INTERCESSION:- A VITAL NECESSITY FOR THE GROWTH OF THE CHURCH: The admonition of apostle Paul unto Timothy as recorded in 1st Timothy 2:1-2, reads: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Intercession connotes the standing in the gap to plead on behalf of others. Intervene, mediate are also synonymous to intercede; and Paul exhorted that it should be our primary responsibility. It was highly imperative Paul wrote Timothy for the latter was the first ordained bishop in Ephesus. This is a symbol of true disciples. We have many around us to intercede for; inauguration on counselling are there where the priest grasps the failing and the shortcoming of members: after attending to their natural and physical needs, he would go down on his knee to intercede for ailing members, incompatible couples, wayward children, unstable members, commuters, artisans, civil servants etc. For if thou faint in the days of adversity, thy strength is small Proverbs 24:10-11. Things can not turn up until someone turns it up. Abraham interceded for his nephew Lot; the angels foretold him the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah where Lot chose to dwell. Abraham did not fold his arms to witness the tragic episode to come, he quickly began to intercede. And Abraham drew near and said wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? . Genesis 18:23. And this question led to a chain of events that made Lot and his household to be evacuated from the land of Sodom. Many a times, intercession could change negative pronouncement to positive pronouncement. The Lord was furious about our foreparents in the wilderness by reason of their disbelief. For really, the miracles of the exodus----parting the red sea; sustaining them with manna, turning bitter water to sweet were enough to convict the stiff-necked people: yet they were sceptical of Gods power. In Numbers 14:11, the Lord said: How long will this people provoke me....? He added: I will smite them with pestilence... but Moses interceded and God was pleased to say: I have pardoned them according to thy word. God can still pardon those sinners according to our prayers. One attribute of God is that His anger endureth but a moment. Psalm 30:5. Vision is the forerunner of intercession. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18. When there were no open visions in Shiloh in those days, God still revealed to the boy Samuel. 1st Samuel 3:1. Amos 3:7. Job in his time interceded for his children and the bible commends him that Thus did Job continually. The widow at 2nd King was told to experiment her way out which literally mean intercession, Go, borrow not few. Elisha was on his death bed and was visited by the King of Israel. He told him to experiment his victory by shooting and striking arrows which he did thrice. But the prophet was annoyed and said Thou shouldest have smitten five or six times: then hadst consumed it: whereas now thou shall smite Syrian but thrice. 2 Kings 13:18. Teaching us not to treat intercession with levity. Jesus intervened for the barren fig like you and I in Luke 13:6-9 and granted it another opportunity to bear fruit. David despite in anguish interceded for rebel Absalom, Deal gently for my sake with the young man, even Absalom. 2nd Samuel 18:5:Jesus interceded for his murderers as saying: Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34. Stephen also suffered without the gate Hebrew 13:12; but in the meantime he interceded for the people as Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. Acts 7:60. Perhaps his intercession was instrumental in Sauls conversion unto Paul, he was the one that borne the clothes of those that stoned him. Acts 7:58.It is high time we began intercessory prayer..... We cannot look away to someone else to do so on our behalf; we should be practically involved.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:07:30 +0000

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