INTERACTIVE READING Please choose one of the following and - TopicsExpress


INTERACTIVE READING Please choose one of the following and scroll down for your message. YULE, CELEBRATE, TREE, FIRE, CARD, CANDLE YULE POSITIVE ENERGY Surround yourself with positive people and situations, and avoid negativity. Divinatory meaning: Your manifestation work is going wonderfully well. By drawing this card, you’re encouraged to take the process to an even higher level by going on a “negativity diet.” This means avoiding negative influences as much as possible. Avoid negative discussions with yourself or others. Turn off television and radio programs with negative themes, and stay away from violent movies. Don’t read pessimistic headlines, and steer clear of gossip-based magazines. This negativity diet will cleanse you of any hidden blocks that could slow down the manifestation of your dreams - or prevent them from coming true at all. Another thing you can do is to apply Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement, to your physical environs, which will help enhance the positive energy in all of your surroundings. You’re also asked to donate or sell items that are cluttering up your home. This helps you bring in new energy and opportunity, and will also establish an environment that promotes creativity, health and abundance CELEBRATE Imagine What would you see, feel, think, and hear if your wish came true? Full meaning: When you imagine your dream coming true, you help make it happen. This card asks you to think of a wish that you really want, and imagine that it has come true. Next, close your eyes and notice how your body feels while you think about your wish. How do you feel - excited, happy, nervous, or some other way? Do you feel tingles anywhere in your body? What else do you feel? Now, notice what you see when you imagine your wish coming true. What people, colours, and things do you see? What do you see yourself doing as your wish comes true? What else do you see? Then, listen for any words that you hear in your mind. What do you hear? What do you think it means? At this point, focus on your thoughts as you think about your dream. Do you have any ideas? Anything else that you think? When you imagine your dream coming true, and notice all your feelings, thoughts, words and visions, you help make it happen! This is the power of the human imagination. It’s sometimes called “faith.” You may be surprised when your wish comes true in a better way than you think. Let yourself see all sorts of wonderful dreams and wishes. And have faith that they’ll come true in ways beyond your greatest imagination! TREE WORTHINESS Know that you deserve to receive in good ways. Divinatory meaning: Youve been blocking your manifestations due to deep-seated beliefs that you dont deserve them. Manifestations arent rewards for good behaviour - theyre effects of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. when you allow yourself to receive, you help with Gods plan to demonstrate love everywhere. Accepting Heavens help isnt just about you personally; its about allowing yourself to be helped so that you can help others. Accept good graciously, and affirm: Thank you for the gifts that have come to me now. I gratefully accept them for the good of all. FIRE BEAR - BOUNDARIES STAND your ground (Second time for me this week!) Divinatory meaning: For you to be your complete self - the self that the Creator wants you to be and that you know in your heart of hearts is your destiny - you must not only define who you are, but also, who you are not. It’s only when you can say a clear no that you can say a clear yes, and both are equally important in defining where your edges are. Setting your boundaries in this way increases your confidence and sense of autonomy, and your choices become much clearer. This doesn’t mean to always say no; it just means to be secure in knowing that you can. This is critical in accomplishing your mission, whatever that may be, and it’s especially important related to your question. It’s very tempting to succumb to others’ demands and the various distractions that tempt you., as this often appears to be the easier route to take. Yet, in your heart of hearts, you know that you need to establish these limits to stay on purpose. And remember; the only way that others can intimidate you is to deny your own power out of fear. Come from strong love, without malice or aggression, and let them see and feel your full presence. It will work every time. Additional Association: Protection; Creativity; Solitude; Healing CARD BLACK PANTHER - PASSION Follow your PASSION Divinatory meaning: The winding road of your life, with all its twists and turns, expected and unexpected, has brought you to this point. Youre faring quite well, yet theres an urgent need that youre feeling in your bones and your soul - the need to express more and more fluently your true self, your inner core. Its so much safer and in some ways easier to deny yourself the fruits of following your true passion. Questions of safety and survival abound by stepping into this total expression of who you truly are. Let them remain questions, cast them aside, and embrace what turns you on. Once youve discovered what your true passion is - and you probably already know what it is - by honoring it and living it, all else will be taken care of. Does that surprise you? Challenge you? Trust that your inner yearning is real, and express it, if not all at once, then gradually - but express it. Dont worry about how it will look to others or whether or not anyone at all would approve. When it comes to the end of your days, you will be able to say with all sincerity and without reservation that you lived your life passionately and in truth! Additional Associations: Sensuality; strength; Clarity; Solitude CANDLE Create Full meaning: The answer is simple: CREATE Right now it’s time to summon your creative Spirit and put it to work. Look beyond current circumstances and use the power within to create new ones. There’s more to your world than the present is offering, and your Spirit is eager to fashion something different. You’re stuck in a rut, and your ego would have you believe that what you see now is all there is. This isn’t true, and it’s time to break free from the drudgery and boredom that the same-old, same-old offers. Remember that you are a Divine creative being, and your primary purpose in life is to create. When you stop doing so, you give up your greatest power. To create is power - and joy. If you don’t know where to begin or lack confidence, start with little things, such as a new recipe, a poem, a piece of art, or even a new look. Cut your hair, change your wardrobe, and experiment with colour. Step up and step out of the predictable and unfulfilling present and into the world of excitement and fun that comes from creating something new. Once you decide to get creative, your Spirit will assist in the fun. You have nothing to lose but the boredom and dissatisfaction you’re experiencing now
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:44:15 +0000

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