INSIGHT OF LEVITICUS CHAPTER 7 This chapter contains the - TopicsExpress


INSIGHT OF LEVITICUS CHAPTER 7 This chapter contains the following offerings, Law of the Trespass Offering Continued Lev.7:1-10, The Law of the Peace Offering Lev.7:11-34 and The Priests Portion Granted by Statute Lev.7:35-38. We are going to examine them and see what we can learn from them. The first we are going to learn is law of the trespass offering it continued in this chapter as outlined from Lev.7:1-10. Likewise this is the Law of the trespass offering: it is most holy Lev.7:1, the laws governing the offerings were a set of special instruction for the priests to follow, the offering followed a similar pattern to previous sacrifices, the blood and the fat belonged to GOD and the meat portions could be shared among the priests, with its distribution determined by the officiating priest, remember that there are three holy offerings and four most holy and this trespass offering is one of the most holy. The people that brought their offerings to the Lord were the ones that must killed their animal to be sacrificed to GOD, the priest would sprinkle the blood at the sides of the altar, but not on the altar. The trespass offering was the same as it is with the sin offering, every male must take part in the eating of the offering in the holy place. The burnt offering was to be burnt completely, however the skin of the sacrificed animal was the property of the priest that made the sacrifice, the priest that officiated the offering kept the skin of that animal as a payment for his work. However in the peace offering, the skin went back to the one that brought the animal to be sacrificed. And every meat offering, mingled with oil, and dry, shall all the sons of Aaron have, one as much as another vs.10. On this offering there was enough meal left over that it could be split up and shared among st all the priests, the distribution was the responsibility of the officiating priest, but they were supposed to make sure that portions were equally distributed. Another lesson we are going to learn is the Law of the Peace Offering as outlined in Lev.7:11-34. And this is the law of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which he shall offer unto the Lord vs.11 A peace offering could be brought out of thanksgiving, out of a desire for fellowship with GOD, or on the occasion for the fulfillment of a vow or a voluntary offering In the thanksgiving offering, there were three different types of offering that could be made, the peace offering was looking for special mercy from GOD. And the flesh of the sacrifice of this peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten the same day that it is offered; he shall not leave any of it until the morning vs.15, the priest was not allowed to eat of the offering after the day that it was offered, all the offering had to be consumed that same day, or burned on the altar of fire. If any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted vs.18, the meat from a peace offering had to be eaten in a fellowship meal within three days, God didn’t want stale fellowship. Moreover the soul that shall touch any unclean thing, as the uncleanness of man, or any unclean beast vs.21, The point to remember here is that the sacrifices to the Lord are considered holy, if someone was in an unclean state and touched the sacrifice that was holy, he would make that entire sacrifice unclean, if you are unclean, take the steps to become clean before you partake in the sacrifice offering. Ceremonial purity was required of anyone who wanted to participate in the fellowship meal associated with the peace offering, this illustrates the principle that we cannot enjoy the peace of GOD until we have received HIS cleansing grace. You shall eat no manner of fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of goat vs.23 this instruction was given in in Lev.3:17, also, we learnt that we enjoy peace with GOD by giving HIM the best which was represented by the fat and by giving HIM our lives which was represented by the blood. Whoever eats the fat of the animal of which men offer an offering made by fire to the LORD, the person who eats it shall be cut off from his people vs.25 This principle is again, the fat speaking of the good and the abundance by giving our best unto the LORD and the blood speaking of the life which belonged to GOD which also represents our lives and had to be given to HIM. The breast may be waved as a wave offering to the LORD vs.30, this was a specific waving of the portion of meat or bread dedicated to the LORD, waving it before the LORD in a specific pattern, in this way, even though the priest kept the portion, he had still dedicated it unto GOD. For the wave breast and the heave shoulder have I taken of the children of Israel from off the sacrifices of their peace offerings and have given them unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons by a statute forever from among the children of Israel vs.34. GOD is telling us that He made the wave breast and the heave shoulder of the animal sacrificed the prime portion of the animal, to be the priests for the duties that he has rendered for the sacrifice. Where it states forever mean, as long as the priesthood last. We know that at the death and resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, HE became the one and only sacrifice for all times. JESUS has freed us from these numerous sacrifice and given us HIS life, therefore let us repent in anyway our salvation had been stained and make it right with GOD, for HE is waiting for us to be with HIM in heaven. Another lesson we are going to look at is The Priests Portion Granted by Statute as outlined in Lev.7:35-38. This is the portion of the anointing of Aaron, and of the anointing of his sons, out of the offerings of the Lord made by fire, in the day when he presented them to minister unto the LORD in the priests office vs.35, this statute became effective the moment that they were called and anointed into the priesthood: Which the LORD commanded to be given them of the children of Israel, in the day that He anointed them, by a statute forever throughout their generations. vs.36. This statute was to be offered as long as there was the need for animal sacrifice. But at the death of our LORD, the need for these animal sacrifices came to an end, for the blood of CHRIST was sufficient at all times. The book of Heb.10:10 say that Buy that which were sanctified through the offering of the body of JESUS CHRIST once and for all. This is the law of the burnt offerings, of the meat offering and of the sin offering and of the trespass offering and of the consecrations and of the sacrifice of the peace offerings vs.37, these sacrifices that we are studying here in Leviticus were but a temporary annual covering for the sins, but those sins were still on the books in heaven, however when our LORD died on the cross HE went back to those souls in holding in the prison of their souls and preached to them and many of them accepted and became sons of GOD. Heb. 10:12 says, But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of GOD. JESUS CHRIST shed HIS blood and allowed us to come to the Father and when JESUS ascended into heaven on the 40th day, HE sat down at the right hand of the Father. HE is alive in heaven and our mediator every day of our life, if we ask for HIS help; HE will quickly answer us and give us the help we are seeking. So if there is any help we want JESUS CHRIST to help us with, let us not hesitate to call HIM. CONCERNING LEADERSHIP 1. A Leader must be holy unto the LORD. The LORD said Likewise this is the Law of the trespass offering: it is most holy Lev.7:1 2. A Leader should work for the LORD and know that he has a reward from HIM. The LORD said As the sin offering is, so is the trespass offering: there is one law for them: the priest that makes atonement therewith shall have it Lev.7:7 3. A Leader should know that all the offering GOD commanded to be made to HIM in time of sin, has been atoned for by our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST. The LORD said, This is the law of the burnt offerings, of the meat offering, and of the sin offering, and of the trespass offering, and of the consecrations, and of the sacrifice of the peace offerings Lev.7:37. As we are reading GODS word, we have read of the coming of our LORD, but during the time of Moses and the children of Israel they camped at the foot of Mount Sinai, this is the way that GOD designated for them to approach HIM. However the law that HE gave the people are still in force for HIS people, even though the blood sacrifice that we are reading about have been taken away and fulfilled in the blood of JESUS CHRIST, we still have to obey and live in complete righteousness and holiness before we can see GOD in heaven. So if there is any sin in our lives, let us go before the LORD and cry out for mercy and HE will forgive us. Remain blessed.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 06:25:23 +0000

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