INSPIRATION BOOST YOUR DESTINY 47 MIND YOUR DESIRE...AND THIS WORLD WILL MIND YOU... Therefore I say unto you, whatever thing ye desire when ye pray, Believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24 One of the very powerful forces in harnessing the release of answers in prayers is desire. Great teachers and leaders of all ages taught this principle in diverse ways. Desires are the strings that pull out potentials... I have come to observe that anything I can desire, I can deliver! For you to desire a thing, it simply means the potential to birth it is inherent within you. Another amazing part to this is that potential is always in excess of desire...but it takes desire to elicit the trove of treasure. Ralph Waldo Emerson once quipped... Our desires presage the capacities that lie within us, they are the harbingers of what we shall be able to accomplish. Dear friend, if you can dream it, you can be it.... Napoleon Hill, the famous author of Think and Grow Rich wrote...Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Watch the desires that come to your mind on a daily basis...most times they are the flashes of your destiny... Its Gods way of making your destiny beckon at you in a blink... I always suggest that every young fellow should have a dream theatre or board where you have pictures of what you desire pasted. My great mentor, Robin Sharma calls it A dream collage. Ever thought of one? I love this other quote from Emerson... Theres nothing capricious in nature, and the implanting of a desire indicates that its gratification is in the constitution of the creature that feels it. So enlightening! Once again nature doesnt play games, if you can dream it you can be it. The bottom line is this, you are a co-creator, you design your life with the bricks of desires flowing through your mind. I must say this, Your conscious mind which takes information from the 5 senses has the duty of impregnating your subconscious mind With the pictures (visualisation) of your desires. The pregnancy develops through its gestation period and the result is The physical reality of your desires...this is the law of attraction simplified. I also know its a very wonderful way of praying to get results the biblical way. Remember, whatever you can desire in the place of prayer and faith you can deliver for all eyes to see. Have a fruitful day commanding exploits, Your friend in unlimited flight, Eagle.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 05:51:33 +0000

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