INSERT 77 #Amahle I had been at home for a week after I got - TopicsExpress


INSERT 77 #Amahle I had been at home for a week after I got excluded. My dad still had no idea whatsoever that I was no longer a student. I couldn’t even look him in the eye. I spent my days at home with my little brother, Lethu, and avoided my dad as much as possible. Lily (my stepmom) and I don’t have a close relationship at all. I really resented her for distracting my father from my mother’s death. As selfish as that it, I genuinely thought she made my dad forget about my mother completely. My little brother’s birthday was coming up and we were planning a surprise party for him. I was responsible for everything, seeing as I had all this time to myself. I had sent out invitations to all of his friends’ parents and had sorted catering and decorations as well. The party was in two days… We were all in the lounge watching TV when Lethu brought his birthday up. Lethu: Daddy. Dad: Yes son. Lethu: My birthday is in two days. Dad: Hmm Lethu: Daddy! Dad: Yes boy. Lethu: My birthday! Dad: Ngikuzwile mfana. Lethu turned to look at me. He seemed touched that my father was paying him no attention. Me: Let’s go watch cartoons in my room. He stood up and I got up. Lily: Supper will be in an hour. I took Lethu’s hand and we walked up the stairs and went to my bedroom. We got in and lay on the bed. I switched on the Cartoon Network. Lethu: Hle Hle. Me: Yes Lethu. Him: My birthday is coming up. Me: I know. Him: Are you going to get me a present? Me: I don’t have money buddy… He sulked and we continued to watch the TV. After an hour we got up and went downstairs. Lily dished up for us and we began eating. Dad: I bumped into Aya this afternoon. Me: You did? My dad nodded. Dad: He was on his way to the doctor. Me: He’s been having headaches lately. Dad: He did mention that… Me: I’ll check on him tomorrow. Lethu: Can I also come with? Me: Okay. We carried on eating and chatting. Both my father and Lethu had accepted that Lily and I would never get along. We didn’t even fight or anything drastic. We literally didn’t say a word to each other and it wasn’t even awkward anymore. After we were done I helped Lily with the dishes and went to play video games with Lethu. After two hours we finished up and I put him in bed and he dozed off immediately. I went to my room and took a shower. Just as I walked back in and had started lotioning myself my phone rang. I checked the caller id and it was Aya. I answered. Me: Hello. Aya: Hi baby. Me: I thought you would never call. Aya: It was a busy day. Me: Dad says he bumped into you in the afternoon. Him: Ya he did. Me: How is the headache? Him: I drank some pills earlier. I feel better. Me: I feel so bad. Him: Amahle it’s just a headache. Me: But I should be there making you tea or something. Him: I’ll see you tomorrow angithi. Me: Yes and Lethu insists on tagging along. He chuckled. Him: Did you manage to get the jumping castle for his birthday? Me: Yes, thank you for the contact. Him: Sure baby. Me: Get some sleep please. Him: Okay. Me: I’m serious Aya! Him: Okay I promise! Me: You better. Him: What are you doing? Me: Just finished showering. Him: Hmm Me: Hai wena! We both laughed. Me: Good night. Him: Good night baby. Me: I love you. Him: I love you too. I smiled and dropped the call. I finished up lotioning myself and got into my pyjamas. I got in bed and watched movies till I passed out. *** I spent the next morning finalising all the details for Lethu’s 9th birthday party. Everything was sorted and the rest would be dealt with on the day. At 1pm I took another shower and got ready to go see Aya. I called my dad and told him Lethu and I would be spending the rest of the afternoon with Aya. I went downstairs and told Lethu it was time to go. I got my car keys and locked up the house. We got in the car and I drove off. Lethu: Is Aya fine now? Me: What was wrong with him? Him: Daddy said he had a headache yesterday. Me: Yes he is fine now. Him: Okay. He carried on talking till we got to Aya’s parents’ house. Whenever he was not at work he spent his days with his family. They buzzed me in and I drove in and parked the car. We got out of the car and made our way to the other side of the house where his whole family was. They were all sitting outside and braaing meat. Aya’s mom, Pam, was coming out of the house when she saw us. She came to us. Pam: My babies! Me: Hello ma. Lethu hugged her. Pam: Aya is inside love. Me: Okay. Lethu: I wanna say hi to him. Me: Okay. Pam: All your friends are in the pool Lethu. Me: He’ll join them… Pam: Okay then. She walked to where the gathering was and we walked inside the house. We got in and found Aya in the lounge. He looked up and smiled when he saw us. Me: Hello there. He stood up and opened up his arms. We shared a hug and he kissed my cheek. He let go of me and looked at Lethu. Aya: Buddy. Lethu: Does your head hurt? Aya: Not anymore. Lethu: Oh okay. Aya: How are you? Lethu: I’m okay and you? Aya: I’m great man… Lethu: Tomorrow is my birthday. Aya: Is it? Lethu: Aya you forgot my birthday! Aya: I’m sorry it slipped my mind. Lethu looked at him. Me: Lethu go play with the other kids. He ran off. I looked at Aya. Me: Your eyes are bloodshot red. Him: I’m just tired. I looked at him. Him: I’m fine Amahle. I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him. Me: These headaches are worrying me. Him: It’s work stress. Me: Are you sure it’s not me? He chuckled. Him: Why would you stress me out though? I shrugged my shoulders. Him: The only thing stressing me about you is you lying to your father. I kept quiet. Him: You need to tell him you got excluded Amahle. Me: He’s going to hate me. Him: Your father is very forgiving… Me: I’m not ready. Him: Varsity opens this Monday. What are you going to do? Me: I’ll go back. Him: And do what? I kept quiet. Him: I don’t like this lying thing. It’s not cute at all. Me: Please don’t make me feel worse Aya. Him: Okay but as long as you know where I stand. Me: I do! I get it! He wrapped his arms around me and we kissed. Pam: Hai nina. We stopped and looked at her. Pam: Aya we need more meat. Aya: Would you like me to get some? Pam: Please… Aya: Okay. Pam: Hle Hle would you like some food? Me: Yes please. Aya: Let’s get the meat first. Pam: Hei ke ngoba akafuni ukuhlukana nawe! I smiled and looked at Aya. Pam: Do you see his eyes? Me: Yes, I told him ukuthi I’m worried. Pam: I’ve book an appointment with a neurologist. I’m also worried. Aya: Can we get the meat now? Pam: Okay baby. Aya put his arm on my shoulder and we walked out. Aya: I don’t like it when you gang up on me. Me: Get over it. We got to the car and he drove off. Him: I have to tell you something. Me: Yini? Him: I quit my job. Me: What?? Him: I quit my job. Me: Why?? He shrugged his shoulders. Me: What’s wrong? I thought you loved it there. He kept quiet Me: Kodwa Aya. Him: Ungakwati. Me: I’m not. I’m just shocked and confused. Why ungashongo ukuthi you’re not happy there? Him: It’s just… He kept quiet and drove in silence. Me: I guess your happiness comes first. He looked at me briefly before focusing on the road again. *** I really enjoyed spending time with Aya and his family. They all treated me with so much love and respect. Their family dynamic was so different to ours at home and I knew that’s why I loved it so much. They were a big family and they were tight. Being around that environment had a great impact on me. It was now time for Lethu and me to go home. Pam: So we’ll see you tomorrow. Me: You must come at around 1pm. Pam: Alright. Me: Okay then goodbye. Pam hugged me and went back to the gathering. Lethu was sad that he had to leave. This happened every time we went there and it was just a revelation of how he also craved a good wholesome home. Aya, Lethu and I walked to my car. Lethu got in and Aya and I stood outside. Me: I’ll see you tomorrow. Aya: Can’t you stay? Me: Sleep over? He nodded. Me: I can’t. Him: Why? Me: Just… Him: You think you’re special wena. He held me and we stood there for a while. Me: How’s the headache? Him: Better. Me: Did you drink your meds? Him: Yes ma’am. Me: Okay. I looked at him and knew he was in pain. He wasn’t himself. Me: I love you. Him: I love you too baby. We kissed and he held me tighter. Me: You can let go of me now. He let go of me and I got in the car. I started it and drove off. When we got home Lethu went straight to bed and I went to discuss the party with Lily and my dad. Me: One of you has to take him to the mall or zoo or wherever tomorrow. You’ll have to get back at 1:30pm. Dad: I’ll do that. Me: Okay. The jumping castle people will be here tomorrow morning to set up. Dad: What about the caterers? Me: They prepared the food today. They’ll bring everything over in the morning. Dad: And they decorations? Me: They’ll be up in the morning. That’s why I need you to take Lethu away. Dad: Okay sisi. Lily: Do you need any help? I shook my head. Dad: Okay then siyolala manje. Tomorrow is obviously going to be a long day. They got up and went to their bedroom. I switched off all the lights and locked up. I went to my room and watched movies. I was awakened by my phone ringing. I got up and reached for it. I answered. Me: Hey Aya: Did I wake you up? Me: Aya you always ask me this! He chuckled. Him: I’m outside. Me: Okay. I dropped the call and walked out of my room. I got out using the back door and used the small gate instead of the other one. I walked to Aya’s car and got in. Aya: Baby. Me: Hmm. He pulled me towards him and lowered his seat. I lay on top of him. Me: How’s the headache? Him: Ngi-right. Me: Okay. We lay there in silence and he wrapped his arms around me. After a while we both dozed off. I felt him kiss me. I opened my eyes and kissed him back. Him: The sun is up. Me: It’s going to be a long day… Him: You’ll pull it off. I looked at him. Me: I love you. Him: I love you too. Me: I’ll see you later. Him: Okay baby. Me: Don’t forget to get Lethu everything he asked from you. Him: Don’t worry I’m sorted. Me: Okay. We kissed again and I opened the door and got out. Him: Bye my love. Me: Shap. He started the car and drove off. I stood there and stretched. My whole body was aching. I walked in the yard and went to my room and took a long shower. *** It was now 11am and I was busy running around trying to sort everything out when someone picked me up. Me: Aya not now! He put me down and smiled warmly. Aya: Let’s breathe… I looked at him and he took a deep breath. Him: Join me. I punched him lightly and went on to instruct everyone. After 2 hours my phone rang and it was my dad. I answered. Me: Dad. Dad: Niqedile lapho? Me: Yes. We’re just waiting for everyone to get here. Him: How much time do you need? Me: An hour. Him: Okay then… Me: Bye. Him: Bye. I dropped the call. Everything was definitely sorted. All that was left was for people to come. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and it was Aya. Him: You’ve been dismissing me the whole day. I need love. Me: Don’t be a cry baby. Him: I need love. Me: Mxm. I held his hand and we walked in the house. Lily: The food is here. Me: Do you need help unpacking? Lily: No I’ll be fine. Me: Okay. Lily: Go take a shower and relax while we wait for everyone. I nodded and walked up the stairs with Aya. We got to my room and he lay on my bed. Aya: Baby promise me something. Me: What? Him: That you’ll build a relationship with Lily. Me: She’s not my mother. Him: But she’s your brother’s mother. Me: Half-brother. Him: There is no such thing as half aunt, half-sister half whatever in our culture. You know we don’t believe in any of the Western stuff. Me: Mxm. I took off my clothes and went to the shower. When I got back Aya had fallen asleep. I lotioned myself and as I was about to get dressed he got up and smiled. Me: Ngithi ulele. Him: No ways. I unwrapped my towel and got on top of him. Him: I need love. Me: Argh stop Aya! He laughed and we began kissing. He held my butt and he spanked it hard. Me: Ouch! He laughed. Him: I’m trying to be kinky. Me: No! We carried on kissing. I felt him unbuckle his belt and somehow slid out of his pants. *** Moments later we were both lying on the bed facing the ceiling. Me: Do you feel loved now? Him: Could be better. Me: Hai suka. I got up and got dressed. I pulled him up and he got dressed as well. When we were done I grabbed my phone and we headed out hand in hand. When we got downstairs we could hear the noise and laughter. We bumped into Lily. Lily: Everyone is here. Me: Okay. I dialled my dad’s number and told him to come back. He told me he was just around the block. We silenced everyone and waited for the gate to open. We could hear them walking towards the backyard. Lethu: Daddy I wan- Everyone yelled “surprise”. The look on his face was priceless. He jumped up and down and threw his ice-cream on the ground. He ran to his friends and the party commenced. Dad walked to me and smiled. Dad: Usebenzile. Me: Yes I did. Dad: Good job... He looked at Aya. Dad: Son… Aya: Baba. Dad: Unjani? Aya: Kuyazameka baba… Dad: Siyajabula makunjalo. He walked inside the house. Aya: You did a great job baby. Me: Thank you. Him: I love you. Me: I love you too. We stood there and watched as all the kids jumped on the castle and others were on the water slides. Lethu was in his own world. *** The day was absolutely amazing. It was just what I needed to boost my energy and mood. Lethu was beyond happy. After 7pm everyone began leaving. By 9pm the whole place was finally empty and the cleaners would come the next day. I was worn out… Aya: I’ll see you later ke. Me: Okay. Him: I love you. Me: Me too. We shared a kiss. Aya: Nisaleni kahle. Dad: Uhambe kahle… Aya: I hope so… I walked him out and we stood by his car. He wrapped his arms around me and inhaled deeply. Him: I love you so much. Me: I know you do. Him: Whenever you go through shit just remember that I love you. I looked at him and smiled. Him: You’ve brought so much love and light in my life. Me: You too. Him: I love you. Me: I love you. We shared a kiss. Me: I still don’t get how my father hasn’t seen your car every time you come here after midnight. Him: 2 years yonke. Me: Cabanga… Him: I might not make it today. Me: It’s fine. I’m tired nami. Him: Are you sure? Me: I’ll see you tomorrow. He nodded. I kissed him again and we stood there for a while. Me: You have to get going… Him: I do… Me: Bye. Him: Ngiyakuthanda Amahle. Me: Nami. He kissed my forehead and let go of me. Him: Good night baby. Me: Good night. He stared at me for a long time before finally letting go of me and getting into his car. Me: Uhambe kahle. Him: I doubt… I waved as he started the car and drove off. I got in the house and we sat in the lounge and listened to Lethu telling us about his day and showing us all of his gifts. After a while we all went to sleep. I got to my room and went straight to bed. I didn’t even bother showering or getting into my pyjamas. My phone beeped and it was a message from Aya. I didn’t even get to read it because I dozed off. Someone shook me roughly. Me: Hmm… Dad: Amahle! I kept quiet. Dad: Amahle! He shook me harder and I opened my eyes. It was still dark. Me: No but I’m sleeping dad. He sat on my bed and looked at me. Me: What? He stared at me. Me: I want to go back to sleep. Him: Something has happened Amahle… He looked down and scratched his head.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:49:46 +0000

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