INSERT 57. She looked at him, smiled and shook her hand Lux: - TopicsExpress


INSERT 57. She looked at him, smiled and shook her hand Lux: but if uthi 6 months... Her: Lux dear andimathiswanga nguwe. Sagqibela last year November ungasebenzisi condom, remember! Him: but nangoJanuary sakhe asayisebenzisa Her: i took morning after pills ndakuxelela nje Him: still i dont believe you I held his hand atleast i didnt want to hear everything and naye wayengathi ulibele noba ndikhona Him: hay maarn Ntombi khawubale kahle saani. Ngowam lo mntwana Her: ayingowakho she was so polite yayingathi ubuyisa irevenge or something. Her friends were staring at us. Mna yayingase kufike laShark kaYona wasebhayibhileni indiginye iyondigabha eZithulele. Him: ubujola nam ndoda kaloku untill February ngoku useDurban Her: dont be so sure i let go of his hand because their convesation was getting serious and it felt like iseninzi into esezothethwa. The two needed some privacy so i excused myself ndeechuu. While i was walking back to Luxs home i was hoping that he would come running after me and beg me not to leave him but nha that was not happening. I never thought uLux umfuna kanga umntwana that hed even beg his ex to confess that the child is his. Ndahamba ke ndodwa ndade ndayofika ngasegatin yakuloLuxolo. Atleast kwakungekudanga kakhulu and ke kusezilalini so its easy to find your way. I didnt know noba ndingene na kuloLux. I debated with myself untill i came to a conclusion that mandingangeni mandimlinde azondifaka ngoku kwakhe. Ndahlala phezu kwelitye elingekudanga kakhulu kunegate. I hugged my legs ndabeka intloko yam phezu kwamadolo and looked Luxs direction. I kept hoping that hed come but nkqi. Ndithe ndisahleli njalo kwegqi uLoid ephuma egation kowabo Him: Inga? I looked up at him andathetha. He came closer Him: utheni wahlala apha? Uphi umntakwethu? Me: usevenkileni Him: beningayanga nobabini na? Me: i left him Him: why? Me: because.... I couldnt say it Him: Inga? I hid myface between my knees. I didnt want to cry atleast not phambi koLoid ke Him: kwenzekani Inga, please talk to me he held my face and made me look at him Me: udibene necherry yakhe Him: akanachery maarn uLux apha Me: unayo kanti i didnt want to believe what i just said yayingase kubekho umntu ozondivusa athi no Lux and that girl were joking. Ndithe ndakufikelela kule ingcinga ndaziva zitshisa iinyembezi ndaqonda uba mandizikhulule zenze umsebenzi wazo. Hayke ngokukhuthala ezam iinyembezi zaphuma ngoko nangoko zaleqana ukwehla. Loid held me Him: phakama siye endlini ndaphakama nam saya endlini ndafika ndahlala ebhedini ndacuntsula kanobom kule yeentsana. Inga ndeva ngoLuxolo endikhwaza. Hee caba ndilile ndade ndalala besendombathisiwe ke ngoku. Loid was sitting on the chair ethule cwaka Me: yhe? I pushed that with anger Him: haybo uyalila Loid: uyambona moss ba uyalila Lux: ulilela nton baby Loid: yhe Luxolo ubumsaphi uInga xa uzazi ba unecherry Lux: haybo uNontombi sohlukana. Inga is my only girl Me: bekusenzekan pha evenkileni? Lux: yheey ke loo nto akufun tu uthetha inyani but i can feel that ngumntwana wam lowa Loid: omphi? Lux: lo umithwe nguNontombi bra Loid: uNontombi umithi? Lux: jha. Uthi ayindim kodwa ndiyakuxelela bra ndim lowa masibheje Loid: ungazileqeli ilahle fondini Lux: ha,a ayililo tu ndiyakuxelela mntakwethu ndim lowa Lux was so excited about this baby thing and mna andiziqondi nje uba ndizoyipasa ke le. Lux and Loid finally stopped talking about the baby bebethetha ngeemoto ngoku. I was dissapointed in Lux most of all i was hurting. The pain was becaming more painful as i was quite. I stood up, went to my bag ndakhupha iipijimas zam. Ewe ndandiphethe iipijamas andingomntu ukuqhelileyo wena utaka so ndandingayazi ba ndiphatha nton nanton and besides it was winter so i wanted to be warm Loid: yhoo wakhupha impahla yolala umakoti mandihambe nam. Nize nilale kakhle watsho ephuma engaphendulwanga Lux: awulambanga Me: nop Him: ok ndisaya endlin waphuma. Ndakhulula ndanxiba iipijama sogqiba ndangena ezingubeni. Yakhala iphone kaLux iphezu kwetafile. Yakhala about 3 times then ndadicider uba ndiyibambe Caller: masidibane ngase shop ndoku ndizokuxelela inyani ngesi sisu ndavele ndayicima andazazi noba ndimxelele na uLux or ndithule ngoba okokuqala zange ndaphendula phone yakhe okwesibini ke ndizothini kuye icherry yakho ithi dibanani ngase shop what if uyaya how was i going to feel?
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 18:54:18 +0000

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