[INTERVIEW] 1st Look Magazine – Shine On, BEAST CREDIT: - TopicsExpress


[INTERVIEW] 1st Look Magazine – Shine On, BEAST CREDIT: b2stizen.wordpress/2014/04/30/interview-1st-look-magazine-shine-on-beast/ SHINE ON, BEAST Good looking appearance, strong charisma, shining talent, explosive energy….among the many idol groups that have most of the criteria 6 year group BEAST is forming their own unique coordinate. Slowly going up from that point and carefully looking at their faces they weren’t boys filled with the thoughts of “we’ll work hard’, but we could see the future of intelligent men who knew what road was best for them. Lee Kikwang Out of the 6 men who came into the studio with clear laughter, Lee Kikwang who stood in front of the camera first, went off to a good start with his sweet eye smile and fair smile. He who says that there is much more to earn when being together then being alone, on his face you could see the trust and comfort he built with his members over time. “During my individual promotions I deeply fell into romance. It’s because I took the role of the main character in the mobile-online drama and experience my first love. Although it was a 4 episode drama, the responsibility I had to endure as the main character was definitely big. I focused more than ever to not lose my core and carry out the story and, I think I learned as much as it was difficult for me. When I see people who instinctively express their emotions in front of the camera I’m often jealous. When I see sunbaes who naturally turn any role into their own act I often chastise myself. However who is good at something the first time they try. I’m still working hard trying to climb up even now. While having breakdowns and listening to criticism, I was to learn and grow. Of course I’m not being lazy in my musical efforts either. Lately I’ve been studying composition and, someday I want to share emotions with someone with music that holds my color and world. In the perspective of someone who writes songs, there is this unexplainable thrill you feel when someone else’s voice and sentiment is put together with a song you made with care. For now I am joyfully running until the moment our BEAST members stand on stage with my song.” Son Dongwoon For the interview, maknae Son Dongwoon pulled up his chair and leaned his body forward as soon as he sat down. Following his deep eyes his softly flowing eyelashes calmly blinked with each question and, with each word he spoke there was a deep thoughtfulness, it’s hard to believe he’s a maknae. “Whenever I’m preparing for a new album, I listen to songs I’ve sung before until right before. It’s so that I can find what I’ve improved on and what parts I’m lacking in each album, in each track. It’s embarrassing and flustering but, I follow my voice as objectively as I can. And I try to dissolve the things I’ve realized into the present. I work hard so that with the next album, I can be satisfied listening to it a few years later and not feeling embarrassed. Compared to the hyungs I have a lower voice tone. I consider that my biggest pro within the group BEAST. I can mix with the hyungs’ vocals to complete a more stable and solid song. I think a ‘team’ is being able to draw out each other’s strengths and combine them to produce the best result. In that sense I think our team is doing quite well. The time I’ve been together with the BEAST members is so long that with Kikwangie hyung or Yoseobie hyung who I’ve seen since I was young, we can joke around calling each other ‘people who I have been with half my life’. Now, even though we don’t try to accommodate to each other, I feel like we naturally do so. Although it’s a boring saying, we know what we’re thinking just by looking at each other. Personally I have a rather easygoing personality so I think that’s why I have been able to quietly carry out my maknae role well (laughs), but from now on I’m going to show my desires a bit. To the hyungs I want to be a vocal that they can trust and believe “Without Dongwoon we will never be able to create a proper performance” , I want to be a member that has the competence of maintaining the team balance. At the centre of BEAST that will continue to grow, I will be there. Please look out for the terrifying maknae’s growth.” Yong Junhyung Among the idol groups that had similar positions and potential, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Yong Junhyung’s music had a huge part in getting BEAST to the position they are now. While leisurely enjoying his time, he who seized the charming title of ‘artist’ was completely absorbed in music today as well. “Last year I released my solo album, and I also appeared in the drama so I was busier than ever before. My schedule was so packed it was physically very tiring but there were many things I gained through the drama. If I look back, both music and acting is a process of letting out the things that were condensed inside of me through my own ways of expression and in that sense, they are similar. And so it was more interesting. If another good opportunity is given to me, I want to focus and do even better. If possible I want to widen the spectrum of my experience. The people I meet throughout my life, the environments I come by, the stories I absorb with my whole body, they all become big assets and nutrients to me. I know there are many people who are curious and anticipating the music we will be displaying under the name ‘BEAST’. We strengthen our resolve to display an album of high quality so that their anticipation and waiting will become overwhelming joy. Truthfully if you say I was immersed in finding a point of agreement between mass appeal and a new musical aim, now, although danger may follow, I want to try something new and tell our own stories. Some time ago, I learned what each member wants to do, what color they possess, and what they’re best at. Now that I write songs and produce albums, I think that perhaps the person who can bring out each member’s color the best might be me. And so these days I’m having so much fun matching and taking apart our 6 members’ puzzle to look for the best form. Whatever form, the 6 of us can do it and that is BEAST’s characteristic and big strength. There are many times when I’m grateful and proud of the members. I believe that we will become an even more surprising and cool group while we’re together.” Yoon Doojoon Regular features and tall height to go with the solemn ambience, also with the unique “a man among men’ image, Yoon Doojoon’s photoshoot went smoothly. Click, whenever the camera shutter made a sound the muscles that reacted carefully created a new facial expression, and until the studio lights turned off his quiet actions delivered many words. He was a strong leader who knew every moment when not to show off. “Until recently I was busy filming ‘Let’s Eat’. Although I only have experience of a few works, once again it was a production that helped me realize the difficulty of acting. Of course because the character was charming and the storyline was fun going to the film sets were enjoyable but, my insufficiency came to me even greater. After the drama ended I actually got an offer for another production but, I thought meeting everyone as ‘BEAST’ came first. Because I still lack in a lot of things I couldn’t work on the album while filming the drama at the same time. And also it’s been a while since we made a comeback so there are many things we need to consider. When the 6 of us laugh and talk and do something together those moments are definitely overwhelming and precious. These days I have these thoughts again but I feel that the relationship that the 6 of us have is profound and very special. Until now I expressed that the members are ‘very close friends I see often’ but, that expression is very insufficient. Sometimes they are closer than family and sometimes I feel like they are me, an intersection between many relationships that I can’t define as one. While I go on with my life I believe that having those special people around me is a huge blessing and joy. I also think that with our fans. I was grateful to them and they were precious since the beginning but as time goes by I start cherishing them more and more. It’s not just me but I think the other members feel that way as well. Maybe because of that while preparing for this album, I could see that everyone’s determination was different this time. Before during practice we’d complain about how tired we were and we’d make excuses to be lazy but these days everyone’s eyes are shining and we are enjoying ourselves. Through this album you will be able to see our hearts and efforts.” Jang Hyunseung Jang Hyunseung who had eyes and an expression I’ve never seen before on stage drawn by provocative whistling, he was moving rhythmically. And for the first time I realized. The man whose attraction and ‘twist’ is most definite on stage, Jang Hyunseung’s charm. After showing the side of him we haven’t seen before dramatically through the unit promotions, he was shining even more beautifully than before. “The biggest achievement I’ve gained through the unit activities was not winning 1st on music shows, or gaining popularity with the public, but experimenting and putting out everything I could. Of course the song as well as the performance, the formation, and the image that all went through my ‘eyes’, I wanted to show my own personal stage so I continued to check and fix and prepare. Truthfully I become very sensitive when I work. Because of my perfectionist personality I lash myself a lot as well. Whenever that happens I receive a lot of stress so my body is worn out but on the other hand, I think that I’m moving forward with that sensitivity as a driving force. When things get too difficult and overwhelming I meet with people I like and eat good food and chat loudly. Sometimes I take time to myself without anything special to do. While resting like that I sharply forge my antennas and pour everything into work again. Recently we’ve been talking about our own direction and we talk about this and that often, but truthfully, even though people say you need a ground-breaking strategy depending on the period, I just think you need to like music. You can call me old-fashioned and single-minded but it doesn’t matter. With whatever work, I personally don’t like going around. A powerful straight ball. I think that’s the best. In that sense I think we need to become more ‘BEAST’ like” Yang Yoseob Living as an idol group in Korea means discovering a new path. They have to put down the formula of an ordinary lifestyle and draw out a new map with their individual lives and the group’s history. Counting 6 years, each member is at an age where they must face themselves head on and BEAST is not an exception. Within that Yang Yoseob who always protected the core using standard tactics, he dreams about tomorrow with ‘BEAST’. “I’m all over the place these days because of practice for the new musical . This is my third production but every time I stand on stage it feels like I’m wearing new clothes each time. Because it’s definitely different from the stage I’ve always stood on, I’m more anxious and sensitive than usual when I do musicals but, it’s a thrilling pressure and tremor that I do not want to avoid. The members come watch the show and support me and they also throw level-headed criticisms as well. Because these friends know me better than anyone it’s even more accurate and I can trust them. Nevertheless, we know the things we each hate and we should be careful about so there aren’t many incidents where we clash or feel upset at each other. Truthfully fights and misunderstandings were frequent in the beginning. However as we spent more time together we automatically customized to one another. Now, instead of finding our differences, we consider how to go forward even more tightly and better together. It’s to be more confident as ‘BEAST’ who continues to grow instead of a group that came here pushed by time. In that process there is something that I try not to lose. It’s the first heart I thought where I should take the role of being a white drawing paper in the team. I’m the main vocal but there was never a time where I tried to let out a high note or lead the melody by myself. I want the all the members to draw a beautiful picture with my voice as a background. To become that I think the foundation is the most important. Together, and with me as the background, I want to sing for a long time, that is the thought that I most often draw in my head and also my earnest dream that I hope for.”
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 01:23:17 +0000

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