INTERTEXTUALITY: CHRISTMAS SEASON IN SPAIN / INTERTEXTUALIDAD: TIEMPO DE NAVIDAD EN ESPAÑA PURE NIGHT The white, crenellated flat roofs are sharply outlined against the cheerful blue sky, icy and starry. The silent north wind gives lively caresses with its pure keenness. Everyone thinks he´s cold, and hides in his house, which he locks up. We, Platero, will take a slow walk, you with your natural coat and my blanket, and I with my soul, through the clear, lonely town. What an inner force uplifts me, as if I were a tower of rude stone with a free silver finial! See how many stars are out! There are so many, they make you dizzy. You´d think the sky was a world of children; that it was praying to the earth with a flaming rosary of ideal love. Platero, Platero! I´d give my whole and I´d long for you to want to give yours, in exchange for the purity of this deep January night, lonely, bright and firm! “PLATERO AND I”, 1917. JUAN RAMÓN JIMÉNEZ (Spanish author from Moguer - Huelva, Andalusia. Nobel Prize for Literature in 1956) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOCHE PURA Las almenadas azoteas blancas se cortan secamente sobre el alegre cielo azul, gélido y estrellado. El norte silencioso acaricia, vivo, con su pura agudeza. Todos creen que tienen frío, y se esconden en las casas y las cierran. Nosotros, Platero, vamos a ir despacio, tú con tu lana y con mi manta, yo con mi alma, por el limpio pueblo solitario. ¡Qué fuerza de adentro me eleva, cual si fuese yo una torre de piedra tosca con remate de plata libre! ¡Mira cuánta estrella! De tantas como son, marean. Se diría el cielo un mundo de niños, que le está rezando a la tierra un encendido rosario de amor ideal. ¡Platero, Platero! ¡Diera yo toda mi vida y anhelara que tú quisieras dar la tuya por la pureza de esta alta noche de enero, sola, clara y dura! PLATERO Y YO, 1917. JUAN RAMÓN JIMÉNEZ (Autor español de Moguer - Huelva, Andalucía. Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1956)
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 16:09:53 +0000

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