INTERACTION BETWEEN AOH AND AN UNDISCLOSED YOUTH AOH SAID. Some months ago, you invited me to join an organization you and others founded, but knowing that you are a young vibrant student lawyer, i was moved to at least grace your gathering for once to ascertain what you and your group stand for, but on a second thought, i sort to know others involved which you indicated that a diplomat and some others are co founder. It would interest you to know that, I am also a young diplomat working with International Human Rights Commission as the Nigerian ambassador as well as united nation, but I am a principled diplomat who doesnt compromise good governance for diplomacy. Because I had no clue on what you and your group stands for, i choose not to give you a definite answer then about my interest until I am able to observe your reasoning, conduct and political view to know what your group truly stands for. Today, I am pleased to inform you that I have seen much of your view in recent times and I regret to decline any participation in your organization. Although, you are sound, vibrant, outspoken, eloquent and engaging, but in my view, you lack basic understanding of what makes up good governance, purposeful leadership and a good sense of judgment. I will urge you to expand your reasoning and sort true meaning of leadership to make informed decisions in the future. UNDISCLOSED YOUTH SAID Thank you so much my brother! When u have a vision (An immediate goal) and u have a mission ( A prolonged goal) especially in politics, one needs like minds to forge ahead! I was trying to bring a formidable, articulate youthful structure that could mount the political scene in d next 6yrs! But alas! Most of u guys I saw had d spirit and zeal were all declining and never wanted to associate with a youthful structure. To the best of my knowledge, you all were subjugated to the political lord of Kwara. So, this necessitated your withdrawal. U, especially never gave an answer! At that time, I had been receiving attractions from d senator thru his aides. I had to make do with d few I had. But to my utmost dismay, those I even thought were committed to d course, were political parasites who were looking for whom to use as ladder to the top and hence my decision to grab d opportunity I had to associating with ABS! I know I had disappointed many of my friends and fans being a very popular figure especially while I was in school and in my community. I was like losing out, so I decided to join him. He had had so many impacts in me anyway, but Im not that kind of a person that gets subjugated anyhow! But I felt if u are not up to someone capable of challenging the political masters, dont dare them! Else, they waste U. My ordeal! I wish u would understand. My kind regards bro! AOH SAID. Sequel to your response to my previous message, i appreciate your consideration in sharing your thoughts with me. In your message, you noted that, When you have a vision (An immediate goal) and you have a mission ( A prolonged goal) especially in politics, one needs like minds to forge ahead! I totally agree with you in entirety. However, how do you determine like minded people? It is in their words, actions and reactions to issues. Like minded minds are identified in the manner they address issues, the quality of their thoughts and the progressiveness of their actions. My slow pace of reacting to your invitation was to determine if you are truly a likeminded mind, but i regret to say though, you have the qualities to be a likeminded person had you have channeled your energy into a more nationalistic principled venture of patriotism, but that qualities had been directed into a deep wrong direction. You also shared your dream of trying to bring a formidable, articulate youthful structure that could mount the political scene in d next 6yrs! But alas! Most of u guys I saw had d spirit and zeal were all declining and never wanted to associate with a youthful structure you said....But did you ever try to find out the reason for the declining response I gave? No you didnt. It is my believe that, every purposeful person, especially those who had built some principle and image for themselves and had several experience in group activities would double check any association before associating with it. Especially in politics, where there are numerous fake comrades claiming to be progressive, non-ideological young aspiring leaders ready to sale out at anytime, sycophantic desperate young people seeking power at all cost at the expense of others and political opportunists who just want a platform to reach the oppressive powers that dictate the pace at present. It is expected that serious minded people wouldnt just jump at any group; they would verify the identity of its members or founders, their understanding of issues before taking part. If you are not ready to go through such scrutiny, believe me, you are not truly ready to do what you wish to do. This has nothing to do with subjugation to the political lord of Kwara; it is about what must be done for progress. Let me also add that, people like myself, if it is about attracting interest from people in power, I had more than enough, not just in kwara state, but in Nigeria. But it means nothing to me, absolutely nothing. As i speak with you, the national leadership of APC are on my neck along with that of my others nationalist youths to join them and would be welcome in a grand reception in Abuja by the national leadership led by Buhari, Tinubu and Akande, but we declined. So, if because you are attracted to ABS, you find it as a blessing worthy of abandoning your agenda, it means you never had any agenda in the 1st place. If you had, for no reason would a simple attraction from a senator make you abandon what you claim to truly stand for. This means i guess right from the beginning. Note, there is no way you can ever accomplish a changed kwara under an oppressive dynasty. A dynasty that find comfort in giving people weekly N500, claiming countless lives in the process. Forgetting that the same dynasty created the poverty since 40 years ago. The fact that people are comfortable dying while trying to receive N500 shows how much the leadership of kwara had failed over the years under the leadership of the same dynasty. To my understanding, one thing that can be achieved under the dynasty is personal selfish gains. If you intend to make gains for yourself, you are right to join the oppressive dynasty to oppress others, but if what you seek is a better kwara, i hold that it would never happen under the dynasty. I hold that, if you cant beat them, you have to prepare to defeat them. If you join them, you have already lost to them. UNDISCLOSED YOUTH SAID So foresightful of you bro. What is the way forward? AOH SAID The way forward is simple.....Self acquisition. You must acquire yourself and dictate your own wants, your needs and your way around the need of the society. You determine what you want, a good for just yourself or a good for all. If you acquire yourself, you cannot be influenced by your relationship with any individual leader. You will do what you think is right even if it doesnt favor you or your leader, you will always stand on the side of the people and for no reason would you compromise unless it would serve a greater interest of the larger society. Note, you cant do this by being with the same people that created the problem. If you do, you will be injured easily, or terminated. Permit me to quote from an article titled, Decline in Purposeful Leadership, Bane of Nigeria’s Woes written by myself. For us to appreciate and come to term on this topic, there is a need to define some basic concepts associated with the topic and see how the leadership of the country looks from independent fare. The concepts to be defined are as follows: 1. Leader 2. Leadership 3. Purposeful leadership 4. Decline in leadership 5. Decline in purposeful leadership From the definition in online dictionary: 1. Leader: A Leader is defined as an agent of change. But, change from what to what? It is also defined as someone who influences the actions and lives of others by bringing about either a direct or indirect change to individuals or organization and society. I may also say that, a leader could be an agent of change, who influences the lives of the others to bring about either positive or negative changes to the lives of individual or organization and society. If we take a closer look at the definitions, we would realize that being a leader is not such a difficult task, as virtually everyone can become a leader in one way or the other. We could also become either a positive or negative leader. So, being a leader has nothing to do with being good or bad, it is only a skill that helps individuals organize and influence others. 2. Leadership: Leadership has been defined by many as the act of influencing others, i.e. organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal. This definition is said to work well when describing a quality in an individual, but when a deeper understanding of leadership is sought, the word becomes much more mysterious. On Wikipedia, leadership is described as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. From the above definition, it became obvious that, leadership has to do with accomplishing a common task. But what the leadership definition didn’t inform us about is, if the task aimed to be accomplished is a positive or negative task. So, whether you seek to accomplish a positive or a negative task; you have to possess some leadership qualities. The more you master the act of leadership would determine the level of your success in your leadership venture. This has nothing to do with your mission, either positive or negative. 3. Purposeful leadership: Purposeful leadership may simply be defined as the act of making dreams come true or transforming dreams into reality in a way that helps others. Another way of saying this is that, purposeful leadership is a special form of leadership that incorporates positive ethical values and is aimed at serving others. Going by this definition, we may simply say that, purposeful leadership is transformational leadership. A kind of leadership that sought to positively affect others and makes things better for them through empowering them to do what is good for them. Transformational leadership is said to enhance the performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms. These include connecting the follower’s sense of identity and self to the project and the organization, being a role model for followers that inspires them and makes them interested in the right direction, challenging followers to take greater ownership for their work and understanding the strength and weaknesses of followers, so the leader can align followers with tasks that enhance their performance. We can therefore conclude that, purposeful leadership is the leadership of positivism, where the sole aim of the leader is selfless service, or the service that circled around helping the followers be what they want to be and achieve what they wish to achieve which translate into a common achievement for the country or organization. 4. Decline in leadership: If leadership has been described as ‘’a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Then, decline in leadership is the opposite, i.e., a declining process of social influence in which the leader or leaders are declining in skills of enlisting the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Please note, the reason for this decline is not necessarily the lack of leadership skills to enlist others to support and accomplish the common task, but because of a different mission or aim of the leaders which is contrary to the common task and aim of the led. This different mission or aims, draws a line between the common task to be achieved by all and the task to be accomplished by the leaders. 5. Decline in purposeful leadership: Decline in purposeful leadership is also the opposite of purposeful leadership, and purposeful leadership is simply defined as the act of making dreams come true or transforming dreams into reality in a way that helps others. So therefore, decline in purposeful leadership is the decline in the activities capable of transforming dreams into reality. It is the decline in the mission of helping others; decline in the act of selflessness and decline in public interest and consideration. This is not to say these leaders didn’t offer services that benefitted the people, but the services they offered cannot be mostly said to be purposeful in its real sense, as they were mostly done not for the main purpose of helping the people, but to help the leaders themselves to recruit foot soldiers who shall serve them with loyalty in advancing their individual long and short term dreams and aspirations. Let me also quote from a speech titled the truth about Nigeria delivered by ME. The truth must never be substituted for any other thing if we truly want to progress, that is why they say sincerity is the best policy. When we avoid telling the truth, that is when the nation crumbles because without truth, nothing works. Some people would tell half truth in some cases, but even with that, progress would be delayed, because when we avoid telling the truth as it should be told, we are preventing progressiveness as we should progress. I took it upon myself to talk about truth, because I see it as the beginning and the end of our challenges as a nation. Some people have opined that, inefficient leadership, corruption, unemployment and others are the major problems facing Nigeria, but what I consider the major problem holding us down is the lack of truth. If the leaders are truthful, they would lead truthfully and if the followers are truthful, they would support nothing but the truth. So I ask where is the truth in our leaders and us the followers. The Nigerian leaders have with time, shaped every citizens reasoning to their way of thinking for easy exploitation, whereby making it almost impossible to reason properly without a trace of sentiment and sectionalism. 90% of our leaders are fake with no a single trace of public consideration while in office, they only hide under the banner of the North and South to deceive the populace of their respective regions and exploit our sentiments as created by them. Since ethnicity in our part of the world has been positioned by these leaders to be seen as the only guarantor of personal security, they ride under this tenant to continue their deceit to seek reelection or appointments. The leaders do not tell the followers the truth, anything they say is a mere word to mislead the people, neither are the followers willing to listen to the truth anymore, since time again and again have proven that none of the present set of Nigerian leaders are genuinely truthful in the real sense. This now generated a situation where the poor are no longer truthful to the rich and neither are the rich to the poor, men are not to women neither are women to men, Parents not to children and neither are children to parents. We have fake pastors and imams who mislead people in the absence of truth, business organizations, banking sector, even in our universities a supposed center for learning, the governors, ministers and even the president all sink in insincerity, always suspecting each others. So how do we expect Peace and progress in the midst of suspicion, deceit and insincerity? This is not to say these leaders didn’t offer services that benefitted the people, but the services they offered cannot be mostly said to be purposeful in its real sense, as they were mostly done not for the main purpose of helping the people, but to help the leaders themselves to recruit foot soldiers who shall serve them with loyalty in advancing their individual long and short term dreams and aspirations. UNDISCLOSED YOUTH SAID Thanks for such enlightenment, we shall meet to discuss again in the future.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 05:03:33 +0000

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