INSIGHT OF EXODUS CHAPTER 33 There are some lessons we are - TopicsExpress


INSIGHT OF EXODUS CHAPTER 33 There are some lessons we are going to learn in this chapter and the first lesson is that, after the sin of the golden calf, GOD did not deny the children of Israel the Promised Land, for HE said To your descendants I will give it verse 1, HE did not deny them HIS protection, He said I will send my angel to go before you verse 2, because HE promised to be their GOD they will be HIS people Ex.19:6. What the LORD denied the chidren of Israel was HIS presence Ex.33:1-3, for HE said I will not go up in your midst verse 3 GOD didnt say HE would deny Israel HIS presence, essentially, what GOD meant was, I won’t stay so close to you, because I might wipe you out, but go your way. Why did GOD say, so because the children of Israel were still putting on ear-rings or ornaments and this iritated GOD to wipe them out, for GOD to see the ear-rings on them, HE was seeing the golden calf, so HE told Moses HE will send only HIS angel to lead the people of Israel to the Promised Land and we have learnt what angels do to disobedient people that they punish them instantly or kill them, that why GOD caution the people of Israel as we read in Ex.23:20-21, to be careful not to annoy the angel that HE will send to go with them. This was a challenge to Moses and the nation as a whole, GOD told them they could have the Promised Land, but HE would not remain with them in a close, personal relationship. If they were satisfied with that arrangement, it would prove they only loved GODS blessings and not GOD HIMSELF, but if they challenged GOD, by pleading with HIM for HIS presence, not only His blessings, it showed a genuine heart, for GOD HIMSELF this was the first step towards revival in Israel. To be given every blessing is of no value if GOD is not with you, What is the value of Canaan? What is the value of milk and honey? What is the value of having possessions, if GOD was not with them? They saw that the realization of the presence of God, having this fellowship and company, was infinitely more important than everything else, so the people asked for repentance. Therefore as born-again Christians, what is prosperity and riches in our lives if GOD is not with us? What is living in luxury, if GOD is not with us? What is having a mega church, if GOD is not with us? what is having the most prosperous business, lucretive jobs, etc. if GOD is not with us? We should therefore change and seek GODS close personal relationship than riches and honour for these things are vanity, note that your Promised Land today is heaven and dont miss heaven for earthly possessions. Another lesson we are going to look at is how the people repented and mourned. And when the people heard this evil tidings, they mourned and no one put on his ornaments Ex.33:4. An ornament is a person, an act, quality etc. that adds beauty, charm etc or to make oneself beautiful, or something designed or used to add beauty to something else. This was a good response on behalf of the children of Israel, they mourned the potential loss of GOD close presence, they cared about their relationship with the LORD, not only what HE could give them. This was a significant issue for Israel, because they could see the presence of the LORD in the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night, if GOD with-drew HIS presence it could be clearly seen that they could not see it any longer. The LORD has said I will come up in the midst of you in a moment and consume you, therefore now put off your arnaments from you that I may know what to do with you Ex.33:5. This is a clear statement from the LORD that HE is against anything that partain to beauty and ear-ring is one of them. So we understand now why GOD will punish anyone who puts on jewelries, make ups, wigs, perming of the hair, extended nails etc. be it a man or a woman. And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by Mount Horeb Ex.33:6. The people displayed their repentance and mourning by not wearing their ornaments and till date the children of Israel do not wear ornaments. They knew this was not the time for fleshy decoration, but for bringing the heart right with GOD, this was the second step towards revival among Israel. Just as the children of Israel repented stripped themselves for wearing ornaments, we as Christians, if we want genuine repentance and revival with GOD, let us stop putting on ornaments, because GOD is not interested in fleshy beauty, but an inner beauty of the heart that is right with GOD. The people who are concerned about revival, in a true sense, are not just out for a little bit of excitement, or interest, or some happiness, or phenomena, or coming with an attitude of something marvelous is going to happen and we are going to have a great good time, that is how we Christians of nowadays think in our churches, we call for revivals only for excitement and interest to raise money in the church and not with a repented heart and mourning as the children of Israel did unto the LORD. So if we as believers of JESUS CHRIST, are simply thinking about meetings, excitement, and something wonderful to happpen during revival, we do not understand what revival is all about. Another lesson is that after the people mourned and repented Moses led the nation in worship. Moses took his tent and pitched it outside the camp, far from the camp, and called it the tabernacle of meeting Ex.33:7, after Israel’s heart was turned towards GOD and after they humbled themselves by removing their ornaments, Moses took the next step towards revival and restoration of a relationship with the LORD, he initiated a determined effort to seek God, making his own tent a tabernacle of meeting. GOD told Moses to make a tabernacle of meeting when Moses was on Mount Sinai we read that from Ex.Chapter 25 to 28, but the tabernacle wasn’t built yet, this wouldn’t stop Moses from taking extraordinary measures to seek GOD, he determined to make his own tent a tabernacle of meeting. What Moses did was something that he did not organized or planned, but he sought the GOD radically and spontanously and this made GOD to touch the hearts of the people and everyone who sought the LORD went out to the tabernacle of meeting which was outside of the camp verse 7. By making the place of worship outside the camp, Moses clearly drew a line to see who really wanted to draw close to the LORD. When the Holy-Spirit of GOD begins to deal with any one of us, there will be this separation it will not be paraded, it will not be the Pharisees or I am holier than thou attitude, not at all, but once a man begins to bear the burdened for the glory of GOD and the state of the church, he immediately feels the call to consecration and living a holy life. Whenever Moses went out to the tabernacle, that all the people rose verse 8, the people watched and noticed when Moses worshipped, when Moses worshipped, they also worshipped Ex.33:9-10, Moses prompted the people to draw close to GOD by his own example. Do we draw people close to GOD by examples or do we make them to be involve in deep sin? Does our manners of worship and services to the LORD draw people we lead closer to GOD? Does our preaching makes people to be in need of JESUS CHRIST and change? All we do is to preach and encourage them to live in sin and promising them fake prosperity that never comes for years? The bible says the sacrifice of a sinner in an abomination unto the LORD Prov.15:8, therefore let us stop sacrificing abominable things to the LORD by sinning. Another lesson is that Moses seek to know GODS ways, for The LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend verse 11, the phrase face to face is a figurative expression, meaning free and open fellowship. Moses had not and could not see the actual face of GOD the Father in HIS glory, this is the sense in which John says No one has seen GOD at any time 1 John 4:12, yet one can spiritually have a face to face relationship with GOD, in the sense of a free and open relationship with GOD. Moses seeking to know GODS ways drew Joshua for he also wanting to seek GOD. The bible says Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle verse 11, the personal revival in the life of Moses was an example to the entire nation, but it was a special example to his servant Joshua, When Moses drew close to GOD, it also drew Joshua close to GOD, so much so that Joshua did not depart from the tabernacle. When Moses prayed for the people he told GOD, that GOD asked him to bring up the people, But You have not let me know whom You will send with me verse 12, for Moses, it wasn’t enough to know that he and Israel would make it to the Promised Land, in his estimation, the Promised Land was nothing special without the special presence of the LORD. GOD previously promised to send an angel with Israel Ex.33:2, Moses presses GOD on this point, to know exactly whom GOD will send. This was bold of Moses as he was begging urgently and repeatedly, Moses was determine to have GOD presence with Israel as close and possible as he drew nearer to GOD and said If I have found grace in your sight and consider that this nation is Your people verse 13. GOD honored the bold intercession of Moses and HE promised to restore HIS relationship with Israel. This was the next step towards revival and restoration of Israel’s relationship with GOD. This prompted GOD to answer Moses and said My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest verse 14, GOD answered Moses prayer, but Moses was not at rest for he continued to press GOD for affirmation of the promise. This shows that Moses boldly sought the LORD for the sake of his own relationship with the GOD and not for the benefit of the nation. My Presence will go with you, is literally My Face will go with you, this helps us to understand what it means when it says Moses met with GOD face to face Ex.33:11, it has the sense of in the immediate presence of GOD Moses said to the LORD, For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? verse 16, Moses knew that nothing the LORD could give them would truly bring them to the Promised Land, only the strong presence of the LORD HIMSELF could do that. Moses interceded for himself and the people of Israel, we as Christians can we do that also? Can we stand to beg GOD for an urgent restoration of HIS people back to HI?. We hold a lot of revivals that brings no results in the sight of GOD, let us therefore learn from Moses and let us interceed for the people under our leadership and when we do that the LORD willl hear our cry and touch the people to repent. Another lesson is that Moses seek to draw more closer to GOD for when he interceded for himself and the people the LORD said HE will do what Moses have spoken, For you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name Ex.33:17, GOD honored the bold intercession of Moses, and HE promised to restore HIS relationship with Israel, but Moses not not satisfy and desire a closer relationship with the LORD and said Please, show me Your glory verse 18. This hunger for more of GOD, for more of an experience with GOD is a mark of true revival and restoration in a relationship with the LORD, whatever experienced Moses had with GOD, he now wanted more. We may have being Christians for many years, but have we ever really longed for direct knowledge and experience of God? Oh, I know, we pray for causes, we pray for the Church, we pray for missionaries, we pray for our own efforts that we organize, yes, but that is not what I am concerned about. We all ask for personal blessings, but how much do we know of this desire for GOD HIMSELF? That is what Moses asked for, Show me they glory, take me yet a step nearer, give me some revelations, show me the things you wants us to know, teach me your laws commandments and ways etc. was Moses desire. Show me Your glory, this was an interesting request because Moses already saw something of the glory of GOD in Ex.16:10, Ex:24:16-17, yet he wanted more, he sensed that he had not seen anything yet. Moses was not satisfied, he seeked to see the glory of GOD, that is how revival in our churches should be, we should seek to see more of GODS glory than to just say we are being blessed as a church and we are conscious of HIS presence, or we doing HIS work, revival goes beyond all that, Moses in a sense was already conscious of GODS presence, but wanted more of HIM. Therefore we should change our atitute towards revivals, we should want more of GODS glory and HIS presence will be evidence in our lives. There is a different between GODS glory and HIS presence, the presence of GOD is, GOD leading us, guiding us, working HIS will in and through us, while HIS glory is everything that makes GOD, GOD, in all HIS characteristics, authority, power, splendor, abundance, honor, wisdom, literally the immeasurable weight and magnitude of GOD, are contained within GODS glory, nothing is hidden or held back. So with this definition we see that GODS authority, power, etc are lacking in our churches today, lets repent and GOD will manifest HIS glory in the earth and people will come to GOD by themselves. Another lesson is that Moses was asking, Show me Yourself in all Your splendor look carefully at GODS response, HE said, I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you, Exodus 33:19, what GOD meant was I will proclaim My own name and pass by you in all My splendor or beauty or I will reveal My character to you and not merely title. Also GODS glory lies in HIS goodness, when Moses saw the glory of GOD, his first understanding was that GOD was good. If we don’t know that God is good, we don’t know much about Him at all. Lloyd Jones spoke something about the statement GOD made to Moses I will stoop to your weakness, I will let you see something. but, much more important than that, I will cause all my goodness to pass before you, I will give you a deeper insight and understanding into Myself, into My character, into what I am, that is what you really need to know. You cannot see My face, for no man shall see Me and live verse 20. Nevertheless GOD told Moses that HE will protect him when HE passes before him, HE said Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock verse 21, GOD was about to reveal HIMSELF to Moses in a unique way, Moses had not known at that time that GOD is in Trinity, so GOD prepared event carefully to reveal HIMSELF giving Moses a specific place to stand. GOD said While My glory pass by I will put you in the cleft of the rock and I will cover you with My hand while I pass by verse 22. It is when GOD passed Moses and covered him that the LORD revealed to Moses that the rock his is standing is JESUS CHRIST. That is why the LORD said Behold there is a place by Me and you shall stand upon a rock, the rock of JESUS CHRIST, where we have the famous hymn Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee. The bible says and JESUS is seated at the right hand side of GOD the Father, so Moses standing on that rock was protected and that is why everyone who comes to JESUS is also protected. The LORD said I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen verse 23, Moses could only see GODS back or behind and not GOD HIMSELF. When Moses saw GODS back and GOD revealed to him, In the beginning the earth was void and empty......Gen.1:1 that is how Moses was reveal all that He wrote in the book of Genesis and part of Exodus and how he was born and the rest of the books GOD gave him the instructions to wrote them down in the wilderness. Let us strive to see the glory of GOD in our generation and HIS glory will change the world, but we cannot only see HIS glory when we geniunely repent and draw near to GOD in obedience and holiness. Moses sought the LORD in all that he could and he changed the heart of GOD, just as Moses sought to know GOD, we too should seek to draw closer to GOD. But how do we as Christians seek to know GOD? By obeying HIS word, studying HIS word, Meditating on HIS word, talking to HIM in pray, keeping HIS laws and statute, consecrating ourselves from sin etc. We should therefore learn from this chapter and seek to know more of the LORD, than seeking to know about earthly things that never last, we should stop to seek fleshy preaching of messages that will leads us to hell, we should stop to seek fame and recognition, we should stop to seek riches by robbing people of their resources. etc. Let us therefore repent and seek the LORD while HE may be found Prov.8:17. When we draw near to GOD four things happens at the same time (1) Revealing and concealing, blessing and protection all happening together at one and the same time. God rewarded the desire of Moses to see HIS glory as much as humanly possible, yet it cannot be compared to the revelation of that GOD has given to us in JESUS CHRIST. The bible says, But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor.3:18 CONCERNING LEADERSHIP 1. A Leader should lead GODS people into repentance and mourning. The people of Israel repented and mourned when they heard GOD said they should put off their ornaments Ex.33:4-5 2. A Leader should not put on ornaments to provoke the LORD. The children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments Ex.33:6. 3. A Leader should lead GODS people into worshipping the LORD after repentance and mourning. Moses led the Israelites into worshipping the LORD Ex.33:7 4. A Leader should seek to know the ways of GOD. The LORD spoke to Moses face to face Ex.33:11. 5. A Leader should learn to intercede for GODS people when they fall into sin. Moses interceded for Israel, so that GODS presence can go with them to the Promise Land. Ex.33:13-16: 6. A Leader should learn to draw closer to the LORD. Moses seek to see the glory of GOD. Ex.33:17. As we study the word, we should note that GOD still reveals mysteries to HIS children, HIS revelations are only for those who will seek HIM diligently, those who will draw more closer to HIM, those who will help to restore those who have fallen in faith, like Moses did to the Israelites, those who really wants more of HIM, like Moses, etc. Therefore we should repent from any sin that will make GOD to say I will not go with you in your christian journey, seek the LORD more fervently than before and know that GODS revelations are not limited for HE will show you HIS glory, just as HE showed Moses.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:40:15 +0000

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