INFORMATION FROM PASTOR DALE ABOUT THE REBUILDING AND NEEDS FOR CAMP VANDEMERE Camp Vandemere is in the early stages of building back. They have a general plan and direction that they are heading in. There are three buildings that they need to build in order to be operational again: girls’ dorm, boys’ dorm, and kitchen/dining facility. These buildings need to be completed by next summer in order for the Camp to be able to host summer camps and continue to support the staff. Estimates for the costs of these buildings come in at around $700.000.00. Our camp needs our support now more than ever. I want to encourage you to do two things: 1. Pray for Camp Vandemere! We are approaching first base on a process that needs to be done right but also needs to be done quickly. Pray that God will open doors and that God will provide the needed resources. 2. Find a way to support financially. You may be able to give a sum to the camp. Anything is better than nothing. Perhaps you work for a company or know of someone that would be willing to donate to a worthy cause. Camp Vandemere is a worthy cause. Get creative and think outside of the box about ways that you may be able to help Camp Vandemere raise these funds. I also want to let our church know that I want us to be serious about doing what we can to help in this effort. I want us to think of ways that we may be able to help beyond our budgeted amounts. Wouldn’t it be great if Camp Vandemere could raise all the money needed and not have to borrow a dime?! I believe it is possible if we come together!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:37:43 +0000

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