INSERT 54 In the evening there was a knock on the door. I went - TopicsExpress


INSERT 54 In the evening there was a knock on the door. I went to go check who it was and it was Mpumi. Mpumi: Hey hey Me: Hello Her: May I come in? Me: Sure I moved out of the way and she got in. Her: Is Sizwe done? I thought we’d have pre-drinks before we leave. Me: He’s in the bedroom. She smiled and nodded. Me: You can go to him. She nodded and walked to the bedroom with the bag she was carrying, probably had booze. I went to the lounge and carried on with what I was doing, which was nothing… Minutes later they both emerged from the bedroom and came and sat in the lounge. Mpumi: Let’s drink up Sizwe: I’m driving Mpumi. Her: We’ll call a cab! Him: Have you ever seen me in a cab? Her: Ohho She took out the wine she had brought and started drinking from the bottle. I stood up. Me: Enjoy your night. Sizwe: Where are you going? Me: Ngiyolala Mpumi: Ina it’s like 8pm! I shrugged my shoulders and walked to the bedroom. I got into bed and laid there trying to figure out when and how I had turned into this sheep that tolerates such nonsense. This was plain disrespect. I didn’t even know what to do. I was bored and frustrated. As I was lying there Sizwe walked in and sat on the bed. Him: Inathinkosi. Me: Yes. Him: Are you good? Me: What do you think? He kept quiet. Me: You insist on asking me that question knowing very well what the answer is… Him: Why aren’t you angry? Me: You’re doing all of this just to make me angry? He kept quiet. Me: I’m actually glad you’re brought her here. It’s high time I get it through my thick skull that you do not belong to me… This cycle is exhausting. Him: What do you mean? Me: As hurtful as all of this is, I really need to stick to my initial decision and that is to remain friends with you. It’s good that you’re with her right in my face. I’ll get used to it through time I guess… Him: I wasn’t doing this for you to react this way. Me: How did you want me to react? Him: I don’t know… Just not this way. Me: Weren’t you the one who was saying that we either shouldn’t date or be with other people in each other’s faces? He nodded. Me: So why would you deliberately bring Mpumi here knowing very well that I’m not yet secure about our friendship or whatever this relationship is? He kept quiet. Me: You can be so selfish and thoughtless at times but it’s chilled. At the end of the day you and I are not together anymore and all that talk was just nonsense. I just fail to understand why you would intentionally do something like that knowing the type of person I am. Him: I’m sorry. Me: Here I was thinking that we’d spend your last days here in peace. We were doing just fine. I was hoping that by the time you leave we’d be in a more stable place but you just had to go and do some reckless shit. Uyadina man Sizwe. Him: You’re making me feel bad. Me: And that you should. You’re telling me that you came all the way to Cape Town to disrespect me? I was doing great before you came as well. Don’t come here stress me out please. Go back to Cape Town with your friend ningiyeke please. I’d rather we not talk to each other than tolerate such… He stood up and walked out of the bedroom. I got up from the bed and walked to the lounge. Me: Do you mind going to your room Mpumi? Mpumi stopped dancing and looked at me. Her: Excuse me? Me: Your music is too loud and I’m trying to sleep. She stopped playing the music and looked at Sizwe. Mpumi: Uhm Me: Uhm what? She looked at me in shock. Me: I think you’re grown enough to know that what you’re doing is invading and disrespecting someone else’s space. Her: What? Me: Am I stuttering? Her: Sizwe! Me: Sizwe yani? Hamba naloSizwe wakho niyorasela kude. She gasped. I walked back to the bedroom and sat on the bed. Sizwe came in. Me: If you’re here to defend her then don’t bother. I’m trying my best to keep calm. Him: I understand. Me: Just go Sizwe. I got into bed. He walked out of the bedroom and after a while I heard them get out of the hotel suite. I called my mom crying about all of this and all she said was that I deserved it. She didn’t even want to listen to the whole story. Mom: You keep allowing all these people back in your life. It’s your entire fault. Me: I don’t do it intentionally. Her: You teach people how to treat you. All these people are behaving like this because you have allowed them to. When you left this house you had gotten better but now that Sizwe is back, you have thrown all your progress out of the window. Me: I hear you. Her: Get it together sisi. You’re wasting your time and emotions with all of this nonsense. Me: Ok Her: Bye bye ke Me: Shap. I hung up and tried to gather my thoughts. What they don’t get is that I really want Sizwe in my life and the reason I was not being too hard on him was because I knew that it was going to take time for us to establish a good and solid friendship. I was willing to fight through the bumps we would face, honestly. I heard the door open and Sizwe walked in. He changed into his pyjamas and then went to switch off all the lights. He came and lay next to me. Me: Back so early? Him: I keep messing up neh? Me: Yep Him: Ngiyaxolisa. Me: Sure. Him: Mpumi is a bit irritated but I explained to her what’s going on between us and I think she gets it. Me: She does? He nodded. Me: Alright. I’m just glad she’s not too talkative otherwise ngabe sililwe. Him: I know… So we’ll spend my last few hours making up for lost time neh? Me: Shap Him: I’m sorry. Me: It’s ok but nawe you need to think before wenza izinto ezibheke eceleni Him: Angithi nawe awungikhuzi Me: Kanti I’m your mother mina? Him: Mxm. Me: Now let’s put that behind us and enjoy your last few hours. I threw myself at him and hugged him. Me: I love you. Him: I love you too.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 12:15:04 +0000

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