INSIDE THE SONGS with Dennis Alstrand and Mike Montana, Today our - TopicsExpress


INSIDE THE SONGS with Dennis Alstrand and Mike Montana, Today our conversation about our take of TWO OF US. Mike: Hi Dennis. Today we look inside the song TWO OF US from LET IIT BE ... Paul wrote the song about riding around London with Linda ... not really knowing where they were going ... but I always felt that the meaning applied to his wanting to continue to work with John Lennon and he cleverly used it in the Let It Be movie to try to rekindle their partnership ... because on fist listen ... without previously hearing Paul talk about what the song was really about ... thats exactly what I thought it was all about ... Whats your take on that? Dennis: Almost exactly that. Mike: Thanks and join us next time on Inside The Songs ... LOL! Dennis: Could we have more sire, please sir ??? Mike: [chuckles] ... yeah ... Dennis:It was fun...see you next time. For years I thought it was Paul singing a song to John. Mostly because of the great line You and I ahve memories, longer than the road that stretches out ahead It turned out to be prophetically tru But then Paul and Linda have bot hrevealed that it was about her love of going out in the country and just getting lost. And, might I add - It turned out to be prophetically true But then Paul and Linda have bot hrevealed that it was about her love of going out in the country and just getting lost. And, might I add! When I learned that, my wife Sandi and I tried to do that! We were living in the SF Bay Area and tried driving north of the bay up in the headlands and hills, and could never get lost! It seems like a fun idea Mike: The song as performed in the studio is also one of the really bright moments in a rather dreary movie. It is a fun idea ... I used to do that in my sports car in the Seventies ... just tool around in the country seeing things that you might not ... in a regimented way. Sometimes I swear that Michael Lindsey-Hogg, the director, picked every lousy moment in that movie and stung it together However ... Lennon seemed almost completely disinterested in any of Pauls encouragement during that shoot and recording session ... Dennis: I read a book that didnt transcribe but described all of the tapes of the month long sessions. The authors, who were strong Lennon fans, came away with a real respect for McCartney. During that month, everyone kept losing interest . McCartney would try a lot of respectful means of getting them to put on that last show. For Two Of Us, one more point about the lyrics Paul has maintained that he didnt always focus his songwriting - necessarily - on one thing. In this case I think there are two references to John. The you and I have memories line and You and me chasing paper, getting nowhere. They were going to play in Greece, but the others bugged out. they were gonig to play in something like the Coliseum, and then on a boat. The others would agree, then lose interest. McCartney knew there was one more throw of the dice for this most famous group I can also see how despondent things were for them as a group during this phase. They looked tired and worse for wear at this time. Drug use ... lifestyle ... that had to enter into it. They looked as unhealthy as I have ever seen them. and in that state ... [I have been there] its almost annoying having someone be so boyant while you are in a shitty mood ... Dennis: Im sure thats the case. Why doesnt he just shut up for a while?? Another aspect was that for the first weeks of shooting the movie, they were in a film studio at 8AM with big lights on them and cameras rolling. I wouldnt like that if I was in a GREAT mood. You have a point that I didnt recognize. The shooting and editing did look for their worst. The argument between Paul and George while doing Two of Us is an example Yeah ... and that 14 seconds between Paul and George is now so blown out of proportion that you would think they had been in a knife fight.. Dennis: hahaha!!!! Thats good! Mike: People forget that groups work together with idea and approaches .. especially the beatles .. and also forget that in their working dynamic ... the songwriter dictated the approach for the most part ... however... considering the moment in time and their mood ... little things like this bugged them whereas in earlier or better times it would have ben been no big deal. Dennis: Those of you who saw the movie are aware that there are two almost wholly different versions of Two of Us...thats the song we were talking about right? There was a fun version recorded on January 24th and 25th (1969). Paul and John were clearly having a ball together. Shoot, if they would have left more scenes like that in, it would be a fun movie. The only negative about those two takes were that Paul over-hammed the You and I have memories part. But for most of the song, John and Paul are on one mic, smiling and laughing. Awesome. Then there is the last day of recording for the album, January 31. Somber spirits have prevailed. Paul has moved from bass to acoustic guitar. George is playing bass lines on his Fender That is the version that opens the Let It Be LP Mike: I am always amazed that even at this low point for the as a group ... they could pull it together to play so well ... they had an amazing telepathy together ... Dennis: Absolute telepathy. I think that really shows on the rooftop. They were enjoying themselves and there Paul would be, slightly behind John and grinning and John knew...and would grin back. Mike: anything youd like to point out about the playing or the tune itself, Dennis? Dennis: They were, as always, in lockstep with each other. Ringos bass drum is well up in the mix and - and I may be the only one who hears this - I think it picks up vibrations, somehow, of the chords being played. On the Let It Be Naked Cd, I swore for a while I heard a bass guitar...thats not there All the Beatles are professional, polished (at last) and play to the song. George is playing bass on guitar, Paul and JOhn are playing guitar on guitar, and Ringo is playing bass on the drums. A very pleasing sounding song. And when you toss in Pauls very excellent lyrics written to his new and old soul works. Mike: hmmm ... what an interesting thing to notice. I was just amazed that after all the scenes of them farting around and warming up [hardly intending for any of it to be shown in the movie ... after all they were in rehearsal for what was to be a big professional concert, as youve mentioned, to end the film ... that they could turn a switch on and be so damn good when they had to. The Beatles were money players .. meaning when the moment hit .. they rose to the occasion it was certainly a highlight of the movie and a great song to kick off the album... Last thoughs? Dennis: Yes. Watching that movie - as well as listening to bootlegs of them rehearsing a new song - always made me feel better about the bands I was in through the years. We wouldnt sound good and Id think of the Beatles in their farting around stages...and realize you dont have to sound good right away. But you hit the Nail On The Head when you said they were money players. They sure did switch it on when they needed to, all through their recording careers.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:07:51 +0000

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