INSPIRED THOUGHTS By Moses Hightower “For my thoughts are not - TopicsExpress


INSPIRED THOUGHTS By Moses Hightower “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9) * Jesus has taught you this far. You have declared his wondrous works. Will you come to this point in your life and start to believe that he has forsaken you? He began a good work in you; therefore, he will finish in a good work. You do not belong to yourself. You are the Lord’s. Do you think that you would have done this well if you had belonged to another? God’s righteousness has always prevailed. Will it cease to prevail? * As long as you walk by faith, righteousness is imputed unto you; therefore, your effectual, fervent prayers avail much. God has done great things in your life. Some have not perceived them correctly. They have allowed hurts, rejections, and other voices to speak to them and give them wrong perceptions of what is happening in their lives. Hurts are not negatives. Rejections are not harmful. Alienation should not depress you. Lies should not cause you to be cynical. If you distrust everyone because of the bad things that happen to you, are you walking by faith or by feelings? * God is the one that spread out the heavens, and he does great things past finding out. The wonders that he does are without number. The past does not control the Lord; therefore, do not look to past records to attempt to determine his direction. Continue to follow his Spirit and listen to his voice, for his sheep do not find their direction in the hearts of the false prophets. They are strangers to you; therefore, do not listen to them, for they are listening to the voice of error. Look unto Jesus. He is the author and the finisher of your faith. Do not come to this time in your life and be debased to an observer of history to attempt to find out his ways. Who can understand his ways? * God has quickened you again and brought you up again from the depths of great trouble. He has great plans for you; therefore, comfort is on every side of you. Seize the psaltery of praise and sing with the harp of thanksgiving. Jesus is the Holy One of Israel, and he is the Holy One of the church. Let your lips rejoice and sing unto him. Let your soul bless him, for you are redeemed. The Lord waits on your tongue to talk of his righteousness all the day long. He has confounded your enemies. They are brought to shame that sought your defeat. Pray for them and do not be bitter against them. Bless the Lord, your God, for he is doing wondrous things. His name is glorious forever. The whole earth is filled with his glory.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 22:56:42 +0000

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