INFORMATION IS POWER! In keeping with the Zanu PF government - TopicsExpress


INFORMATION IS POWER! In keeping with the Zanu PF government policies of indigenisation, we must confine our learning experiences to real and existing examples of ongoing crimes of corruption in our society all linked to Zanu PF in one way or another as shown below. Its beyond reasonable doubt that there is need for change in Zimbabwe. Ultimately it comes at a price of huge sacrifice, where we have all got to be prepared to rise up in total defiance to oppressive authority, recover the motherland, and establish democracy, peace, justice and equal opportunites, not for ourselves but for our children, descendants and future generations. It is important to continuously, empower our people with information that clearly demonstrates, the Zanu PF injustices, inequality, oppression, crime and corruption, that all directly have an impact on peoples welfare and livelihood. Zanu PF have lost credibility even to their most brainwashed party apologists. Its all lost ground and we should never give back an inch by listening to them anymore. After 34 years of the outdated and now irrelevant liberation struggle mantra , along with racist anti western rhetoric, is now obvious to any fool that it will never put food on ones table. We all have a patriotic obligation, to defy oppression by our kith and kin. This is actually a genuine act of compassion. As a Zimbabwean, you likely have family members who in one way or another gave some form of assistance in the liberation struggle, including such acts as leaving children alone at night at home while they attended Zanu PF pungwes/rallies. You played your part in contributing to the liberation struggle, through logistics support, feeding, clothing, information distribution and safeguarding fighters. No one deserves the abuse levelled against them as sellouts, western puppets etc by Zanu PF and Mugabe. Not holding a gun during the liberation struggle does not in any way make your contribution useless. The war of liberation could never have been won without the peoples support. The real sellouts of the Zimbabwe liberation struggle, are the oppressive Mugabe, his Zanu PF, police, military, and cronies who have successsfully turned the same guns used in liberating Zimbabwean blacks from oppressive Rhodesian rule, against the black Zimbabweans. It is critical that we go forth and share our knowledge and information and open eyes to what’s happening. Below, are real and practical examples of the key issues to touch on when discussing the level and extent of corruption. It is important to remember that when you say to your grandmother that Godwills Masimirembwa received $6 million, you must explain the significance of this sum to her. Premier Service Medical Aid Society group chief executive officer Cuthbert Dube reportedly earned half a million dollars every month, almost twice the $230 000 initially reported, when his generous allowances are factored in. Use these examples of corruption listed above as a benchmark for your discussions with individuals in grassroots communities as follows: $310 000, $6 million, $500 000 and $65 million are all meaningless figures to our aged, illiterate kith and kin or brainwashed Zanu PF supporters in grassroots communities, so it is important that you seek the costs of developmental projects within the community, that they can relate to. This can be the cost of rural electrification, dam or irrigation construction projects, clinics, hospitals, schools, and road construction, cost of rural council trucks, trailers, tractors and other equipment that the community can relate to. Armed with this, it is easier to demystify the impact of corruption on society as you bring out comparisons with respect to how much each official has looted and what the looted fund could have done for a whole community. People can only relate to the real impact of corruption on our society when they begin to measure the value of looted funds against developmental projects they have been prejudiced of. It is critical that reality sinks in, no matter how painful it may be. The harder hitting it is, the sooner we are likely to have real and positive change in the direction of ridding ourselves of the despot government. Finally, take a copy of the Zanu PF election campaign manifesto and discuss the document with our kith and kin and demonstrate to them how Zanu PF has failed to deliver on any and all promises in it. People must therefore stop listening to false promises and desist from blindly following a path of national destruction led by Zanu PF and Mugabe. Its all a simple cover for legalised crime and corruption, never meant to benefit the ordinary street person. Encourage our kith and kin to demonstrate their understanding of the issues at hand by sharing their new found wealth of knowledge on public transport, in schools, churches and all community gatherings. Infact encourage people to take it upon themselves to discuss these matters and create awareness , well in advance of the 2018 elections. I implore you to share this post online on all social media, on paper, by word of mouth, anywhere and everywhere, and reach out to the people, armed with this.........Information is power! Make no apologies for it, share without fear or favour and constantly drill and drum it, into peoples minds , that Zanu PF are just a corrupt bunch of oppressive, unrepenting criminals.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:45:00 +0000

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