INTERESTING! A friend of mine sent me the link to the video below - TopicsExpress


INTERESTING! A friend of mine sent me the link to the video below earlier to-day, and I just now noticed that a friend of a friend hereon FACELESSBOOK posted a comment having to do with Joel and Victoria OLSTEENs, A Night of Hope, presentation for $117.00 - $850.00 per seat price range. Indeed how pathetic it is to charge for the GOOD NEWS! They then asked the question, Do you think Jesus or Paul would charge money like this? My immediate answer was, Freely you have received, freely give, (Matt 10:8). Then I recalled the story of Simon the Sorcerer who tried to purchase the power to give the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands from Peter. But, Peter said unto him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! (Acts 8:20) I dare say that what the OSTEENs are doing is similar in deed by the charging that they charge, for indeed it is, More blessed to give than to receive. But, how can one become blessed if they do indeed charge for that which is freely given? Consider taking a look at the 15-minute video on the OSTEEN EMPIRE that I was sent a link to. This is a very well done video with a lot of rebuttal scriptures showing forth the folly of the message presented by the OSTEENs. And, it also pokes some fun at the used car salesmen style and pitch that the, Smiling Pastor, is well known for and also nicknamed, using that position to poison the masses with his false doctrines taught and programmed into the pew-dwelling drones. Who, for some odd reason, have never questioned the OSTEEN doctrines, much less read the Holy Bible for themselves to see how it is that he is deceiving them. youtube/watch?v=weEWl52wevI
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 05:05:32 +0000

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