INSURGENCY IN NORTH EAST: A BACK DOOR ACCESS TO ISHMAELS CONVENANT... And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. With those words, God/Allah blessed Ishmael and made a covenant with him. In Genesis 16⁠, the birth of Ishmael was planned by the Patriarch Abrahams first wife, who at that time was known as Sarai. She and her husband Abram (Abraham) sought a way to have children in order to fulfil the Abrahamic covenant that was established in Genesis 15⁠. Since Sarai had yet to bear Abraham a child, her idea was to offer her Egyptian handmaiden Hagar to Abraham, so that they could have a child by her. Abraham consented to a marital arrangement taking Hagar as his second wife when he was in his late 85th year of age. Customs of that time dictated that, although Hagar was the birth mother, any child conceived would belong to Sarai and Abraham (Sarah and Abraham) Genesis 16:7-16⁠ describes the naming of Ishmael, and Yahwehs promise to Hagar concerning Ishmael and his descendants. This occurred at the well of Beer-lahai-roi, located in the desert region between Abraham’s settlement and Shur. Hagar fled here after Sarai dealt harshly with her for showing contempt for her mistress following her having become pregnant. Here, Hagar encountered an angel of Yahweh who instructed her to return and be submissive to Sarai so that she could have her child there. The blessing that this childs father was promised was that Abrahams descendants would be as numerous as the dust of the earth. However, the promise would be to a son of Sarai; yet God would make of this child a great nation, who would be named Ishmael, because he was of the seed of Abraham. When Ishmael was born, Abraham was 86 years old. Ishmael did have descendants because after roaming the wilderness for some time, Ishmael and his mother settled in the Desert of Paran, where he became an expert in archery. Eventually, his mother found him a wife from the land of Egypt. They had twelve sons who each became tribal chiefs throughout the regions from Havilah to Shur (from Assyria to the border of Egypt). His sons were; 1. Nebaioth Nabit (means First-born or First Fruit in Arabic نبيت or نبيط pronounced Nabeet, 2. Kedar, (in Arabic قيدر pronounced Qaidar) father of the Qedarites, a northern Arab tribe that controlled the area between the Persian Gulf and the Sinai Peninsula. According to tradition, he is the ancestor of the Quraysh tribe, and thus of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, 3. Adbeel, (means Gods servant in Arabic عبدالله) established a tribe in northwest Arabia, 4. Mibsam (means Smiley in Arabic مبسم pronounced Mubsem), 5. Mishma (means Obeyed in Arabic مسموع pronounced Masmou), 6. Dumah (means Sand-Hill in Arabic دومه Doomah), 7. Massa (means Night Fall in Arabic مساء pronounced Masa) father of a nomadic tribe that inhabited the Arabian desert toward Babylonia, 8. Hadar (means The Rolling-Stone one of the many names of Lion in Arabic حيدر pronounced Haidar), 9. Tema (means The Good News or The Right Hand Man in Arabic تيمن pronounced Tayman, 10. Jetur (means Revolt or Rebel in Arabic يثور pronounced Yathur, 11. Naphish (means Genuine in Arabic نفيس pronounced Nafees), and 12. Kedemah (means The Front Man or Scout in Arabic قدامه pronounced Qudamah) Ishmael also had one known daughter, Mahalath or Basemath, the third wife of Esau. Please do not be bored with this background information as it is fundamental to this post. The Bornu Empire (1380–1893) was a state of what is now northeastern Nigeria from 1380 to 1893. It was a continuation of the great Kanem Empire founded centuries earlier by the Sayfawa Dynasty. In time it would become even larger than Kanem, incorporating areas that are today parts of Chad, Niger and Cameroon. Kanem was located at the southern end of the trans-Saharan trade route between Tripoli and the region of Lake Chad. The origins of Kanem Empire are very unclear. Until today, historiographical debates oppose the followers of a foundation of Kanem-Bornu by populations from the ancient Near East and followers of a more local development. Some researches try to connect the creation of Kanem-Bornu with exodus from the collapsed Assyrian Empire c. 600 BC to the northeast of Lake Chad. The intensity of scholar discussions around this theory proves that the question hasnt been solved yet, and we must be very cautious concerning early formation of Kanem-Bornu. The 4 keywords here are 1. Assyria, 2. Kanem-Bornu, 3. Bornu Empire, and 4. Sayfawa Dynasty. This is just attempt by me to prove that the North East is linked to Ishmael and dont blame me for trying such. I stand to correct the notion by Nigerians of and from other geo-political zone who classify the North as being parasitic. Im in possession of a geographical survey which states there is oil in Borno, Zamfara, Sokoto, and prospect of it in Gombe, Adamawa, and Yobe. Apart from the Oil which is of commercial quantity, during the administration of Late Umaru Yaradua, it was alleged he commissioned a South African exploration company to embark on extensive geographical survey of the North East. It was alleged that Uranium, Diamond, and some other solid minerals were reportedly found in commercial quantity. These got me thinking and brought me to the conclusion that the insurgency in the North East is being sponsored by some vested interest to tap into the blessings of Ishmael through back door. In futherance of my assertion, Baga to Gajigana with an approximated 90km distance between them, Maiduguri to Gajigana, with an approximated 40km and Maiduguri to Baga with an approximated 147km are vast dry land with huge oil deposit. Kukawa is said to be rich oil too. Baga and Kukawa became so vast because of geographical activities of Lake Chad made it shrink in size. Now to inference... I believe due to the rich deposit of mineral resources, the Boko Haram activities was hijacked by all the vested interest which are foreign nations in a bid to access and explore the resources. They saw a fertile ground when the President played politics with national security.. Im of the opinion while all these is going on in North East, while they are busy capturing cities in the old Sardauna province, while they are capturing towns with proven minerals deposits, Im bold to say, theres an illegal exploration in those captured region. These guys with their local collaborators are exploiting us as a nation.. They are involved in all these.. Theyve co-opted everyone into the deal..the military(serving and ex-)...the Presidency(I mean top players in this administration)..the politicians..the multinationals... Those involved are conscious or unconscious allies... With my viewpoint expressed here, Im of the strong conviction that the insurgency in the North East is some people trying to have a back door access to Ishmaels covenant. PS: Support materials on Ishmael from wikipedia.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 06:18:55 +0000

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