INSERT 100- Part 2 A week had passed and Thando’s condition - TopicsExpress


INSERT 100- Part 2 A week had passed and Thando’s condition was at a standstill. There was no progress whatsoever. Sizwe and I were there every single day for hours on end. Thando’s father needed the support and I kept wondering where the rest of the family was. It was only then that I realised that I actually knew nothing about Thando’s family. Sizwe and I were back in the apartment. It was just past midnight. Me: Sizwe Him: Hmm Me: What’s up with Thando’s family? Him: What do you mean? Me: Where is his mother? Is he the only child? Why is his father the only person here during this horrific time? Him: His parents divorced… I kept quiet. Him: Thando had a twin sister… Me: Huh?? Him: Ya Me: He had a twin? Did she pass away? Him: Yes when we were doing our first year she committed suicide. Me: What?! I sat up and looked at him. Him: No one knew what she was going through. Even after her death everyone was left dumbfounded. Me: But how? How did he cope?? Him: Thando is just like you. He shut it all out till he eventually became numb. I sank back on the bed. Me: Oh no Him: After she passed away it seemed like nothing happened. He completely blew it off. I kept quiet. Him: The divorce of his parents actually hit him hard. He loved his mother but he felt like he couldn’t leave his father after he got sick for a while. He felt obliged to stay with him and take care of him. Me: So the parents divorced after the passing of his sister? Him: Yes. His parents couldn’t deal with the whole situation. Instead of becoming a close unit they grew apart. Thando was just caught up in the middle but he chose to stay with his father. Me: Is his father good now? Him: He’s ok now. He’s a good man honestly… I kept quiet. Him: His mother is also an amazing woman. She’s a strong woman, untouchable. It’s a shame that their relationship couldn’t work out. Me: So Thando is the only child left? Him: No he has a little sister, Ondi. She’s 10 years old. Me: She lives with the mother? He nodded. Me: So the whole family is broken… Him: Not really. They’re still quite close it’s just that his parents aren’t together anymore. Me: Shame… Him: Ya… That’s why him and I formed a close bond. We relate to each other in a deeper level. We’ve been close since Orientation Week in our first year… I looked at him and nodded. Him: If he dies… I didn’t even want to think about that so I got out of bed and went to sit in the lounge. Sizwe’s negativity was really getting to me. How I can I keep my positive thoughts going if he keeps darkening them with doubt and fear? I sat in silence for a long time till I dozed off. I just kept thinking about how calm Thando made me feel. There was so much sincerity about him. I was just praying that God keeps him alive so I could make up for all the times I dismissed him and made him feel unwanted. After all the things Sizwe told me, I could now see how unhappy he was… He was withdrawn… I felt someone shake me. I opened my eyes. Me: Hmm Sizwe: Come to bed Me: No Him: Inathinkosi Me: Leave me alone Sizwe, please. I closed my eyes and tried going back to sleep. My heart was so heavy. Minutes later I felt him next to me. He repositioned me and made me lay on top of him. Him: Are you mad at me? I ignored him and tried to push away the pain that was brewing in me. I just felt so bad for Thando. Him: Baby Me: Hmm Him: What’s wrong? Me: I’m just tired Sizwe. He touched my face and made me face him in the dark. Him: Inathinkosi are you crying? I placed my face on his neck. Him: Ina please talk to me. I shook my head and cried silently. We lay there for some time till I felt better. I got up from him and made my way to the bathroom. I washed my face and went to the bedroom. I got in bed and lay there trying to gather my thoughts. After some time Sizwe walked in and got in bed. He switched off the side lamp and got closer to me. Me: Please stop projecting your fear… It’s getting to me. He nodded. Him: I’m sorry. Me: I know that you’re scared and you have every right to be but can we just try to stay positive. What’s the use of praying every second of the day if we don’t have faith that our prayers are heard? Him: I’m sorry. Me: It’s ok. He put his arms around me and kissed my forehead. Me: I’m trying to be strong here and God knows I want stay in bed and sink deeper into these covers. But I am not that person. Him: And that’s why I love you. We shared a kiss and eventually dozed off… _______ We were now in hospital. I went to stand next to the bed and stared down at Thando. All the bandages that were covering his face were now removed and I could finally see his face. He had a lot of bruises but he was still recognisable. I brushed his face and said a prayer. Thando’s dad came to stand next to me. Him: Thank you for being here. The support you have given me is highly appreciated. I know that he loved and cared for you deeply so your presence is appreciated. Me: I’d do anything for him. I hope he knows that. Him: He probably does… We stood there for a while till we heard footsteps. We turned and my heart nearly stopped. Olona, Nwabisa and Ona approached us. I didn’t know what to do. Sizwe had gone to get us food so it was just me, Thando and his dad. They finally got to where we were and Olona started screaming. Thando’s dad quickly went to her and held her. Olona: Thando wake up! She cried so painfully, her cries literally pierced my heart. I looked at Ona and she wouldn’t even look at me. She looked down and stood at a distance. Nwabisa came closer to me and gave me a hug, I accepted it and hugged her back. Nwabisa: How are you? I shrugged my shoulders. Olona eventually calmed down and went to stand next to the bed. She brushed Thando’s face. Olona: I am so sorry Thando. Please forgive me. She cried silently and we all looked down. Thando’s father came to stand next to me and I held his hand. It was all so sad. After a long time we heard footsteps. We all turned around. I saw Sizwe approach us and then behind him there was an older woman and a little girl… Thando’s father squeezed my hand and I knew that it was his ex-wife. I squeezed it back. Thando’s mother looked around and then looked at each of us. Her: Good afternoon. Everyone: Hello ma She looked at Thando’s father and then walked towards us. She opened up her arms and they shared a warm hug. Thando’s father held on to her :( After some time we all moved so she could see her son. She turned and looked at Sizwe. Her: Please take Ondi outside son She was referring to the little girl, who was Thando’s sister. Sizwe nodded and the put his arm around her shoulders. Sizwe: Let’s go get sweets Ondz. Ondi looked up at Sizwe. Ondi: Bhut’ Zwe Zwe I don’t want to go! Mom: Baby plea- Ondi: No mommy. I’m not going anywhere. Mom: Baby- Ondi: No mommy!! Daddy please tell mommy that I am not going anywhere!! She wanted to cry. Thando’s dad smiled warmly and opened his arms. Him: Come here baby. Ondi walked to her dad and held his hand. Him: There you go. You can stay, your brother needs you too! She smiled through her tears. Thando’s mother nodded and then got closer to the bed. She brushed her son’s face and stared at him for some time. There was silence in the room. The only sound audible were the machines. We all stared at Thando’s mother. Out of nowhere she turned around and faced us. She took a deep breath and exhaled, as if try to hold back her tears. Her: Come. She put down her bag and we all stared at her. Her: Everyone. Come. We looked at her confused. Her: Haibo anizwa na? Wozani! Everyone stood up and walked closer to the bed. There was something about this woman. I couldn’t help but think of my mother when I saw her… Her presence is that of a strong, black woman whose entire life is based on prayer. A woman who has been through so much shit but never falls instead her faith keeps her entire family intact. We all got closer to the bed. Her: Let’s hold hands… I am not going to lose a son while I am still alive. We all held hands… She said the most powerful prayer that everyone’s jaw was literally on the floor. We all just stood there dumbfounded. We couldn’t believe it. It moved everyone! Even the nurses who were there came to join us and stared at her when she was done. Her: I want everyone in this room to know that my son is already healed. I know this. I want each and every one of you to eliminate all negative thoughts and cleanse your hearts… No accident will take away my son… When he wakes up I want all of you to be here and I want all you to rebuild your relationships and stick together. This accident should be a lesson to everyone in this room. There is no time for anger and hurt. Live your lives and love each other just like Jesus loves every one of you. With that said she gave each of us a hug and went to stand next to the bed. Her: God always comes through… No doctor will tell me to put down my son. I just stood there amazed. I was left feeling like a new-born. My heart was revived and I knew that Thando would make it. And indeed he made it :) All in the name of Jesus of course :)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:58:54 +0000

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