INJUSTICE: DIXIE COUNTY MAN APPEARS IN COURT, GETS ARRESTED FOR FAILURE TO APPEAR ---> ALL AMERICAN MILITIA UNITS ADVISED TO STANDBY AMERICAN MILITIA UNITS ON STANDBY PENDING FORMAL REQUEST FROM UNIFIED UNITED STATES COMMON LAW GRAND JURY PLEASE say prayers for the honorable and noble American Patriot Terry George Trussell, who is facing up to 70 Years of Jail time for doing is CIVIC DUTY as Foreman of the Grand Jury of Dixie County. ---> PLEASE do EVERYTHING you possibly can to help Terry George Trussell... ---> And CAUSE JUSTICE to be done upon the CRIMINALLY CONTEMPT Judicial officials and the Police Officers who Only did their duty as ENEMIES of our Constitutional laws which We The People ordained and established UPON THEM to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. So Help US God ! ---> Please be advised that all AMERICAN MILITIA Freedom Forces are to be ON STANDBY. I have sent a communique to the UNIFIED UNITED STATES Grand Jury requesting a formal written request for our assistance if they decide they need us to enforce the RULE of OUR Constitutional laws on these tyrants and despots in Dixie County FL. ---> ALL AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES TO STANDBY DISSEMINATE TO ALL KNOWN STATE MILITIA UNITS IN THE UNION. FORWARD, SHARE and DISSEMINATE this post, by ALL communications modes and means at your disposal, twitter, to all facebook groups, e-mail, etc..., to ALL POINTS American. ---> mandamus.pdf ordering Federal Judge to show cause why he did NOT obey the Law of the Land see; - Capt. Karl #JusticeForTerry #Tyranny #InjusticeSystem #Despotism #Corruption #Constitution #Militia #AmerianMilitia #UnitedStatesMilitia #CommonLawGrandJury #GrandJury #IndividualRights #BillOfRights #Oppression #Police #ConstitutionalContempt #PoliceInjustice #OathKeepers
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:25:16 +0000

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