INSECURE AND CULTURALLY INDOCTRINATED MEN. After extensive interaction with S. Sudanese men. l have come to realize the most culturally indoctrinated men are Dinka men, followed by Nuer men and then Equatorian men. You would expect with education, wordly exposures or empathy their would be a greater level of enlightenment. However, that is seldom the case. You find a good number of our men asserting aggression towards our women. May it be mentally, physically or emotionally. They are threatened by and fear independent, free thinking or assertive women. lntelligent, educated or successful women or girls striving to achieve beyond cultural and community expectations are often looked at with disdain. This causes our men to be engulfed with insecurity which makes them feel their manhood is under threat and their identity is being discarded. They perceive intelligence, assertiveness or success to be soley their right and no one else. Thus, the language most familiar to them is aggression and undermining women.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 03:31:50 +0000

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