INK: Darken (Book 4) Prologue: Prologue Shay Scar tissue. - TopicsExpress


INK: Darken (Book 4) Prologue: Prologue Shay Scar tissue. Created to protect injuries to make us less vulnerable to hurt again. Just another big stripey lie manufactured to bring us solace during our greatest pain. Pain is the only emotion, the only motivation, what I will eat for breakfast lunch and dinner until the end of my days. Makes you wonder why anyone would ever want continue on. I dont. My body is covered from head to toe in scar tissue. Reminders left behind by those that would own me, break me, destroy me, force me into submission to mold me into something that Im not and never want to be. They think they know me, they dont. No one does. No one has ever cared enough to know me, they all want to own their idea of what I am. But they dont know, they dont care. None of my physical scars compare to the hurt that lives within my soul, the part of my being that never wants to feel again. That never wants to be subjected to the hurt of anothers harsh words or unkind actions. Or God forbid their ideas of love. Is it possible to become immune to hurt? Or will the scar tissue only reveal the shadows of my vulnerability that my heart and soul live with indefinitely. Oh to go back, go back to my simple solitary life I created to protect myself from the madness that surrounds me with a blanket of lies. Back when I was the only one who was hurt. Now I look around at what has been dealt, what a wicked wand of deception and misconception that has been wielded to create this reality. This is the aftermath of what should have been resolution, what should have been a happily ever after. Now there wont be one, only death, pain, and a constant desire to make others see the truth. I will mourn forever what is lost, the last bastion of goodness and happiness in my life. Its gone, all gone in the blink of an eye. The path is clear, the Specter must be stopped. He has taken so much from me and so many others. I will kill him, I will overcome all that has happened. I will become stronger, harder and then I will be alone. Yes, alone. Its simple, its easy.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:24:23 +0000

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