INTERACTING WITH HEAVEN IN THE NIGHTTIME “I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” (Psalm 16:7) Jesus taught His followers that “at all times they ought to pray.” We are instructed to “pray without ceasing.” How is this even possible given that we sleep approximately 1/3 of our natural lives? The reason this is possible is that while our physical selves are sleeping, our inner-man or spirit-man is quite awake. It is in this inner place that we are able to access Heaven - even though our conscious faculties are temporarily resting. We have the privilege of determining ahead of time, what kind of interaction will be taking place in our spirit-man during those sleeping hours each day. • If we are intentional to be prayerful and seek the counsel of the Lord during our waking hours, we will continue to receive instruction from His Holy Spirit to ours during the nighttime. • If we are careless about what we are allowing into our spirits during our waking hours, toying with things that are godless, lawless, demonic, materialistic, humanistic, self-centered, even religious (!), we should not be surprised when those same unholy spirits have access to our dreams and subconscious while we are sleeping. It is an extremely helpful practice to do as David did, when he said “I have set the LORD continually before me.” (Ps. 16:8) As you lay your head on the pillow this evening, ask the Spirit of Jesus to continue going before you, even in your sleep, and to instruct your spirit in the nighttime. And ask Him to remind you of those things He has imparted into your spirit once you wake again tomorrow. And what a wonderful way to pray with your children and grandchildren every night before they go to sleep, so they too grow up with the expectation that God will meet with them every night in their dreams and visions! Pastor Scott
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 19:38:25 +0000

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