INSTRUCTION FOR RESTORATION Gen 12:1-9, 10-20; 26:1-16; Ruth - TopicsExpress


INSTRUCTION FOR RESTORATION Gen 12:1-9, 10-20; 26:1-16; Ruth 1,2,3,4. Central Thought: Only the Lords instructions have the capacity to bring about a restoration in our lives when obeyed. One hasty decision made on impulse can jeopardize our lives and that of our entire generation. In Genesis 12 God gave Abraham a clear instruction about where He wanted him to go and sojourn, and which he did. However, when the first CHALLENGE/TEST came, he jumped at a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY that availed itself and before long, he went to Egypt without consulting God. That WRONG MOVE made him LIE and got DISGRACED by PHARAOH and his people. About 60yrs later Isaac was faced with the same situation - famine - and as he CONTEMPLATED what to do, God WARNED against going to Egypt. The reason he could hear God then was because he was NOT as hasty as his father, Abraham, was earlier on. Egypt was the WORLD POWER then and had everything one needed to make life sweet. Hence, they had the knowledge of how to take on famine in its game, survive it and still be able to take care of all the foreigners whod come to them for succour. Isaac obeyed and God didnt just bless him; He made Isaac a BLESSING and made men to ENVY him. In Ruth from chapter one, we see Elimelech and his family singing BYE-BYE to the land of their fathers just because of famine. The worst think is that he made three grivious mistakes: 1. He forgot what happend to Abraham when he did the same thing. 2. He forgot Gods instructions to Isaac. 3. He FAILED to consult God. How many of us have done the same thing before? I have and regretted it and still have some SCARS to show for it. At times it is easier to believe in the visible than the invisible and still call ourselve a people of FAITH. Elimelechs children got married immediately, but before long he DIED. Soon afterwards, his two sons followed him, leaving Naomi and her two daughters in-law alone. The pain was too much for her to bear and to add to that, God intervened on the very famine that took them out. So sad a situation! Soon what ought to have been considered before the journey came NOW to Naomis mind, and she decided to return back to the HOUSE OF BREAD (BETHLEHEM), the very place she left FULL in the first place, but which she must NOW return back to in a very EMPTY state. The story is a very touching one. Yet this is where I am INTERESTED in; God had been very SILENT all along! Why? Because an INSTRUCTION (through Isaac) had been given; an instruction NOT to run away from famine when it happens, but to SOW in the LAND and see Gods HAND! That instruction was neglected and so God was handicapped! Can you imagine that WE can HANDICAP God?! However, Naomi decided to AGAINST SHAME ACT IN SHAME and return back to Bethlehem. Now this act of RETURNING is a SIGN of REPENTANCE and OBEDIENCE to God (remember the prodigal son?), which as soon as Naomi did, God acted QUICKLY, showed her his UNMERITED GRACE, MERCY and also began the process of RESTORATION. How? Wait and see. In her motherly manner, she called Ruth and Orpah, apologised for their misfortune and explained her resolve to GO BACK HOME to her God, fathers land and people. Orpah (one of the GREATEST LOSERS in the Bible) kissed her and returned to her people. But Ruth (the RESTORATION AGENT) was prepared to DIE for Naomi and NOTHING could change her mind. This act brought them into the LINEAGE of the MESSIAH so that Naomi (SWEETNESS) at the end became Naomi indeed. Where have you MISSED it already and which you are still suffering? What is that step you are wishing you never took? The reason life became hard afterwards is because YOU were the one that left your POSITION. God held on to His and is waiting for you where you missed it. The university might promote you with a CARRYOVER(s) to come and write later, but NOT God. He PATIENTLY WAITS for your return, like the PRODIGAL SON, so that you can PASS that EXAM and never go back to it again. When your hand is on His plough, it is FORWARD EVER! No disguised failure in form of PROMOTIONS. Ask Peter, Paul, et al and see. The HUGE CHALLENGE now is, ARE YOU READY TO SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE like Naomi did and AGAINST SHAME ACT IN SHAME? Now is the time. The year just began and theres no better time than NOW. Go back, CONFESS YOUR MANY SINS like the prodigal son did, and ASK God for MERCY; accept His grace; lean on Jesus; submit to the Holy Spirits leadership; be a FOOL (that knows NOTHING) for Him to lead SUCCESSFULLY and watch Him lead you in the PATH of FULFILLMENT. God bless you.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:29:46 +0000

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