INTERESTING!!!! PLS READ... Who in NPP is plotting - TopicsExpress


INTERESTING!!!! PLS READ... Who in NPP is plotting Akufo-Addo’s 2016 defeat? When The aL-hAJJ revealed how the 2016 flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and his aficionados were scheming to ‘get rid’ of the party’s National Chairman and General Secretary even before their term in office comes to an end, many were those who took it with a pinch of salt. But, latest audacious pronouncement by a close confidant and financier of the NPP 2016 flag bearer who is also the Northern Regional Chairman of the NPP, Mr. Daniel Bugri Naabu, has confirmed how Nana Akufo-Addo and his loyalists have furtively crafted a well-rehearsed strategy to consign the two purported Akufo-Addo’s internal foes to the dustbin of NPP history. The twice defeated NPP presidential candidate, who will be almost 73 years in January 2017, is reported been suspicious of Mr. Paul Afoko and Mr. Kwabena Agyapong fearing their plot to derail his chances of becoming president at the next poll in 2016. Confirming this on a secret tape recording currently going round, Mr. Bugri Naabu, a trusted lieutenant and bankroller of Nana Akufo-Addo, described how the former Foreign Affairs Minister in the Kufuor administration has arrogated to him (Bugri Naabu), first vice chairman, Freddy Blay and other ‘loyalists’ the power to take decisions on behalf of the party on the blind side of the beleaguered National Chairman and General Secretary. Reiterating Nana Akufo-Addo’s long-standing position that Paul Afoko and Kwabena Agyapong are devotees of his fiercest rivals, ex-president Kufuor and Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanten, Bugri Naabu, the man who issued a ‘fatwa’ demanding an investigation of delegates in the Northern region who voted against Nana Addo at the party’s congress, said Afoko and Kwabena Agyapong are agents of the ruling NDC government working to scuttle Nana Addo’s chances in next year’s polls. According to the controversial Northern regional Chairman, the duo were funded by the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) through National Security to win their respective positions at the party’s Tamale congress in order to put a spanner in Nana Akufo-Addo’s dream of becoming president in 2017. While entreating minions of the former Abuakwa South legislator to redouble their efforts in projecting Nana Akufo-Addo, Bugri Naabu also accused Kwabena Agyapong of receiving GHC200,000 bribe from the NDC, which he alleged was channeled through National security. He also alleged that National Security is providing security and telephone services to the two beleaguered NPP national executives. While singling out his fellow Northern politician, Paul Afoko, and describing him as “useless person” who knows nothing about politics, the Nana Akufo-Addo right-hand man also accused Kwabena Agyapong of plotting Nana Addo’s defeat to fortify his (Agyapong’s) chances of contesting the NPP flag bearer race for the 2020 elections. The Northern regional Chairman’s startling revelations come on the heels of The aL-hAJJ publications detailing how Nana Akufo-Addo and his cohorts were scheming to use adroit political means to end the tenure of Afoko and Kwabena Agyapong prematurely. This paper also revealed how the two beleaguered NPP national executives have vowed to resist any attempt by their internal “enemies” to truncate a mandate they legitimately and overwhelmingly won less than a year ago. This is not the first time a trusted linchpin of Nana Akufo-Addo is chastising Afoko and Kwabena Agyapong for alleged acts intended to deny the NPP victory in the next presidential and parliamentary elections. It would be recalled that self-acclaimed financier of the NPP and Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, last year warned the National Chairman and General Secretary that “if they joke with the party, they should mark it on the wall, they won’t last a year, they will be removed.” The NPP braggart followed his threat with another boisterous pronouncement, revealing that “Anytime you see Alan’s group contributing to the party, it’s just to destroy the party, but we will not give them chance, why! Kwabena can’t do “FOKO”; Paul Afoko can’t do s**! We are not afraid of anybody; let them try” he exclaimed. I’m tired, I’m sick of Kwabena Agyapong. I can’t defend him again, I will use the same way I campaigned for him to kick him out. I don’t know where he gets his influence from; he has goofed this time.” As if by design, few days after Kennedy Agyapong’s statement, another ‘apostle’ of Nana Akufo-Addo, Hajia Fati openly lambasted the National Chairman and General Secretary for deciding to effect some changes at the party’s Asylum Down headquarters. “He [Kwabena Agyapong] appointed the new security guards to take over from the old ones because they [the old security guards] allowed me entry into the party head office after I had questioned his activities as a General Secretary,” she stated angrily
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:59:14 +0000

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