INSTEAD OF FIGHTING THE EACH OTHERS (GOVERNMENT AGAINST REBEL FACTIONS), TURN THE WAR AGAINST FOREIGN ARMIES AND THEIR UN-PEACEKEEPING FORCES, AU-PEACEKEEPING FORCE AND ALL OTHER FOREIGN MILITARIES (IF APPLICABLE) AND WHEN THAT IS DONE, SETTLE AND NEGOTIATE TO HEAL THE NATION (SOUTH SUDAN)’S PEOPLE AND ITs VISITORS AND LET THE REBELS KEEP CONTROL TURNS OR CITIES OR PAYAMS THEY HAVE CONTROLLED AND LET THE GOVERNMENT CONTINUE CONTROLLING THE TURNS, PAYAMS OR TERRITORIES THEY ARE CONTROLLED UNTIL BOTH SIDE HAVE COME TO THE FINAL AGREEMENT. FIRST, BOTH SIDES MUST GET RID OF THE FOREIGN ARMIES. SACRIFICE MUST BE MET BECAUSE WE ALL KNOWS THAT FREEDOM DOES NOT COME CHEAP; IT TAKE HITS AND KICKS TO BE FREE FROM SOMEBODY ELSE’S INVASION OR CONTROLLS. REMEMBER: EITHER SOUTH SUDANESE GOVERNMENT OR REBELS HAVE ULTIMATE ORDER AND POWER TO FIGHT ANY FOREIGN AMRY. QUESTION: WHICH OF THE ALL EASTERN AFRICAN COUNTRIES DID FIGHT WAR WITH FOREIGN ARMY OR ANY COLONIAL MILITARILY SO THAT SUCH A COUNTRY COULD ACHIEVE ITS ULTIMATE GAOL AS GENUINE FREEDOM, AUTHENTIC SECURITY AND PROTECTION THAT COME FROM THE PEOPLE OF SUCH A COUNTYRY? ANSWER: SOUTH SUDAN. REMEMBER TWO: THEY (FOREIGN ARMIES OR COLONIALS) ALWAYS COME IN THE FORMS OF UN-PEACEKEEPING FORCE, BUT REMEMBER THREE, THEY ARE FOREIGN ARMIES WHOSE AIMS ARE TO STEAL THE COUNTRY FOR YOU, SOUTHERN SUDANESES! Myëgu ki tungi wun ananø. Yï ba akyel ki gïn acwøla SPLA/M wala yï ba akyel ki wøn? Wiy Wä’ Machär pödhi bøli gønø! Bung gïn ma cwøla “ceasefire” men cwöbø. Ngee, Da gen agagø! So, that is not healing itself! If the current representatives which is leads by Kiir and the opposition army (the rebels) do not agree on the ceasefire because the foreign armies, UN-peacekeeping forces troops, AU-peacekeeping force troop and the Ugandan army, the one thing which the rebel and the south Sudanese’s government can agree on. Anyone who gives up hope commits suicide. To oppose is to remain oppressive against your opponent’s unproductive ideas politically and militarily until you have achieved and is given what is right for you. Unlike south Sudan’s corrupted government and their supporters which is now leads by the Ugandan army inside south Sudan vs. the opposition army, ceasefire is a no deal if the Ugandan army are not withdrawing immediately out of southern Sudaneses’ territories, and uses of the Ugandan army by the Salva Kiir is understandable that others neighbouring countries (not mentioned) will part take in south Sudanese’s war pro- or against the corrupted SPLA/M government in Juba plus their Ugandan army inside and outside Uganda too. Fine, this is the message to my dear Shilluk: some times in the past you have been crying that you are being violated by the SPLA/M soldiers and your home have been looted by the SPLA/M; your children and young girls of yours have been raped by the SPLA/M army and many intellectual and students, etc from your people have been murdered and some have been used by the SPLA/M for target shooting practices … and when Dr. Lam Akol was announced as the head of the newly formed opposition leader, many of youths and politicians from and from others have been abused and some have been arrested and killed too. From then, you have cried for help and you have been assisted and the major opposition army/forces whose purpose is to create the authentic security system and the protection for all south Sudaneses equally, and to substitute the corrupted SPLA/M government of south Sudan in the absent the foreign government’s interventions or affairs. Understand this too; if you are being guarded by a thief and his/her friends, you will always end up working for that thief and his/her friends, and that is what SPLA/M government has been doing to you, southern Sudaneses just after 2007. Do not be alarmed! Whatever Ugandan soldiers are doing in south Sudan has now come to light that it is invasion and you cannot deny it, but someone has to stand up resist and keep on fighting because freedom does not come without sacrifices. So, what now? Look too; Dr. Riek Machar is not circled with weakness or any syndromes of foreign government invasion just like what you Ugandan army has done. So, do not be alarmed! New system can help you all unlike SPLA/M’s mischief and corruption.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 03:03:33 +0000

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