INTERCESSION WITH KINGDOM CONNECT TODAY (THURSDAY 04 July 2013) Key scripture for this week: Mathew 17:21 God loves us and that truth is undeniable, He gave us His only beloved Son to die for our sins-who does that? God has done and is still doing whatever it takes for us to be saved and have life but we are not responding to His efforts. We walk around proud not realising that all this happiness that is blinding us is temporary. God created us perfect and without sin and we fell from grace, He did not give up on us, He gave us the law and instructions for purification and atonement. The law and the commandments were not as effective, still God gave us the prophets, He did not give up on us. We did not hear His prophets and then He sent us the Messiah not giving up on us. And today our nations are depending on us for deliverance but we have grown weary of intercession and fasting-we have given up on our people. Have you ever taken a day of prayer and fasting and only prayed for you neighbour and community? I hope that we would get to a stage where we engage in prayer and warfare for others and not for ourselves. Our neighbours and relatives are perishing because you and I have focused too much on ourselves that we don’t intercede for them anymore. Ezra, Ester, Nehemiah and others prayed and fasted for the deliverance and healing of their nations, we too must do like wise. We must develop a habit of giving and sowing with prayer and fasting so that our nations may see the goodness of the Lord. How much is too much sacrifice for the life of a brother or sister. Ps Ponatshego Lekutu Kingdom Connect 061 432 6718 Kconnect.m@gmail @kconnectM
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 05:00:49 +0000

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