go away for a while. In fact there is something called the INFJ door slam which means if you hurt me or our issues couldnt be resolved you may never hear from me again. So that is one of the weaknesses that most INFJs have to work on. We are extremely empathetic and very sensitive to others, however, this extreme sensitivity also leads to us being hurt easily. An INFJ is a counselor and they feel a need to be a world changer. So they dwell deeply on issues, are very spiritual and inwardly focused, and then when they have an idea they are very bold in expressing it. Another thing I did when I was in high school was put up flyers once all over the school giving my name and phone number as a teen hotline for anyone who was facing issues and needed to talk to someone. This is probably still why I am always giving advice or expressing my ideals even though they may be controversial. There are many more attributes, characteristics, and sort of mysterious things which I am finding out about INFJs but that I can really relate to. I am actually very relieved to find this information and to understand myself a little better and why I tick the way I do. I think we need to become more conscious and understand ourselves more.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:42:06 +0000

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