INSTANT DIY PINK LIP STAIN BY DIMPLE DSOUZA... hey everyone this is an amazing lip pack to get a perfect lipstain of the most requested video by all my viewers ...this pack can b used for men and women ...u can leave this pack for 20 mins for getting a darker lip stain... THINGS U NEED FOR THE PACK 1. 2 BEETROOT 2. 2TBSP OF ROSE WATER 3. YOUR FAV LIP BUTTER / LIP GEL HOW TO MAKE THE LIP STAIN PACK - peel of the beetroot and chop into small pieces and keep it under the sunlight till its totally dried out ... then grind the beetroot in a mixer ... in a bowl ...take a spoon of beetroot and 2tbsp of rose water ...mix it well and apply it on your lips get the perfect lipstain ... keep it for 20 mins for darker lip stain the lip gets dry out ...dont wash it out, with a tissue paper jus dust out the lip pack and u get a perfect lip stain ... Bookings n business inquiries 2008dimpledsouza@gmail Facebook - https://facebook/di... Twitter. - ://twitter/allabouturbody Facebook page -https://facebook/pa... Instagram -instagram/dimple... About dimple dsouza : Fitness n beauty guru urself n people will love u on how to luk d best... on skin ,hair,diet,fashion and makeup tutorial, Well !!! people told me i know so much about diet ,workouts , beauty ,fashion and makeup .why dont i start a consultancy ...take money n give advice to people but i never would wnt to do tht as i wanted to help people n give them d rght advice for no cost even i had d same problems i was over weight ,dark ,ugly , dandruff problem n acne problem ..went through depression then slowly i over came all this ,..stared working out ,proper diet ,took gud care of my skin n hair ,eating rght food n drinking lots of water n juices im a confident lady ...with gud skin ,hair n health body here to help all of u to over come all ur problems .. NAME - DIMPLE DSOUZA WORK - FASHION DESIGNER /STYLIST /MAKEUP ARTIST FOR YOUTH ICON COMPANY - ROBE FASHION TECHNOLOGY . STANDARD YOUTUBE LICENSE
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:58:04 +0000

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