####INTELLIGENT PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIP wahala##### Know - TopicsExpress


####INTELLIGENT PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIP wahala##### Know this.... --intelligent people are AWARE --intelligent people are confident --intelligent people have huge sense of self worth --intelligent people hates being taken advantage of....(perceived or real) --intelligent people can give up anyone to RETAIN this huge sense of self worth --they are not really afraid of being left alone BUT they are among the LONELIEST people on earth --most of the things they call personal principles are simply personal prisons. --they can argue with any book,write up,and new knowledge that did not conform to their ESTABLISHED convictions....oh...we forgot, they are intelligent,the world revolves round their ideas and their oxygen will probably cease if they give up their opinions!!!! ---most INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ARE INGRATES...they feel they are doing you a favour sharing their lives with you,hence,tolerance is unimaginable......(a man with such mindset can be a BEAST while a woman with such mindset can equal a BURDEN).....they have least sense of appreciation yet they crave for one. ---most INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ARE POOR LISTENERS.... while you are yet speaking,their intelligent mind is processing what you are trying to say.....rather than listen,they are preparing their response,arranging it like Obama getting ready for a speech at the United nations congress....ofcourse, why will they listen kwanu????,they are embodiment of intelligence. THEN....this is where the problems starts big time: because of the self perception of intelligent fellows; THEY DONT TAKE NONESENSE but wait..... as part of the fallible nature of man (woman),...supplying of nonsense is part of the unconscious nature we all carry. intelligent folks are so resolved and sometimes OPINIONATED in their stand of not taking nonsense that they forget that we all has a certain degree of nonsense we supply to a relationship. BUT YOU KNOW.... ** it has to be the other partner that supplies the nonsense **his/her intelligence has to be bowed to **his/her conviction has to be the real thing **its about a game of winning with their superior sense ofcourse....which usually lead to a mess ** gives no room of his/her conviction being wrong. IDEAL relationship will begin to emerge when both partners convinced themselves that they have found someone whom they can take nonsense from while resolving and working not to supply their own quota of nonesnse NOTE: The MORE you create room to accommodate humanly possible nonsense( l dont mean beastly behaviors) the LESS you will even notice one. WARNING: until you find someone you can take nonsense from without feeling trampled, inferior and unsecured.....FLEE EVERY APPEARANCE OF REAL RELATIONSHIP. Goodmorning friends...... merry Christmas in advance!!!!!!! ---David O Ani
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:44:50 +0000

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