INTERACTIVE SESSION BETWEEN ‘STCS ‘OFFICIALS AND CONSUMERS OF LPG HELD.JEEWAN SUBBA JORETHANG-NOV.2. The interaction session on ‘LPG’ post know your customer ‘KYC’ Era which was convened on Saturday at State institute of capacity Building (SICB) of Jorethang karfectar premises. The programme was initiatives by State Trading Corporation of Sikkim (STCS) concern Chairman Rasta Man Rai was attended as the chief guest and was alsoaccompanied by concern (MD) Keshan Wangdi (STCS), Concern (Add. Secy) of food and civil supplies K.C. Lepcha, Senior General manager Menla Ethenpa,Manager Yeshwant subba, Member of Jorethang Nagar panchayat along with Consumers from different location. While addressing the chief guest Rastaman Rai said in the gathering being a chairman of (STCS) I have to take the initiatives and responsibbility to solved the problem of ‘LPG’ in sikkim.He said that there has no Discrimination of Caste,Colour and Political preasure while isued the ‘LPG’ Cylinder but we have to adopt the Democratic way and given good facility service for to create for convenient for the comsumer.If the consumer face any problem regarding ‘STCS’ then may contact for toll free number which has given to the public by Food and civiilo supplies and consumer affairs Govt. of sikkim. We the ‘STCS’ decided to home delivery services of ‘LPG’ Cylinder for easy to all the consumer.He said that the central Govt. has being increased RS.430 from Rs.429.50 to Rs. 430 from 27th Oct.but the ‘STCS’ has collecting Rs.433 which will released from Baiguney godown. Add. Secy’. food and civil supplies K.C. Lepcha highlighted on the Significance of ‘LPG’ post know your customer ‘KYC’ Era. He said if any consumer has facing any problem or illegal ways of Dealing ‘LPG’ then consumer may contact to helpline no.202675. he also stressed over the District Consumer forum(Court law) for justice to any consumer. Similarly, Senior General manager ‘STCS’ Menla ethenpa informed that we think home delivery will be better for all ‘LPG’ Consumer which will start distribution from jorethang under the guidence of nagar panchayat. Managing Director Keshang wangdi in his note stated over the significance of programme. Mr. Wangdi also stated that as per the notification of state Govt. ‘STCS’ has recently announced for a new rateof ‘LPG’ Rs.433 (14.2) KG. And If LPG released from godown Will Rs.433 and if it distributed from outside godown will charged Rs.463. Meanwhile, If far away from Godown than 10 KM -25 km RS.475 and 25km-40km Rs.490 and above 40 km will charged Rs.510,he emphasized to the consumer.’’Some of the ‘LPG’’ consumer are paying money to brokers who are seemingly negligent at that time no one will blamed to ‘STCS’, he stressed. In latter the programme the open discussion between consumers and concern Deptt. regarding ‘LPG’issued by STCS. He said that we have been decided to host awareness programme of ‘LPG’in jorethang with the theme to provide knowledge for consumers of ‘LPG’. ATTACHED PHOTO.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:52:15 +0000

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