INSPIRATION WITH EFFECT FROM JUNE 2015 June 29, 2011 We must remember: our character becomes our destiny. Author Unknown --- Submitted by Teo Garcia --- Florida Heard this from an elder Rasta at a time I needed inspirational support. June 29, 2011 Your dreams are your wings; they will take you higher than the clouds if you dare to jump. Written in 2011 by Kezzi Mizen --- United Kingdom June 29, 2011 Sometimes the best things we can do for someone are the things we dont have to but choose to because of love! Copyright © 2011 Jon Hawks June 27, 2011 The more we LIVE, the more beautiful life becomes, no matter our time here on earth. Written in 2011 by Darlene Tencza --- Florida I wrote this after finding out that 2 beloved co-workers found out they have cancer of the brain or breast, in addition to discovering a schoolmate just passed from an aneurysm. While I live to the fullest, it is a reminder of how fragile life really is. June 27, 2011 All the statistics in the world cant measure the warmth of a smile. Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mohammed --- Saudi Arabia June 27, 2011 The bothersome, infuriating, and frustrating people in our lives need our attention the most! The epitaph of Will Rogers I never met a man I didnt like is a constant reminder there is good in everyone! Discover the good in everything and everyone and proactively choose to be an encourager! Do it every day and DO IT BIG!!! Copyright © 2011 Jimmy Hagewood June 22, 2011 Life is your circular clockwise motion fueled by love through good feelings! Written in 2011 by Daniel Berkwitt --- Illinois June 22, 2011 Going or looking backwards will never allow you to reach your forward blessings. Written in 2011 by Melissa Williams-Robinson --- Florida June 22, 2011 God helps those who help others. Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mukesh Pratap Singh --- India This statement can be tested in your day-to-day life. If you start helping others to achieve their goals, your goals will be automatically taken care by the natural powers (God). Tested by me, you can also test. June 20, 2011 I have learned to be tolerant and patient. I have learned to ask and seek; but more importantly I have learned to earn what I want. Best & greatest of all is that I acknowledge to seek Him first before anything or anyone else... Written in 2011 by Eduardo Meyer --- South Africa June 20, 2011 Acceptance, in the absence of a physical body, is to nurture the seed of their soul. Written in 2011 by Donna Avvento --- Connecticut June 20, 2011 Forgive and let it go so that we can live and Spiritually grow. Written in 2011 by Sonia McFarland Hamilton aka Brown Sugar I was inspired to write this quote because I have witnessed the results of when people are offended. They hold grudges and they are not willing to forgive or let go of the hurt caused by being offended. A great book to read is The Bait of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John Bevere. Life is too short to live with regrets and unforgiveness for eternity. June 8, 2011 There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees. Author Unknown --- Submitted by Mohammed --- Saudi Arabia June 8, 2011 Talking about GOD isnt talking about what our religion is, but its talk about HOPE, FAITH and LOVE. Written in 2011 by Andrew Parengkuan June 8, 2011 Lifes abundance is the integration of man as he approaches life from faith to love. Written in 2011 by Rowelson Longatang --- Philippines Actually this will be the first time if ever it will be published. Ive been pondering on the verses of 2Pet.1:5-8. I tried to re-write the statement in a formula like replacing the word add into + symbol. Come the following day I was able to express it in terms of integral calculus. And the rest is history. If ever there will be a formula for keeps I would want to treasure, this is the one that I will. Thanks and more power! June 6, 2011 Doing is very good, but that comes from thinking... Fill the brain, therefore, with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work. Swami Vivekananda --- Submitted by Jagdish Kaviraj --- India June 6, 2011 The only way through hell is THROUGH HELL. Written in 2011 by Tarek B. Halteh --- Jordan Keep Going, Put your faith in the LORD. Never surrender! June 6, 2011 We forget sometimes that there are saints living among us. When we meet them, we are reminded not just of the presence of pure divinity right here on earth, but also of our own potential, and of the responsibility we have to try and live up to it. Deepark Chopra --- Submitted by George Wachirah --- Kenya June 1, 2011 He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven. Thomas Fuller --- Submitted by Surya N. Bobbili June 1, 2011 There is always hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again and its new shoots will not fail. Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant. Job 14:7-9 --- Submitted by Ohumam Okoh --- Nigeria June 1, 2011 People ask me many times.... What is the meaning of life according to me? Well, to me giving friendship to the friendless, encouraging the discouraged, giving hope to the hopeless.... These are the stepping-stones to achieving or understanding the meaning of life. Once you start taking these steps, you yourself will start understanding the meaning of life. Copyright © 2011 Wispmac Shah Have something you would like to share? An insight that has helped you? We invite you to submit a quote
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 18:57:51 +0000

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