INNER CHILD RISING- HEALING THE EFFECTS OF UNAWAKENED PARENTS course. 7 audio talks and a 67 page exercise and meditation workbook, on a pay what you can (from $89 to $169) basis. The course also includes a reading of the Apologies to the Battered Child”. There is a very real stigma about calling out our parents in this world- this course is an invitation to break through the barriers and acknowledge their effects... An excerpt.. “One of the great challenges for those who have survived abusive and neglectful parents is that there is often a part of us that is still waiting for them to love us, even if there is very little chance of that happening. Locked in an archaic mindset, we continue to go back for more, looking for love in all the wrong places, still elevating them on a primal pedestal that does not even begin to reflect their human limitations and failings. Somehow we imagine that they will come around one day, realize their mistakes, see our worth, soften those armored edges. And some do, often when they are very old, made vulnerable by sickness and time. But many dont, and we need to stop putting our emotional lives on hold waiting for something that may never happen. The bridge from stagnation to empowerment lies in our willingness to see them for who they really are, to take them off their primal pedestal and recognize their human limitations. This is not easy- the hungry child-self clings to illusions- but it is oh so necessary. Until we accept the limitations of those who cannot love us, we cannot embrace the willingness of those who can.” This course does not bash unawakened parents, but does support your efforts to work through the emotional debris and identify the patterns and issues that arise from your experiences with them. This course is an invitation to unload baggage that isnt yours and to heal some of what has been left behind. Please check it out at the link… soulshaping/inner-child-rising-course
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:52:27 +0000

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