INSPIRATION. .. RAISE THE BAR! What a glorious day this - TopicsExpress


INSPIRATION. .. RAISE THE BAR! What a glorious day this is? As the light of the dawn greeted my eyes this morning, the thought of the limitless nature of the human Potential hit my consciousness. There are unlimited capacities loaded into every mortal in so much that the greatest geniuses couldnt exhaust this mass. However, the question that begs asking is :Why is that many go through life anonymously? Why do many though born loaded still crawl into an unknown grave loaded with these highly valuable stuffs? Alas, they die with their music still intact and unsung! They end up enriching the graveyard. In order to avoid this tragedy of wasted existence and legendary potential drain. We must commit to the conscious practice of Raising the Bar on our capacities on a consistent basis. Human potentials want to remain capped, its our responsibility to uncap them by raising the bar. To raise the bar means... 1. To demand more of ourselves... A conscious effort of demanding more of yourself comes by stretching yourself beyond your previous achievements. Good becomes better and eventually the best when we stretch beyond the limits of our abilities... Peak performers in every field, whether it is Athletics, management, academics, sports etc. know that human abilities are like rubber bands which only perform great feats only when stretched... Each time we choose to stretch ourselves we push against the limits only to realise that the limits are moveable. The more we do this the more we realise that what used to be a limit is now a new zone of strength we operate from... Its such an elastic and limitless gauge subject to conscious stretching... So dear friend, what would you demand of yourself today? 2. To increase our expectations on what we can deliver per time knowing we are more than equal to the task Expectation sets a limit on potentials...if you expect more of yourself, the bar is raised and new strengths ooze out from you. Not to expect too much from ourselves is to remain grounded. Expectation is the mother of experience. What you experience is a function of your expectation in that particular direction. I believe this is the reason for strong affirmations and vivid visualisations as daily practice of champions. On a daily basis, affirm to yourself that you are more than what we have ever seen, a greater part of me is coming forth today! Also seeing it in on the screen of your mind until it becomes a command to your subconscious mind. As I close, when bars are raised, new levels of strengths and capacities evolve effortlessly. Dear friends, this may be the step your next level has been waiting for. I believe in your greatness... But only you can birth those heavy weight potentials. What are you waiting for? Its time to live full and die empty, never to enrich the cemetery. To your greatness, Eagle,
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 08:04:45 +0000

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