INSERT 52. (Guys i explained to you that i am busy andixoki xa - TopicsExpress


INSERT 52. (Guys i explained to you that i am busy andixoki xa ndisitsho and today was a very hectic day for me ndozela kwangoku but i will post this Insert elandelayo nakuyifumana xa ndiphinde nda free.. Love you still) We both ran to the kitchen ndafika mna ndasusa imbiza while Zimbini was busy laughing at me. I was so annoyed ndingasayazi ke ngoku ehlekwa nguye hay kaloku to me utshisa imbiza was not funny Me: mxm uhleka nton na wena? Her: hay my friend kuyacaca kupheke ivila namhlanje Me: uyadika uyevha Her: sorry ke chomy Me: andizuphinda ndipheke ke futhi singase silale silambile Her: ubuhleli ungafuni kakade i switched off the stove then ndahlala estulweni, Zimbini also pulled a chair wahlala naye Her: so awufuni ukwenza ipregnency test Me: ndiyafuna chomy ndizokwenza neHIV test ke futhi Her: chomy are you sure Me: 100% my friend i really wanna know my status Her: ok ke bhabha just know i am here and i will always be here for you Me: i know that chomy and thanks maarn Her: for? Me: everything. Zimbini you are always here when i need you andazi uba ndenza ntoni to deserve you Her: zange wenza nto chomy Her: now tell me what can i possibly do to say thank you for all the love and support youve given me Her: just take good care of yourself ungaze ulale nenye indoda ngaphandle koLuxolo Me: deal Her: if nohlukene ke uzo... Me: hay chomy asoze sohlukane He: greate spirit ke sisi and please dont tell Lux about this Siya thing its gonna kill him Me: yhoo ndingumbambo azihlalinto nje mna kodwa ndizozama Her: hayi zuzama, makangaze ayazi loo nto uLuxolo or atleast untill uteste ke Me: ok chomy andizumxelela ke Her: good ke mntanam. TWO WEEKS LATER.... It was Tuesday morning. I woke up feeling ready to face my problems. I was ready to take responsibility of my actions. I was ready to correct my mistakes. I always knew that step1 was to find out wheather i was HIV possitive or not, was to find out wheather i was pregnent or not. So i cleaned the house and then washed my body. I wore a white dress ema apha entla kwamadolo ndanxiba nesandle emhlophe my hair was still a mess but it was kinda hot so ndathwala ihat emhlophe. I was all white. I was ready for a new start. I took my bag, loked the house then ndahamba. I got the taxi ndayofika etown. Ndonyusa iqaqa ndayotsho esibhedlele. I got there ndatsho kwaku security ba ndifuna icala labakhulelweyo, she directed me ndayo ngena. Ndaqala nge HIV test. They did the pre-test counsilling sogqiba ndatesta ndenza nepost- test counsilling. I was HIV negative but was told that i was still in a window period zendiphinde ndibuye after 3 months. I was kindof relieved but ke ndingekho free ncam kuba ndisazi ba after 3 months every thing is possible. Ndenza nepregnency test nayo yabuya inegative hayke kwangase nditatsalaze qha ndoyika uba abantu bazothini na ngam. I walked out of the hospital feeling great. I decided to call Lux waphendula Him: baby wam Me: hi, unjani? Him: im good mntwam, wena? Me: not good Him: ooh utheni ngoku sthandwa sam? Me: its you Him: what did i do? Me: undimithisile Him: WHAT! NO: NO MAARN! YOU HAD YOUR PERIODS NJE! Me: so what? Him: you cant be pregnant Inga no maarn you just cant Me: ndizonqandwa yinton? Him: how did you? Me: hayke bububhanxa obu undibuza bona Him: uyazi nini? Njani loonto? Me: now ndiphuma esibhedlele Him: look Inga ndicela sidibane baby ndiza apho etown please we need to talk face-to-face Me: ok sodibana eMonument kt uyeva Him: ok mntwam. I love you right Me: i love you too baby. We hung up yhoo akalogwala mntanenkosi. Ndaqala eSpar ndathenga izinto ezisweet nje for ba sihlafune nobaby then ndaya eMonument. I waited for less than an hour wegqi uLux Him: baby he said that kissing mylips. I just looked at him Him: im sorry baby. I really didnt mean to he cupped my face and made me look at him Him: i love you with all my heart and this wont change that Me: what? Him: baby i promise i will support the baby but ke if you feel like arboting i will support you still Me: i was kidding baby Him: what? Me: im not pregnent Him: haybo Inga Me: bendidlala baby Him: mxm then waphethuka wemka wandishiya apho ndaphakama and followed him. Wakhwela etaxin eya eBika. I really hoped he was gonna get out but azange yagcwala itaxi yemka. I was left there standing like a fool.....
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:04:20 +0000

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