INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY: LEADING IN INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH EDUCATION/ATTAINMENT COMPETITION Creating innovations is one of the greatest challenges of our society. Innovation creates new opportunities that lead to sustainable economic growth and can help with tackling large societal problems such as climate change or threatening pandemics. The ongoing project of Brainstorm Associates Research Council had help many of our clients, students and individual communities leaders to learn how new ideas, knowledge or inventions are transformed into marketable innovations. Brainstorm Associates also analyse how innovation works in firms and how these firms are embedded in a larger innovation system. However, as information science has emerged as one of the most important fields in the modern world. Graduate-level study is pretty much essential for a career in the field, and with developments perpetually occurring, programs must also evolve constantly. Like computer science, the newer disciplines has emerged, which focuses on the ways in which we share ideas, has increased in popularity exponentially over the years, establishing itself as a central discipline in technological and comprehensive institutions alike. The academic area of information systems is particularly established in the ongoing Brainstorm Associates Leadership in Community Development Project 2014, with institutions such as Brainstorm Leadership Academy, Nigeria and sunBEN ICT Academy interdisciplinary certification programs in Information Systems Management amongst the highest rated programs in the world. This year research programmes focuses on the dynamics of emerging technologies and innovations. We educate students that can link new technologies to the human and economic wishes, needs and conditions of our society, such as economic growth, welfare, health care, climate change, energy security, mobility and sustainability. THE NATURE OF RESEARCH INNOVATION EDUCATION As an Innovation Sciences and Information Technology student will learn to analyse various stages of the innovation process in order to develop effective strategies that promote the development and implementation of innovation. This requires insight in the nature of technological change and the conditions of knowledge production. Furthermore it requires an understanding of the societal uptake of innovations and the roles of networks of firms, research institutes, governments and other stakeholders. This project is aimed at a diverse community of students with an educational background in technology, life science or natural science who wish to pursue a career in high-level consultancy, strategic policy making, entrepeneurship or academic research. Social science students who take an interest in information technology and have a basic level of knowledge in natural science are also invited to apply for the programme. We are looking for ambitious students with analytical and research skills, who are seeking to contribute to a knowledge-based society. Information science and innovation offers are driving the creation of knowledge and practice in information technology. In the Department of Information Science and Technology, Innovative Business Computing and Management at Brainstorm Leadership Academy, Nigeria no student will go unassisted or unchallenged. The department creates capable technology leaders who will thrive in a globally competitive environment. We offer programs of study in the following areas: • Biomedical Informatics & Bioinformatics • Computer Science • Multimedia Modeling Technology • Information Science and Assurance • Information Technology • IT Innovation • Forensic Computing and Engineering • Management Information Systems Specifically, from the ongoing project, students have already learned about: • The unique aspects of IT-driven business models, the architectures that support them, and the challenges of funding and scaling such models. • Current and emerging Internet and mobile technologies – including hardware, software, networking and sensors – and the role that these systems play in supporting digital entrepreneurship and innovation. • Concrete examples of the strategic, operational, structural and cultural aspect of a digitally-based enterprise; the intellectual property and competitive advantage of digitally based enterprises; and the role of technology in supporting activities in these enterprises. • The latest user-centric design techniques and rapid prototyping tools. • Developing, refining, testing, and assessing the effectiveness of digitally-based innovation concepts and present them to potential funders and other interested audiences. FIND A PROGRAM THATS RIGHT FOR YOU! Students will continue to benefit from the Academy’s commitment to balance emerging disciplines with the bedrock fundamentals of information technology. The surroundings of a International campus in an emerging global city offer chances to research and grow through associations with government and industry partners in technology. GLOBAL LEADERS Brainstorm Leadership Academy, Nigeria, is amongst the global leaders in this academic field. Successfully recruiting students from many parts of the world since 2010, the Academy offers both innovative and flexible executive Leadership Management and leading in innovative Management certification programmes. Recognising that many potential graduate students interested in the subject area are either currently engaged professionals seeking career or intellectual development, a flexible and versatile approach to offering degree programs has benefited enrolled students. Currently this amounts to some six competency and core areas including Organization as Information Processing Systems, Information Analysis and Design and the Management of IT; and a further courses covering the broad areas of Life Science, Forensic Computing, Electronic Commerce, Telecom and Networking, Systems Development, Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining. Having leading Associates members in these academic areas also ensures that the blend of teaching and cutting-edge research being conducted at the Brainstorm Leadership Academy, Nigeria directly benefits the students enrolled on its programs. WHY INFORMATION SCIENCE? “I chose the information systems field because my undergraduate degree in computer science was quite technical with research theories. I wanted to get a broader and more strategic overview which would enable me to move up the career ladder and become an innovative manager” “This program is perfect since it is flexible and allows me to chose my particular emphasis. Brainstorm Associates supports the attractiveness of their programs for international students. “No matter what country you are in, every organization has an IT department and with the rate of new technologies and updates coming out, IT professionals need constant training.” Students are certainly secure in the knowledge of Brainstorm Associates pedigree. “The School of Information Science is one of a kind: we have a legacy of leading edge faculty, we have graduated the most Executive Certificates of any ICT programs in the world in the last ten years, and we are small, diverse and highly collaborative.” With 43% of the current student body of 228 coming from outside of the Africa, US, the School of Information Science can also be confident in a growing international network and reputation creating a significant awareness of its programs. EMPLOYMENT PROSPECTS A major factor behind the popularity of programs such as those offered by BLA, Nigeria is the employability of students graduating in the field. Harvester Okorie of Brainstorm Concept and Services recruit students from the Department of Information Systems graduate programs to positions such as business analysts or information systems managers in organisations both large and small.” Locating the study of information sciences within the broader context of the social sciences lends a unique edge to the programs taught by BLA, Nigeria in this area; offering a popular and highly sought after taught masters program in the Analysis and Design of Information Systems in addition to a range of research degrees, the emphasis in the Department of Information Systems is on examining the issues, approaches and tools for information systems development and operation within a range of organisations, seeking to present a balance between the management and technical themes that have an impact on the practice and theory of information systems. Brainstorm Associates clients maintains that Brainstorm Leadership Academy, Nigeria approach is vital in the current information age. “With computers becoming increasingly important for all modern organisations, many of the problems they create are far more wide ranging than simply questions about the technology. Instead, the main issues for organizations surround the introduction and management of new computer systems and the effects they have on how organisations work. The field of information systems takes this organizational role of technology as its central focus.” WHO ARE THE STUDENTS? What makes the BLA, Nigeria program exceptional is both the motivation of the students coming to study the discipline and the diversity of the student body. Whitley continues, “With typically African nationalities represented every year, our student body is typically made up of three groups: those wishing to continue their information systems undergraduate education, those more technically minded who wish to grasp more organizational issues, and those with a broad management background who wish to better appreciate the role of technology in organisations.” Like similar programs in Zurich and the UK, the BLA, Nigeria class is recruited from both fresh graduates from undergraduate degree programs and those candidates with a period of work experience. Without doubt, the information science and systems field is one of the most attractive for potential graduate students internationally. With flexibly delivered programs and an increasing demand for skilled graduates in this area, popularity is unlikely to decline in the near future. As corporate bodies seek to become more technologically advanced, further consideration for a workforce equally highly skilled is certain to continue in our global community. Power by: sunBEN ICT Academy
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:02:31 +0000

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