INFURITATED! Please read and be your Best Advocate. I share this - TopicsExpress


INFURITATED! Please read and be your Best Advocate. I share this as it may help someone else. So just got a call from my regular doctors office (which has now officially been fired) to go over the blood work I had from over a month ago. Several things absolutely Infuriated me with this call: #1 It took over a month to get the phone call to review the results. Really? 6 weeks? #2 Your Thyroid is normal Had you listened to me when I explained the symptoms and done the more in depth testing that I requested vs just a TSH test that tells you absolutely nothing you would have seen that I have Hashimotos disease. Had you even read the notes in my chart you would have seen the notes from the doctor (whom you just too over for in this practice) noting Hashimotos Disease. Further more if you had actually Examined me when I was in your office you would have felt the swelling in my thyroid and maybe sent me for an ultrasound. The same ultrasound that is protocol for a swollen thyroid and you would have seen that I have not One but Two large nodules (hence my complaint of finding it difficult to swallow my food and feeling like a ball is stuck in my throat). #3 Your weight is a little high. I would lay off the carbs Are you friggin kidding me! Carbs are not the issue. LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENT. Had you listened you would know that I eat a very balanced diet and nothing processed. My carb intake is fine. Furthermore, gaining 20 lbs in just a few weeks is a little more of an issue than your weight is a little high. Something was obviously wrong and you should have dove deeper or at least referred me to someone who could. #4 Your blood sugar is a little high as is your bad cholesterol. Again, Lay off the carbs Again, had you listed, looked at previous tests or tested as I asked you would have seen that my diet is fine, my thyroid is not working properly and that sugar and cholesterol levels can suddenly spike with thyroid antibody activity. They have ALWAYS been within normal range, Never Even Close to being high. #5 Your Iron level is normal No it is actually too low. Low levels effect your thyroid. #6 Your lipids are high. Again lay off the carbs and lose some weight See my comments above. #7 Your Vitamin D is a bit low Take 2,000 a day My level is actually extremely low further complicating things. I Actually need 50,000 a week to get them up and to be tested again in 6 weeks. Again, low levels can exasperate thyroid symptoms. #8 ZERO, Not One mention of my extremely low Vitamin B12 level which is in black and white right in front of you and can cause Depression, Anxiety, Extreme Fatigue, Nerve Pain, Muscle Aches, Brain Fog, Exasperate thyroid symptoms and cause about 70 other symptoms. I need B12 shots and to be retested to make sure I am absorbing it. I let her speak condescendingly to me and give her recommendations. Then I filled her in on what she missed and misdiagnosed and then Fired her. MY POINT IS THIS: PATIENTS: YOUR HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDS. If you feel like your doctor is not listening to you, Fire Them. If you have been diagnosed with something OR if you have not been diagnosed and still feel like crap, Dive Deeper. Research and look for someone who will listen and help you get to the bottom of it. If something feels off it probably is. You have ONE life to live. Take control. YOU are your Best Advocate! PRACTITIONERS - LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENTS. Dont accept the standard they have this symptom, give this medicine. DO NO HARM should mean diving deeper and finding the cause and do what you can to help or refer them to someone who can. Not listening to your patient IS DOING HARM and adds to the discomfort they are already feeling. Forget the clock. Concentrate on the patient in front of you. Open your heart and really LISTEN.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:22:39 +0000

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