INSERT 39 It was now Monday morning and my body was not having - TopicsExpress


INSERT 39 It was now Monday morning and my body was not having it. I didn’t even sleep for one bit that night. I kept replaying how rude I was to Tinashe and how puzzled he was at my sudden change of mood. Nwabisa stayed up with me and tried to encourage me and make me feel better but I knew I was in deep shit. What was I going to do when I get there?? He was probably going to look at me and tell me to go back to where I came from. I sank deeper into the bed and growled. Nwabisa: Ina come on! According to his profile he is the Head of Finance and Human Resources so he probably won’t be the one conducting the interview. Me: HR is responsible for recruiting and selecting candidates Nwabisa! I’m so screwed! I wanted to cry but nothing was coming out. Me: I’m not going there! Nwabisa: You’re crazy wena. Me: Nooo! Her: Relax! She pulled me out of the bed and led me to the bathroom. Her: Take and nice long shower and get back to your senses! I took off my clothes and got in the shower. When I was done I went back to the bedroom and Nwabisa had ironed my formal dress and blazer. Me: You’re so sweet Her: You’re going to nail this interview! Me: Ugh! I got dressed and we went to the lounge where she had prepared breakfast for me. Me: I’m a nervous wreck. Her: Calm down man. I sat down and ate. Me: I feel a bit better now. Her: Are you ready to go? Me: I think so… We got up and I took my things. We made our way to the car and she drove off. Me: We still have an hour and 30 minutes. Her: The earlier the better. Just then my phone rang. I checked the caller id and answered. Me: Thando Thando: Ina Me: Unjani? Him: I’m good. Nikuphi because I’m outside. Me: The apartment? Him: Yes. Me: Oh we’re on our way to the company… I have my interview today. Him: That’s why I came here. Isn’t it in an hour or so? Me: Yes siphume quite early. Him: Where are you now? Me: We’re almost there. Him: Ok then I’ll meet you guys there. Me: Shap Me: Bye. I dropped the call. Nwabisa: He wants to see you? I nodded. Her: How sweet. After 30 minutes we finally got to the place. We sat in the car. My heart rate was now on another level! I was panicking! Nwabisa: Breathe! Me: I’m screwed! She tried comforting me and then something caught my eye. Me: Wait! Her: What?? Me: Look! I pointed to her side. She turned to look. Her: Is that him?? I nodded. Her: Oh shit! Me: Nooo! Before I knew it she was outside talking to Tinashe. I sat there like a zombie and watched as Nwabisa hugged him. Everything happened quite quickly. Now all I know is that I was outside and I was standing opposite Tinashe. Nwabisa: I’ll give you two some space. She got in her car. There was an awkward silence. Tinashe cleared his throat. Tinashe: I’m sorry to be rude but I really don’t have time to waste. What is it you need? Yooh! What happened to the sweet guy?! :’( I cleared my throat. Me: Listen Tinashe I’m sorry about yesterday. Him: What exactly happened yesterday? Me: I was rude to you. He looked at me for a long time. Me: I’m genuinely sorry. Him: Would you have apologised if I wasn’t the one would had the power to shape your future career? I looked down. Me: Probably not. Him: So that makes me know that your apology is not sincere. I felt the tears trying to come out. I felt so humiliated. Him: This should be a lesson for you. Do not treat people like shit because it will come back to haunt you. I looked at him. I was shocked to hear me swear. Him: I’m not mad or anything, I’m just shocked that you go around being mean to people who have not harmed you in any way. I kept quiet. Him: This makes me question your character and whether you’re the right person for this job. Me: That incident is not a reflection of who I am. That was a temporary thing and it should not be related to the bigger picture. He looked at me shocked. I also had no idea where that came from. Him: The second I saw you at that party I recognised you from your CV photo. I found a way to join you and your friend and see how you behave outside formal settings. Me: Besides my rude incident, was I that bad of a person? Him: No Me: Then that’s exactly why that incident shouldn’t be used to tarnish my image. He kept quiet and looked at me. Him: What I did like was how you found a way to comeback after your friend and I pointed out that “wee wee” means yes yes. That could have been an embarrassing moment but you found a way to turn it around and make it relevant to the context. I nodded. Him: So I guess you’re not that bad. Me: There are many layers to a person. It’s quite unfortunate that you witnessed the layer that everyone else, including you I’m sure, keeps behind closed doors. He smiled. Me: I apologise for the way I acted but I refuse to let go of this opportunity. He nodded. Him: You’re a fighter. Me: Indeed. I’m a passionate person and unfortunately yesterday my passion took over and as a result I came across as rude. Him: And what exactly were you passionate about yesterday Mademoiselle? Me: I think I’ll keep that to myself :) He chuckled and nodded. Him: Ok then. I accept your apology. I hope your interview goes well. Me: Will you be conducting it? Him: Sadly no. Two top management members will be conducting the interviews. My heart rate went up. Me: Management members?? Isn’t that too drastic?? He laughed lightly. Him: It actually is but one of them insisted on doing the interviews. I have no idea why. Me: Oh no! Now I’m really nervous! That’s so intimidating! Him: Relax. You will be fine. I have to go now. I need to educate our interviewers about all the interviewees coming today. He pulled out his hand and I shook it. Him: Good luck Mademoiselle. Me: Thank you. He nodded and walked away. Moments later Thando car approached the parking lot. Nwabisa got out of the car and pulled me in for a hug. Her: I told you he’d be chilled! Me: I’m so nervous! Her: Ina! Thando got out of the car and stood with us. Nwabisa filled her in on everything that happened. Thando: Yoh so is he fine now? Nwabisa: Yes he’s such a sweetheart. Thando: That’s good mos manje why are you freaking out Ina? Me: He’s not the one who will be doing the interview! Thando: Ubani kanti? Me: He said two members of management will be doing it. Apparently one of them insisted on being part of the process. Thando: Really?? That is so weird. Top management is never involved in the recruitment and selection process, worse eyama interns not even employees. Yoh mos this company is deep! Me: I know! Thando: You’ll be fine man. You managed to get yourself out of the awkward situation with this French guy so I’m certain ukuthi you’ll nail it. Nwabisa: You have 15 minutes left! You need to go now! She came and gave me a warm hug. Me: Nooo I’m screwed! She let go of me. Thando got closer to me and opened up his arms. I threw myself at him. Me: I don’t wanna! Him: Ina you have so much drama… He squeezed me and let go of me. Him: We’ll be waiting for you here… I nodded. Nwabisa gave me my phone and I walked to the premises. I got in and the receptionist directed me to the waiting area. I browsed through my phone and read the lovely messages from my mom, dad and Zwelami. They were all wishing me luck. I felt slightly better after reading them. I switched off my phone and put it in my blazer pocket. While waiting there I said a little prayer and all the nerves calmed down. The receptionist’s phone rang and she picked it up. She told the person who was calling that Inathinkosi would be coming up in a few minutes. She then dropped the call and walked to me. Receptionist: Please follow me. Me: Ok I stood up and we walked. Her: Are you nervous? Me: Yes! She smiled. Her: I don’t blame you. One of the people who are interviewing you is sooo intimidating! He’s part of the top management and he doesn’t joke around. Me: Why would you tell me this seconds before I go in?? She laughed and shrugged her shoulders. Her: I’m just sick of you interns! I looked at her in shock. Bloody devil! She looked at me and winked. Her: There you go. Go in there. She pointed to a boardroom door. I was frozen. She pushed me and I walked towards the door. Her: Good luck honey! She walked away laughing. I said another prayer and opened the door. Hehe no weapon formed against me shall prosper angithi? I knocked on the door and heard someone say come in. I walked in and the room was huge. I got in and stood by the door. There were two men sitting down. Both so sophisticated and proper. I nearly peed myself. The one on the left smiled. Him (Left): Inathinkosi? I cleared my throat. Me: Yes. Him (Left): You may close the door and take a seat. I did as I was told. I then sat on the seat opposite them. The table was dividing us. I sat up straight and sucked everything in. Him (Left): Good morning Me: Good morning, how are you? Him (Left): I am fantastic thanks and how are you? Me: I’m great as well sir, thank you. I turned to look at the other man (right). Me: Sir, good morning. He (right) smiled and something switched on in my brain. It was so sudden that I started coughing. Him (Left): Would you like some water? Me: No thank you. I looked at the second guy (right) again. He (right) smiled warmly. Him (right): Morning Inathi. He (right) stared at me. I couldn’t remove my eyes from him too. The other guy (left) was busy talking about general things. I couldn’t really hear what he was saying but what I did catch was him patting the man whom I had locked eyes with and introducing him. Guy (left): And this right here is the Vice. The incomparable- Me: Sakhile… I continued to stare at the him. Me: Sakhile Tilane… So what do I do? Do I walk out of this room and call my father? Or do I break down as all the memories and experiences rush back and fill me?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 10:27:07 +0000

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