INSPIRATION (Giving direction to your day) Friday 15th August, - TopicsExpress


INSPIRATION (Giving direction to your day) Friday 15th August, 2014 SUPERNATURAL LIVING Text: “And God said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion...” Gen 1:26 The ultimate purpose for living our lives in God’s image and in his presence is to ensure that we live supernaturally. Having dominion in life. The life of Adam in the Garden was purely a supernatural one. His life was characterized by the following: A. He had supernatural supplies – he was not labouring out of sweat. His efforts were producing maximally. B. He was supernaturally healthy – there was no plan at all to take care of sickness. It simply did not exist. C. He was supernaturally at rest- there was no fear of thieves breaking in. There was no fear of accident. D. He was supernaturally protected. The garden was solely under the shadow of the Almighty. I strongly believe that such a life is also available to us today. It was the same type of life that God’s people enjoyed all through scriptures. Isaac sowed in a land that was said to be dry. He reaped an hundred fold in that same land. This was a supernatural harvest. By the supernatural hand of God we can make profit where others made losses. We can succeed where others failed. It has never been said before that the sea will divide and give way. Supernaturally the red sea saw God’s manifest presence and parted ways. The people of God went in a dry land unto victory. The same presence was far away from the Egyptians and they all perished in the same sea. Jehoshaphat and the armies of Israel went into the battle to establish God’s manifest presence. Without using bows and arrows the enemies were supernaturally defeated. May you also live supernaturally in Jesus name. PRAYER: In the name of Jesus I declare that every aspect of my life is supernatural. LEARN MORE: 2 Chron 20:12-22, Ps 114:1-8
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:50:06 +0000

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