INSPIRATION FRIDAY: Think about long term progression! Thought - TopicsExpress


INSPIRATION FRIDAY: Think about long term progression! Thought I start the year off with a brilliant long term transformation. This is fantastic work from Legacy Trainer Adam Palmer & client Ian. For all you guys & girls starting healthy eating and fitness training this year, take note as Ian has been consistently working on his body for 2 years and its paid off! This is what Adam & Ian had to say about it: Adam: Ian came to me two years ago wanting to change. He had reached 40, his weight had ballooned to 101.6 kg and waist to 38. Something else that makes his journey even more inspiring is that he had also recovered from serious illness. Ian, like many who start a life changing journey had no gym experience, no idea of what foods to eat and had little confidence when training alone. This was going to change in a big way! Ians transformation isnt just about his new physique, his lifestyle has changed so much for the better! Ian: It hasn’t been an easy road, I was never sporty and there would be many Wednesday nights I’m sure all I did was complain at how hard it all was. The first time I came to do a chin up I couldn’t even lift myself up to the bar. Here we are almost two years later and I followed Adam to Legacy training. The programmes I’ve followed have been almost enjoyable!! I’ve got into the routine of turning out during the week and weekends and have planned very carefully for a healthier diet. Approaching 42 this year, I’ve never felt or looked so good in all my life and now weigh in around 80kg with a waist of 31 inches. I can now do at least 10 chin ups and dips too and although I still complain I have to admit it’s actually fun and a great relief from a stressful and full on job. I think I’ve become one of those gym junkies who can’t stay away, how did that happen? I’m buying new t shirts and looking at trainers thinking they will be good for going to the gym in! I’ve taken gym kit on holiday and on weekend breaks and found time to keep my programmes going but above all it’s worth it! Despite my lack of confidence and a poor body image; Adam has worked hard with me and I’m feeling the benefits. Thanks! And here is to 2015 with continued challenges. Adam: Ians the perfect example of somebody who had to make changes to his life and with hard work and consistency has achieved his goals. Ian actually reached 76.5 kg and 10% bodyfat, so proud of him. Have a great weekend, Sam
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 11:01:10 +0000

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