INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER DAY CHALLENGE...RUBY! As we celebrate International Volunteers Day on Saturday 5 December,We all face another dangerous challenge from Hagupit or Ruby. Our people particularly the vulnerable amongst us will be looking to our Red Cross movement for our unique brand of volunteer leadership and service. All volunteers and staff must gear up and treat Ruby with utmost respect, caution and resolute leadership, like Yolanda , a super typhoon. Follow our protocols: 1.Save Lives! Coordinate with local officials especially on early evacuation of people particularly in harms way along the coast lines .Report to OPCEN, ASAP, location of evacuation centers in your Area Of Responsibility (AOR) and prepare our welfare desk teams for immediate assignment. 2.I need all Chapter administrators (CAs} to submit updated/latestcontact numbers of municipal & Barangay143 coordinators so we can get real time reports as Ruby progresses. 3.DMS must have issued SATCOMs by now. 4.All staff and volunteers who will be performing essential roles must secure their families in safe places right NOW, so when Ruby comes in we will be able to concentrate on our functions to save lives. 5.Check all logistics like rolling stock, Watsan, food & NFI are adequate. Do not allow typhoons to interdict and destroy our logistics.For example in Tacloban where our chapter is at, essential Logistics have been secured to allow for continuous operations, i.e. Radio operations are now in a tall hotel, Blood bank lab and equipment have been temporarily transferred to FilChinese chamber building.RCAT teams will be stationed at Asian development building, go to bldg. All our rolling stock i.e. 6x6 trucks, 10 wheeler trucks, Payloader in Taloban have been tested and are parked at St. Therese Education Foundation bldg and at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Bgy, Abucay Tacloban. Ambulances are at Leyte Park hotel. AGUA bldg will be our situs of operations. All these and more are redundancy measures should our chapter HQ be overwhelmed by Ruby. 6.Report Lifelines affected ASAP. this is key so we will know how to get around disruptions. 7. Assign welfare desk, blood, medicine support in all hospitals. Check and report casualties and for needed assistance. 8. Assess, Assist and report to OPCEN damage, casualties and propose all required movement interventions. 9. All chapters all over the nation not in the path of the Typhoon must prepare augmentation teams for assignment in affected areas. Make ready your rescue & emergency teams so that they will be ready when called to do so by NHQ. 10. Follow and execute instructions from NHQ and Report regularly actions taken. 11. LEAD. Remember our 5Fs: Focus, Fast, Friendly, Flexible, Forward-Looking. Stay Safe and Strong. Thank you to all our private partners, IFRC, ICRC , all Volunteers and Staff particularly RCY. I am proud to serve with all of you. The Red Cross movement admires, respects and emulates what we all do during great challenges. We will always prevail because we never surrender, and we all do what must be done even when the world no longer watches. In the Red Cross, there are no heroes only Volunteers.Chairman Dick
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 02:43:36 +0000

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