INFO BOSS TASKS CHRISTIANS ON LOVE AND GIVING The Commissioner for Information and Communications, Mr. Aniekan Umanah, has charged Christians to imbibe and exhibit the spirit of love and giving to their fellow brethren, especially the shepherds of God, to attract God’s manifold blessings. The Commissioner gave the charge recently at Oron, during the reception service organized in honour of the District Superintendent of Oron Township Qua Iboe Church/United Evangelical Church, Rev. Daniel E. D. Akwatang, held at Qua Iboe Church, No 15, Uya Oro Street, Oron. Mr. Aniekan Umanah stated that love is the strongest bond that ignites all other good virtues and attributes that a Christian requires for building brotherly relationships. He added that, with love, it will not be difficult to give and reach out to others, especially the preachers who labour for our salvation. Represented by a Deputy Director in the Ministry of Information and Communications, Mrs. Grace Akpan, the State Information Commissioner expressed appreciation to the church for organizing the reception ceremony for Rev. Akwatang, a honour he said was very deserving based on his immeasurable toils in God’s vineyard since his ecclesiastical calling a decade ago. Mr. Umanah who extolled the sterling qualities of Rev Daniel E. D. Akwatang, having passed through his tutelage at Qua Iboe Church, Surulere, Lagos, urged all members of the church and invited guests to donate generously towards the welfare of Rev. Akwatang and his family for God loves a cheerful giver. He pledged his support for Rev. Akwatang’s reception service, reiterating that all church activities and programmes are dear to his heart and indeed that of the Government of Chief (Dr.) Godswill Akpabio because the church has been a dependable partner in the development of the State. The Information Commissioner called for continued prayers from the church for the Government in order to enable her succeed in development plans and programmes. He also wished Rev. Akwatang God’s divine guidance and favour in his ministry. In his homily at the occasion, which was themed ‘Receive Him’, the Guest Preacher, Rev. Message Aquaowo of Qua Iboe Church, Surulere, Lagos admonished Christians to always cater for the welfare of servants of God as a commandment given by God and as a show of good Christian virtue. Drawing his scriptures from 2nd Cor 9 : 1 – 15, Rev Aquaowo emphasized that every good work and love showered on a man of God is directed at God, adding that such work goes with abundant blessings and rewards. In his response, the honouree and District Superintendent of Qua Iboe Church/UEC, Oron Township, Rev Daniel E. D. Akwatang, expressed gratitude to God for a fulfilled day and prayed that a hundredfold returns shall be be the portion of all who shared in his reception service. Highlights of the event, which had the Secretary to the State Government, Mr. Udom Emmanuel as the Guest of Honour, included prayers for the SSG by the immediate past National Conference Chairman of QIC/UEC, Rev. Emmanuel Ossom, presentation of gifts to Rev Akwatang, Choir renditions, Choruses and dances. Grace Akpan Deputy Director (Information) 30th September, 2013.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:56:43 +0000

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