INNA LILLAHEWA INNA ELAIHE RAJEOON!KERBALA! KERBALA! KERBALA!In one day 72 men dead! Companions of Husaynlay dead! Aun - o - Mohammed are dead.Qasimis dead. Abbas is dead. Ali Akber is dead.AliAsghar is dead. Husayn is dead.Lying on the sands of Kerbala are 72 dead men.Their heads severed from their bodies. No ghusl!No kafan! No burial!Lying on the sands of Kerbala are 72 dead men!Their bodies trampled by Yazids horses.The sun was setting in the horizon. River Furaatflowed turbulently breaking its bank.Another night fell on the land of Kerbala. Thenight of SHAAM-E-GHARIBA. What a lonelynight? What a tragic and sad night? No fire! Nolight! Night of darkness!The air was filled with sounds of ladies andchildren crying.Widows crying for their husbands. Sisters cryingfor their brothers. Mothers crying for theirchildren. Little orphans crying for their fathers.Bibi Zainab is not crying. No tears were flowingfrom her eyes.Husayn is not there to comfort the mothers andorphans but Bibi Zainab is there. She iscomforting the mothers and the little orphans.Abbas or Ali Akber are not there to guard thetents but Bibi Zainab is there. She is guardingthe tents.Enough! Surely Yazid’s beastly men would leavethe ladies and children to mourn their deadones in peace.But no, they did not…….They came to the tents. They looted all thebelongings of the Holy ladies. They evensnatched away the ladies hijab. Fatemah’sdaughters were left bare-headed.Shimr, the most evil of Yazids men, came too.Sakina was crying for her father. Instead ofcomforting words, Shimr slapped Sakinas faceand pulled off earrings from her ears. Bloodpoured from little Sakinas ears.Surely they would stop now. But they did not.One-by-one they set fire to the tents. Thehelpless ladies and children ran from onetent toanotherLittle Sakina ran from one tent to another. Herdress was on fire, Her ears were bleeding. AllSakina wanted was her dear father.She ran to the battlefield screaming:Father, where are you? Father, father…….,speak to me father.The seventh tent, which was the last wasset onfire. Our 4th Imam, Imam Zainul Abideen waslying unconscious in the bed. Zainab gotworried. She had to save the Imam of thetime,our 4th Imam. So she rushed to the tent andrescued Imam Zainul Abideen to safety.All the tents were burned down. The Holyladiesand children were left homeless.Tonight is the night of SHAAM-E-GHARIBA. Thenight of the homeless.The children were frightened so they ran awayto escape the fire, the restless horses and thebeatings.Bibi Zainab and Umme Kulthoom went in searchof the children. They found some dead,trampled by the horses or burnt by the fire.Zainab and Umme Kulthoom gathered the ladiesand children together in a small space, whereour 4th Imam was lying.Sakina could not be found. Umme Kulthoomstood guard, while Zainab rushed to thebattlefield screaming:Sakina! Darling Sakina! Where are you? Sakina!Sakina!Whilst searching, Bibi Zainab reached theareawhere Husayns body was lying.There with her head buried in Husayns chest,lay Sakina deep in sleep! Bibi Zainab gentlypicked up Sakina and took her back to hermother.Bibi Zainab settled all the ladies and children.She then stood on guard with a broken spear inher hand.Bibi Rubab kept waking up. Zainab said to her:Rubab! Do not worry. Rest peacefully as thedaughter of Ali is on guard. You have nothing tofear, Rubab!Zainab, I am not worried but I keep hearingmy baby crying. I hear my dearest Ali Asgharcrying.Poor Rubab. Poor mother. She was spending thefirst night without Ali Asghar, her baby. Howcan she sleep comfortably when Ali Asghar, herbaby was lying alone under the sands ofKerbala? Bibi Rubab did not stop crying for herbaby.Late that night, Zainab had a vision. She saw aman on a horse, riding towards her. She criedout:O man on the horse! Please do not comeanynearer! I have just managed to get the childrento sleep. We have nothing left. Please go away!The rider continued riding towards her. Zainabgot very angry. She lifted the broken spear andwarned the rider:Stop! Stop, just there! Do not come any nearer!I am the daughter of Ali! I am warning you tostop just there!The man on the horse continued to ride towardsher. He spoke to Zainab:Daughter Zainab! Do you not recognise yourfather, Ali?Zainab rushed to her father. She threw herselfto her fathers feet and said:Baba! I am glad you have come. But youarevery late.She continued:Baba! Where were you when Ali Akber wasbeing killed?Baba! Where were you when Abbas was beingkilled?Baba! Where were you when Husayn wasbeingkilled?Baba! Where were you when our tents wereburned down?Baba! Baba! Where were you when our hijab wastaken?Baba! Where were you? Where were you?Baba!Zainab, my daughter Zainab, you are verytired! I have come to guard your tents. Mydaughter, Zainab, you have a lot to dotomorrow. Zainab, you will have many sleeplessnights. Tonight, my daughter Zainab you rest. Iwill guard the tents. Go to sleep my daughter,Zainab.YA HUSAYN! YA HUSAYN! YA HUSAYN!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 12:48:09 +0000

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