INSERT 53. Hayke i dicided to go home ngoba uLux wayendishiye - TopicsExpress


INSERT 53. Hayke i dicided to go home ngoba uLux wayendishiye nyhani. I went to my taxi renk ndagoduka. Fika kwam ekhaya ndakhulula and wore my pjs then ndazenzela ukutya ndatya ndibukele itv. I dicided to call Lux bendimkhumbula and besides i wanted to apologise bendingamazi ba akakthandi udlala. I called him about 3 times engayiphenduli iphone yakho mxm ndamyeka ke nam. I watched tv untill i fell asleep. Ndothuswe kobo buthongo yicall i took my phone and checked who was calling to my suprise it was my dad ngoku bendicinga nguLux Me: ey daddy Him: hay khawuvuke Me: ndivukile Him: good ke mntanam. Awurhaleli ukuya eMthatha Me: uhmm Him: masiye eMthaha Me: ok tata. Uphi wena? Him: ndisendleleni esuka eMonti ngoku Me: ok tata mandilungise Him: ok ke mntanam. Byee we hung up. Mxm i didnt want to go ke sheim. Mybe its for the best that i go yhazi so that ingqondwana le yam izotsho iphole. Ndaphakama and packed my stuff. Bendingazazi ba ndizohlala ixesha elingakanani so bendixakwe noba ndipakishe nton ndiyeke ntoni but ke i finally packed some in my sport bag. Then changed again ndanxiba eziya bendizinxibe emini ugqiba kwam ndalinda utata. After about 30 minutes ndeva ngeknocked, i just knew ba nguye lowo Me: ngena gangqa u Olona weza kum ebaleka wafika wazijula Me: yhoo awusindi ndatsho ndimfunqula Her: uxolo ke sisi wam Me: yhoo awuthethi nje ke loo nto i put them down Me: baphi abanye? Her: basemotweni kuthwa masikhawleze Me: abazungena Her: nop she said that shaking her head :v ishory ke mntanenkosi ayingangamntu. I just smiled and took my bag sahamba. We got to the car Olona: daddy ndize naye ephila Me: yhoo hee molweni Dad: enkosi mntanam Stepmom: siyabulela Olona. Unjani Inga? Me: fine unjan wena? Her: ndiright nam Me: alisalele nje eli ntshontsho Dad: oko lilele siphuma eMonti ke loo nto im starting to get worried. Inga nguSihle lowo uhleli ecakwakhe, shes also your sister Me: eyy Sihle. Unjani? Her: im fine Dad: hay Sihle utheni wena wangambuzi Her: bendimvile ngoku ebexelela umama Mom: masihambeni bethuna ndilambile mna. Dad drove semka Mom: Inga kutyiwaphi apha kule town yakho Me: theres KFC, theres Zebros, theres Hungry Lion, theres Sizlers, theres.... Sihle: wooh pheza uwright uZebros Dad: my princess ufuna nton wena? Cwaka akwabikho mpendulo Dad: Inga? Me: tata? Him: ufuna utya ntoni wena? Me: no im full dad Mom: akhomntu ungazutya ke apha Me: please yhoo bendihluthi nyhani Her: my word is final Me: ok i said that in complete defeat. Mxm lo mfazi ngathi ufana nje nomamam funa kuviwe ngaye. I suddenly missed my mom. I actually imigined how great my life was going to be great if my mom and my dad sisnt break-up, if things were different, if i was the child born by a happily married couple, in a warm, loving family. Inga!! my stepmom disturbed my trail of thoughts Me: mha? Her: yhuu kunini ndikukhwaza. We need directions kaloku Me: just drive through dad usendlelen uzombona. Kamnandi wabe sembona wafumana indawo yoparka then bahamba nomkakhe bayothenga. Sihle was completly quite ecofa ifown yakhe, nam ndizithulele but ndingacofi fown koz uLux bendiqumbele so bengekho umnye umntu ebendizothetha naye. I really had to change my situation. My stepmom seemed more nice i guess wayesoyika uba sizomthathela umyeni wakhe ngokuya wayengasfun but now shes free. I kindof wanted us to be a real family like ndimphathe njengomamam ondizalayo. Bendingafun kureplacer umama ngaye but i felt like God had a reason ngothatha umamam andinike istepmother so bekufuneka ndiziphathe kakhle and treat my stepmom with respect. Babuya ootata bephethe iilunchboxes for us all satyani then sahamba. My phone rang it was Luxolo i picked up ngoko nangoko Me: hi Him: baby, im sorry i over reacted Me: oh Him: i know ubudlala maarn but baby please ungazuphinde Me: ok Him: utheni ngathi usendleleni nje Me: jha ndiya eMthatha Him: ungandixelelanga? Me: how was i supposed to tell you iphone yakho ungayphenduli? Him: haybo you shouldve sent an sms Me: why? Him: hee Inga uyataka ngoku? Me: why would i? Him: ohh uya kule ndoda yakho ikumithisileyo? Me: ucime iphone yakho ba awsazi ba yithin kum Him: yhazi Inga kungcono sivele sohlukane kunalendlela undiphethe ngayo Me: hee hay ke ngoku wacima iphone yakhe umntu sana yangase ndisikhwaze phezulu isikhalo but ndonqena uxoxiswa trouble in Piradice said mom Me: i guess so Sihle: shame uzobaright Dad: you dont need him mntanam haybo was the convesation loud or obvious na, uthen le nto wonke umntu wayazi ba ndaliwe. We got home. I went streight to my room and sent Lux an sms BYEE LUXOLO BUT JUST KNOW THAT I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU the threw myself ontop of the bed, hugged the pillow and cried my eyelashes out.....
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:10:54 +0000

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