INSECURITY: Abuja Residents Work, Worry LIFE in the Federal - TopicsExpress


INSECURITY: Abuja Residents Work, Worry LIFE in the Federal Capital Territory may not be the same for a long time. Like in most parts of the North where the Boko Haram insurgency has sent fears down the spines of the people, residents of the Federal Capital Territory have cause to live in fear of the unknown. Social life in the city had been great fun until bombers and terrorists found their way into it, killing and maiming innocent citizens. Even the terrorists’ attacks on the Police Headquarters and the UN Building in the city, did not seem to have as much impact on its economy as the twin bombing that occurred in the Nyanya and the one that shook EMAB Plaza in the Wuse 2 area of the metropolis recently. More threats from the members of the Boko Haram sect have further instilled fear in the minds of the people who now tread with lots of caution. It is now common sight in most places to see operators of business premises putting lots of security measures in place. For example, at the NNPC mega station in Wuse Zone 3, motorists are screened with metal detectors before they are allowed into the station to buy fuel or transact any other business. It is the same scenario at the popular GSM village, also in Wuse Zone 3. The threat by the group to hit more targets within the city has sent jitters down the spines of residents, especially when the police confirmed such threat. The police had recently alerted the nation and residents of the FCT of the plot by terrorists, especially transport companies operating within the city. In sending out the security alert, the police, through the then spokesman, Mr. Frank Mba, said: “Credible intelligence reports at the disposal of the Nigeria Police indicate that terrorists have perfected a plot to carry out attacks on the Abuja transport sector. The attacks, which are intended to cause panic amongst Abuja residents and visitors alike, are planned to be perpetrated through suicide bombings, or through the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) concealed in luggage, bags, cans, and other receptacles.” The Police High Command, therefore, while ordering FCT Commissioner of Police and other the others in the adjoining states to beef up security at major parks around Abuja and its environs, enjoined the general public, particularly those within the Federal Capital Territory, to be roundly vigilant and report any suspicious person, object, movement or activity to the security forces without delay. “Meanwhile,” the statement added, “the police authorities enjoin citizens not to panic as the security forces are working round the clock to neutralise and effectively deal with the threat. As part of additional efforts at forestalling the attacks and strengthening security around the transport sector, the police high command has called on the management of motor parks to ensure that travellers and workers’ safety comes first. “It charges them to constantly conduct regular and routine scanning of their environments while insisting on carrying out a thorough search on passengers and their bags as well as vehicles entering and leaving their parks. It also advises that such searches must have the active participation of the passengers involved and warns that any item or luggage unaccompanied by any passenger must be rejected outright and should not be allowed into the vehicle. “Passengers are also enjoined to be on the look out for any passenger who might come in with luggage but will attempt to disembark without such luggage. While operators of motor parks are strongly advised to discourage overnight parking of vehicles at motor parks, particularly by unknown persons, the police authorities further advise motor park workers to reduce congestion at the parks by disallowing indiscriminate parking of private cars, tricycles and motorcycles at the precincts of motor parks. “In addition, the police high command advises that the general public in other places outside the motor parks should also monitor their environment as the terrorists may likely shift attention, having known that their plots have been uncovered.” The reasons for the warning by the police, which came a few days to the end of the Ramadan, manifested first in Kaduna and then in Kano during the Sallah celebration. First, it was an explosive concealed in a refrigerator brought to a motor park by a wheel barrow pusher. The refrigerator was supposed to form part of the luggage meant for a Port Harcourt-bound luxury box. That was followed by suicide bombers throwing explosives into a Catholic church while teenage female suicide bombers were also on the prowl in the ancient city of Kano. Added to these was the rumour of terrorists targeting the Ambeez Shopping Plaza in Abuja. Operators of the various motor parks across the city have been operating with utmost care, screening visitors coming into the park as well as their luggage. In some instances, touts have taken over the parks while a handful of security operatives are around to keep watch. At the Jabi Motor Park, it was business as usual as touts are constantly busy scouting for potential passengers while security agents carried out surveillance within the park. An official of the park was quoted as saying that they were in God’s hands as the insurgents were targeting everybody and not just motor parks, adding that efforts the union had made for government to upgrade the park had met a brick wall. He dismissed police claims that terrorists were targeting motor parks alone, arguing that everybody had become the targets of the group. He noted that even people held up in traffic have reasons to be afraid. The Nation gathered that operators of motor parks in the city are not leaving anything to chance as some of them barricade the entrance with used tyres to prevent unwanted vehicles from gaining access. They only leave enough space to accommodate one vehicle at a time. In the major markets where vehicles are allowed in, security guards attached to such places conduct a stop and search on visitors before they are allowed into such places. At the Garki market, visitors and traders are frisked to avoid anyone sneaking into the market with explosives. Even after the search, they are made to pass through the entrance gate and follow the exit gate when leaving. Investigations revealed that the authorities of the University of Abuja have also taken measures to ensure the safety of its students who had just resumed from a prolonged closure. When The Nation visited the Gwagwalada Campus of the institution, students were seen on a long queue and were being screened before they were allowed into the campus. Similarly, corps members who reported to NYSC orientation camp at Kubwa recently were subjected to thorough screening by armed soldiers before they were admitted into the camp. Officials of the NYSC said it was part of the safety measures being taken to safe guide the corps members. However, many residents are apprehensive that in spite of the security measures in place, there is still cause to fear since checkpoints mounted by security operatives are causing traffic jams within the city. They are afraid that terrorists could take advantage of the heavy traffic to carry out their nefarious act. They are particularly concerned about the heavy traffic on the Abuja/Keffi Road. Yakubu Musa, a commercial driver who operates along the Abuja/Keffi Road, told The Nation that he is always very anxious to get off the traffic along the road for fear of any eventuality. He said: “My brother, I am always afraid any time I find myself in traffic jam because you don’t know where these people will come from. We appreciate what the security people are doing, but they should know that it is risky to keep people in this hold-up for too long. Sometimes, you will stay on the same spot for several minutes before you move. Sometimes, they will not even search people and yet they allow the traffic to build up.” Some people have, however, made their own arrangement to avoid being caught up in the traffic jam. For example, a civil servant with one of the ministries in the FCT was quoted by a national daily as saying, “since I heard the threat story, I have decided to be leaving home as early as 5 am to avoid the hold-up. I also leave town late so that I will not be caught up in any traffic jam. “We now live in fear. I have stopped my wife from going to the market as frequently as she used to do before now. We used to go out once in a while with our friends to relax in the night, but insecurity has stopped that.” Another resident, who identified himself simply as Mallam Sale, is unhappy with the situation which he said has affected his business. Sale, who claimed to be a trader, said he was worried because members of the Boko Haram sect don’t just issue threats that they do not carry out. He said: “The threat may take some time, but they always carry out their threats, especially when people have begun to forget that there was such a threat. Everybody is running about now, but soon, we will all relax and they will strike. That is my concern and that is why I am scared. If you watch closely, you will realise that we took them for granted when they threatened to invade Abuja and before you knew it, they bombed Nyanya.” Places of worship are not left out of the security measures. Some churches visited within the city have set up barricades where they carry out search on visitors and members before they are allowed into the church premises. In some churches, only vehicles belonging to known faces are allowed to pack close to the church while handbags are not allowed into some of the churches. Security experts, however, believe that although the situation is scary, there is need for Nigerians to be on the alert. They believe that while Nigerians believe that the government is not doing anything about the situation, it would be worse if nothing was being done. A senior police officer, who craved anonymity, told our correspondent that the government and the security agencies were working hard to bring the situation under control. He noted that it is not wise for the government to disclose what it is doing to curtail the activities of insurgents, pointing out that the Boko Haram sect is not the only one terrorising the country. While noting that security should be taken as the business of everybody, he said Nigerians must also help the government by informing security personnel about suspicious persons and movements around them. He gave the example of a young boy who alerted the police about a vehicle filled with explosives and targeted at a mosque in Kano. He said: “Do you know how many people would have died if that boy had not been vigilant and informed the police about that? These terrorists are not ghosts. They live among the people, they eat with people, and they relate with people. If we can get enough information, they can be stopped. I also know that government has been working on getting the latest technology that will help in the fight against terrorism.” Another resident, Musa Idris, believes that barricading the roads is not known to have produced any result leading to the arrest of insurgents. The arrests so far made, he said, have been done through intelligence report and cooperation by members of the society. He argued that the government should find better ways of checkmating the activities of the insurgents rather than subject the people to severe hardship through roadblocks that create unnecessary hold-ups. Patrick Karim, who works with an IT firm in Abuja, said his parents had been piling pressure on him to abandon his job and return home because of the security situation. He said: “My parents, especially my mother, want me to leave Abuja and come back home. But I have told them that even in the South, there is insecurity and that if they want me to leave Abuja, they will have to get me another job. Even if they do that, I will have to first evaluate the job, compare it with what I am doing presently and be sure that I will derive job satisfaction from it better than the one I have now before I leave. Otherwise, I am here to stay.” While Patrick is not considering moving out of the city until he is sure of something good, many others, especially those engaged in private businesses, have started relocating their families from the city, believing that the current situation has to do with the 2015 presidential elections. Others who have gainful employment are working their transfer out of the city, believing that Abuja will not be a safe place to be during the elections. While some have argued that their decision to leave the city is a result of the current state of insecurity, others are complaining of dwindling economic activities in the city. -The Nation
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:57:36 +0000

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