INTERNATIONAL DAY OF POVERTY ERADICATION AND MOLO CONSTITUENCY Today is international day of poverty eradication and the the following is my message to Molo constituents. The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty has been observed every year since 1993, when the United Nations General Assembly, by resolution 47/196, designated this day to promote awareness of the need to eradicate poverty and destitution in Molo constituency, Kenya and all countries. Fighting poverty remains at the core of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the development of the post-2015 development agenda. The 2014 theme “Leave no one behind: think, decide and act together against extreme poverty” recognizes and underscores the demanding challenge of identifying and securing the participation of those experiencing extreme poverty and social exclusion in the Molo constituency’s endeavor to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Today will be an occasion to recognize people living in poverty as critical partners for fighting the development challenges we face in our constituency. This International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is very important to us. It helps us focus on our central challenge to eradicate poverty. The rights enshrined in our new constitution will be empty and our democracy will remain fragile, if they do not bring with them improvements in the lives especially of those who bear the burden of poverty and inequality. Poverty brings hunger, disease, inadequate shelter and homelessness. It hinders the education of children and leaves them on the margins of our society, squandering a wealth of human potential to contribute to the building of a prosperous Molo constituency. As a caring society, we cannot fold our arms and leave this blight on the lives of millions of our people. That is why, as your MP and as the jubilee government, we have declared war on poverty. Amongst the first steps my office and the jubilee government has taken is to initiate programs focused on the most urgent needs of the poor. These included the renovation of dilapidated school buildings; nutrition schemes for young school-children; improved health-care for pregnant mothers and young children; and the repair and creation of infrastructure in both rural and urban areas to assist thousands of small scale farmer’s access market for their produce. Since 2013 hundreds of people are moving out of extreme poverty and attaining better access to health care and education in Molo constituency. Globally, extreme poverty has reduced by half since 1990; the goal of enrolling all children in primary schools is close to being met; child mortality has been significantly reduced, and 2.3 billion people have gained access to improved drinking water. There are measures of short-term relief and others that provide longer-term access to such essentials as land, water, electricity. For our people in Molo constituency and nationally change has begun in ways that make a real impact on their daily lives. The challenge is to build on this start that we have made. We are in a strong position to do so. This year’s theme recognizes that social justice and equity are critical to eradicating extreme poverty, and focuses our attention on factors like gender, ethnicity, age, and geography which may be influencing the distribution of progress. We are developing new frameworks and plans for tackling poverty, and we are gaining much from the experience of our initial steps. The establishment of devolved systems of government has greatly strengthened our capacity to implement programs of reconstruction and development. Above all,my office and the jubilee government will continue to make programs to eradicate poverty, our number one priority. These goals cannot be achieved by my office or the jubilee government alone. The poor in Molo constituency’s rural areas and informal settlements; amongst women and youth; the disabled and the elderly have always been ready to take the initiative to change the circumstances of their lives. It is they who will be the driving force to uplift their own lives, in partnership with my office, the jubilee government and other key sectors of society. Thus the reason why today’s theme “Leave no one behind: think, decide and act together against extreme poverty” is a critical beginning point , Our contribution to the struggle against poverty is not confined to Molo constituency or Kenya alone . No constituency in Kenya or country in our region or continent can eliminate poverty on its own. The harsh reality is that some 35,000 working women and men in Molo constituency are not able to earn enough to keep themselves and their families above the ksh 100 ($1 ) a day extreme poverty line. Looking ahead, the Molo constituency workforce is growing at around 2500 per year. But only 250 are finding work and only half of these are finding wage employment. With slow growth the numbers of unemployed and those only able to get informal work and at risk of poverty will continue to rise. My Goal and that of the jubilee government is that of full and productive employment and decent work for all both an an objective and a means of achieving sustainable development with social inclusion and greater equity. Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all is crucial. Let us ensure that all Molo constituents are provided the opportunity to live lives of decency and hope. Let us join hands to banish the needless scourge of poverty and inequality from our land. As we come together to recommit ourselves to the eradication of poverty, there is no reason for complacency. Poverty is not yet defeated. Far too many are being left behind. But we are actively preparing for a renewed drive and the jubilee government intends to be in the vanguard. In conclusion, I use this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty to recommit myself as your MP, ourselves as a the jubilee government and as a nation, to practical and realistic programs that will ensure that ours is a constituency and a country that attends to its peoples most basic human needs. THANK YOU LET’S MAKE MOLO GREAT AGAIN
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:30:20 +0000

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