INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE ON THE CONTINUED POLITICAL LOGJAM IN TARABA STATE, HOLDEN ON WED. 11 SEPT. 2013 AT NUJ PRESS CHAPEL, JALINGO TARABA STATE. Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, members of the general public, good morning. The coalition of youth movement in Taraba State has 12 different youth and students organizations that cut across all strata of our society. Having carefully studied the continue political development and the consequence effect on our dear state, we unanimously agreed to address this world press conference and make our position as major stakeholders on the above issues and other issues related there with. The COALITION observed that the ongoing political logjam is caused by 2015 general election and perceived ambition of some political actors which is throwing our state into puzzlement and further isolating our people while 2015 is still far. The COALITION wish to re-affirm it earlier position that it threw her support on the resolution on the 2/3 majority of Taraba state house of assembly mandating the Acting Governor, Alhaji Garba Umar to continue in that capacity while governor Danbaba D Suntai should return to hospital and continue his rehabilitation. We further wish to thank Mr. President and commander in chief of the armed forces of the Federal republic of Nigeria Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, the Leadership of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), under the chairmanship of Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, Members of National Assembly from Taraba state and other sister civil societies group for their well-time intervention. The COALITION wish to express her disappointment in the manner in which some critical stake holders from Taraba state for sitting on the fence, elder statesmen such as General T. Y Danjuma RTD, Ambassador Idris Waziri, Dr. Mohammed Shata, Rev. Jolly T. Nyame, Dr. S. D Gani e.t.c our elders can not shy away from there responsibilities. We urge them to come out and take a clear stand, as this is not and should not be seen as family affair. The COALITION revile in STRONG TERM the actions of the so called CABAL under the leadership of SEN. EMMA BWACHA who couldn’t hide his hunger to acquire power come 2015 at all cost. Mr. Bwacha’s quest to be governor and in his on thinking as a sole annointed heir of governor SUNTAI was the reason for his masterminding the bringing back the ailing governor on the 25th of August, we marvel why some people can be such cruel to a leader. They brought him back knowing he was not fully recovered but just to achieve an egotistical agenda through whipping of a religious and ethnic sentiment. We call on the REAL SUNTAI’S FAMILY to wake up to this challenge as Mr. Bwacha can not and does not have the audacity to represent and neither to speak on or for the family. We also noticed during the visitation of PDP committee, all the stakeholders present reached an agreement as presented to the media by DISTINGUISH SENATOR HOPE OZUDINMA in the presence of MRS. HAUWA SUNTAI and the governor younger brother Mr. BABANGIDA and none of them disputed the SENATOR. Why Mr. Bwacha’s kicking against a collective agreement the following day? Mr. Bwacha has shown disrespect to Mr. President, leadership of his party (PDP), the Suntai family, and the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria. We in STRONG TERM CONDENM Mr. Bwacha’s antics and that of his follow follow cabal that attempted to form the failed parallel government. We call on them to hands off with immediate effect. We urge the leadership of PDP to sanction them accordingly. The COALITION demand that the state government should immediately take charge fully the care and returning of GOVERNOR SUNTAI back to HOSPITAL, the governor is a STATE PROPERTY and must be treated as such! Leaving the governor in the hands of his vulnerable wife is tantamount to exposing him to more HARZAD. Governor SUNTAI must be accorded his rightful place i.e. under the care of the STATE and to be transfered back to HOSPITAL as directed by the SPEAKER of TARABA STATE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Finally, we urge CABAL concerned to adhere to our demands within shortest possible time, failure to, we shall be left with no other option than to mobilize our forces to demand the STATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL and THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY to ENVOKE the PROVISION OF SECTION 189 of 1999 constitution as amended. Thank you, ALUTA CONTINUA, VICTORIA ACERTA Sign: Com. ABBA WAZIRI, ABUBAKAR
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 17:28:37 +0000

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