INSPIRED THOUGHTS by Moses Hightower “For my thoughts are not - TopicsExpress


INSPIRED THOUGHTS by Moses Hightower “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9) * Grace has imparted a love for God’s law. Now enjoy great peace. This peace is active in you and supplying completeness and soundness. Out of the bowels of peace come security, contentment, and prosperity. Behold Shiloh in your heart. He has brought prosperity and health to your body. Desire this same blessing for others, and you shall avoid the war among brethren in these last days. * Jesus is the one who gave you the ability to minister so that he may be glorified. Open your mouth and speak as the oracles of God. Minister as of the ability that he gives and give all glory unto him, then will you cease squandering grace. He has given you favor with man. He has given you favor with himself. This tremendous favor should cause you to decrease. You have received grace for grace. Now allow this grace to speak in you, and favor with people shall be your reward. * You are called unto sufferings. Everyone that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions. God has committed the word of reconciliation unto you. You will not minister the gospel of reconciliation without the true cross. Disciples bearing the cross of men have approached many people in the world. Their crosses are instruments to conceal their true intents. The cross of redemption shall not be their hiding post. They shall be exposed as enemies of the cross of Christ. * Do not desire the high places from the platforms of men who present personalities and images of another spirit. They will exalt you and then slay you from their high places of self-exaltation. Be content and be led of God’s Spirit. Great peace has come to you, for you are reconciled unto the Lord. You have a new hope, a new trust, and a quiet soul and mind. Peace is revived in you. Leap for the great joy that is in your tabernacle. Allow faith to continue, and you will continue to trust in the Prince of Peace. Rejoice with exceeding gladness. His peace is your peace. * Take up the true cross and prepare to lose your life for Jesus’ sake, then will you find true life. You have followed from afar while being drawn nigh by precious blood. God came in a human body and was accursed for you. In the flesh, he was made a curse for you so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ. You have received the promise of the Spirit through faith. Through faith, take up the true cross of a redeemed disciple zealous of good works. The joy of the Lord must be set before you. It must be greater in your life than the shame of your cross that you despise. You say that you do not despise your cross. Why are you weary? Why are you nearly fainting in your mind? * God is able to make all grace abound toward you. His grace will ensure that you will always have all sufficiency in all things so that you may abound to every good work. Be thankful for the abundance of grace that is freely given to you. He is increasing the fruits of your righteousness through Jesus Christ, not because of you. Do not allow suffering to distract you from Jesus, the God of all grace. He has allowed you to suffer before he makes you perfect, strong, and settled. You have a responsibility, for you have received great grace. Now be a good steward of the manifold grace of God. How will you be a good steward if you squander the riches of grace boasting of your own ability? * God will add and multiply to the church such as should be saved when you sow, plant and water with grace. Look unto the Lord for the increase of souls. He is the author and the finisher of your faith. There is an increase of souls coming your way for his names sake. Now go and give glory unto the name of Jesus. His name shall endure forever. His name shall be continued as long as the sun. Be blessed in his glorious name. Jesus is the God of Israel. He is doing wondrous things in the earth. The whole earth shall be filled with his glory. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad. He will increase in the lives of those who will decrease. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end. He is in you living out his life through you. Decrease and allow all grace, all power, all love, and all sufficiency to increase in you and unto those that he sends you to minister unto.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 18:10:37 +0000

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