[INTERVIEW] B.A.P in 10Asia(10+star) Magazine November issue Part - TopicsExpress


[INTERVIEW] B.A.P in 10Asia(10+star) Magazine November issue Part 2 Q: Zelo has really grown a lot these days. Zelo: I can’t help but wonder if I stand out too much. Daehyun: Honestly, it’s a good thing if Zelo isn’t with us. Like a model (laughs) Zelo: That’s not true, the hyungs are also very tall. I grew so much that I want to hide my height. There’s an image I need to express on stage, but I think that my image in ruined because of my height. It makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes. Youngjae: We need to grow taller (laughs) Q: You’ll have to focus more on the choreography from now on. Yongguk: It wasn’t a problem up until “Badman” but Zelo has grown so much that it’s something that we’ll have to figure out. Jongup: I get stressed because Zelo and I dance in the same row. (laughs) Everyone: laughter Zelo: Jongup hyung has long arms and legs so he doesn’t look short next to me. Q: Apart from heights, you all look younger and more handsome than you did when you debuted. Though you are all still young. Youngjae: When we had a photo shoot wearing school uniforms, I felt that I looked more like a student than 2~3 years ago. Maybe it’s because I have black hair. (laughs) Himchan: Both Yongguk and I have aged. I normally look good in a uniform so I was confident, but I thought I looked old during the shoot. I hope the viewers won’t think we don’t fit in. I’m more worried because my hair is blond. Yongguk: (While looking at Himchan) Do I have to make a comment? No comment (laughs) Q: (Laughs) Could you tell us of a time when you were happy or upset over a recent choice you made? Daehyun: I wasn’t able to practice much while we were on schedule, but I hold on to Jongup these days. That was a good choice I made. He’s very passionate so he practices a lot and I practice with him as well. It’s very fun. Jongup: Daehyun hyung is very talented in singing high pitched notes and I think that’s how we ended our practice. (laughs) Daehyun: We sing a lot of songs during practice and end it with a hard rock song. We both sing a song that requires a lot of screaming and we don’t go back to our dorm until our voices give out. When we do that, it feels like we’ve practiced enough. Might as well practice with our vocals. (laughs) Q: OMG, you force yourself to practice until your voices give out? Himchan: We recently performed a song called “Excuse Me” on stage. It’s a great song to perform to have the audience have fun, but I get too excited that I lose my voice after it. Ah, I need to control myself. Youngjae: When we sing “Excuse Me,” he gets overexcited. Even though it’s a rehearsal! (laughs) Yongguk: Himchan can’t control his emotions very well. (laughs) He can’t do it by himself. Everyone: laughs Youngjae: Himchan hyung needs to bring out a strong vocal for his part, but he gets too excited that he just screams. (laughs). Himchan: I thought that you guys would follow me if I did it. Youngjae: Though we do perform the song in a way we want, there are small parts of the choreography that we have to perform. Himchan hyung, however, gets too excited that he just dances his way to me and so I dance to match him. After the performance, Yongguk hyung came to me and asked if I didn’t know the dance. Himchan: Youngjae and I get excited during the rehearsal that Yongguk asked us, “Don’t you know the choreography?” We answer, “No… we know it, it’s just that we get too excited…” (laughs) Youngjae: But thanks to Himchan hyung, we were applauded by those who were watching us practice. I guess they got excited by our performance as well. It’s been a while since we’ve been applauded during a rehearsal. Q: How was it during the actual performance? Did you perform like it was a rehearsal? Jongup: The actual performance was fun too, but Youngjae hyung made a comment, “I think the rehearsal was more fun.” Everyone: (laughs while clapping) Youngjae: I was really tired then. We waited for a long time and the performance was late at night. Himchan: I get hyper whenever we perform that song that I lose my voice. I regret that. (laughs) Youngjae: But that was live. If it wasn’t recorded, it would’ve been fine, but if you see it on TV, you might find it as overdoing it. I think Himchan hyung might get embarrassed when he watched the performance. (laughs) Himchan: We performed it on “The Show,” but they didn’t air it yet. Q: From what I’m hearing, I’m starting to realize that Youngjae also gets quite hyper. (laughs) Youngjae: Us three (Himchan, Daehyun, and Youngjae) are the trio who are likely to get hyper on stage. When Daehyun gets excited, he starts singing my parts as well so we sing the part together. Himchan hyung’s voice turns high pitched. On the other hand, Yongguk hyung, Jongup, and Zelo tend to become our pillars and lead us on stage. (laughs). Himchan: Jongup is really cool in these situations. He tends to do his best at other parts rather than his when he gets excited. Youngjae: It was during when we were filming our music video and he was very cool, but not so much during his part. When his part ends, he becomes cooler again. So I asked him “Why are you so different than when you do your part and others?” and he replies, “I don’t really understand the lyrics.” Everyone: laughs Jongup: Because it was in Japanese, I start to think about my part before we go into it and not my dance. Daehyun: It’s the same with Korean songs. (laughs) He tends to find singing a bit awkward for himself. He’s very confident in dancing, but when he’s singing, he needs to focus a lot on just singing. Himchan: We focus a lot on singing live because we do a lot of concerts. I think that’s the reason why. Since we focus more on our vocals, we stop dancing. (laughs) Youngjae: But he’s very good at everything now. In a very cool way! Q: At one cable music program, the leaders were asked what they would do if they won a hundred million dollars and Yongguk answered that he would donate in school establishments. Zelo: We did a similar interview like this before. We wanted to make a school with our group name, B.A.P. Yongguk: There was an account with the money saved to make a school in our name. Q: Oh, really? What happened to that money now? Yongguk: We used it to buy a laptop. (Everyone laughs) We did raise a lot of money for that purpose. I thought of raising a lot of money and building a school in our name, but because of the new album and travelling, we used it on something personal. (laughs) Jongup: We’ll make new greater songs with that laptop so let’s quickly make more money and try again! Everyone: laughs Yongguk: I have to be honest though; I haven’t started any new songs on it except for games (laughs) we have to start soon. Jongup: As soon as we finish that game! Himchan: That game doesn’t have an end. Youngjae: It’s a game that Yongguk hyung played a long time ago. He was addicted to it then as well. Yongguk hyung said that when he buys the laptop, he’ll only download that one game and Himchan hyung told him, “If you download that game, you’ll never make another song.” Himchan: I once told him. “If you find that game missing, keep in mind that the suspect will be me.” And Yongguk replied, “(imitates his voice) say that after you’ve figured out my password.” Everyone: laughs Q: Just what exactly is that game? Yongguk: It’s a game where you become the coach/director of a soccer team. Because I like working out a lot. But I don’t move (laughs) You just make up a plan and the computer does it for you. Once I get tired of it, I’ll get started on composing. I think of using the saved money for a laptop as a good choice. (laughs) Q: What about maknae, Zelo? Did you make any good choices? Zelo: It’s not a choice, but I made a very good habit of making memos on my iPod, mostly when we’re on the move in cars. I just write down whatever comes to mind as I pass by a scenery, picture, or just cars passing by and it becomes very good topics to talk about. The feelings that I felt then come back to me while thinking, “Those events happened…” Himchan: I happen to do the same thing as Zelo does. A very good saying or words that touched my heart. But when I look back at it, it gives me goose bumps so I erase it in the end. (laughs) Q: Zelo spends more time with the hyungs more than friends his age. Do you feel that you feel burdened by the hyungs or that you need to be cautious of your behavior because of this? Youngjae: Zelo is the type to express his feelings. I tried to show myself as a better hyung because of that, but his personality changed. He became more obedient and understanding so I just act comfortably around him. Himchan: When Youngjae joked around with Zelo, he used to express his feelings right away by his face expressions, but nowadays, he just jokes right back. I was bewildered and thought. “Woah, what kind of situation is this?” Everyone: laughs Youngjae: Our positions have changed Zelo: In a nice way, I understood. In a bad way, I became more cunning. (laughs) Q: Is this what “Maknae On Top” is? Zelo: No, it’s just something that I learned from the hyungs. Himchan: I like the current Zelo better. Daehyun: He says he thinks he learned it from the hyungs. Euheuheu. Everyone: laughs Youngjae: That’s not really what I was saying. Daehyun, Himchan hyung, and I actually ask the younger ones for small favors many times. (ex. Can you bring me this from my room?) (laughs) He complied and used to say “why don’t the hyungs do it themselves?” but now he just does it for us. So we ask for more favors. Everyone: explodes in laughter Zelo: Youngjae hyung wasn’t the type to ask for such favors. Youngjae: (While pointing at Himchan and Daehyun) They used to ask so many times that I tried not to, but I was the one asking for the most favors soon after. (laughs) Yongguk: Look, he remembers it. The fact that you weren’t the type to ask. (laughs) Zelo: Apart from this, I find it regretful that I’m losing the recklessness image that only the maknae can have. Although I want to become a maknae that acts the youngest, I become quiet and lower my voice in front of people without knowing while living amongst the hyungs and doing manly activities. Q: It must be true that very manly and strong performances are influencing you. Zelo: I think so. It influences me a lot. Himchan: But he acts more like a maknae now and when we’re alone. He was quiet in front of us back then. Daehyun: When we asked him to do something for us, he used to just do it without saying anything. Nowadays, he asks “what are you going to do for me if I do it?” while smiling brightly and makes jokes. Everyone: laughs Q: During this interview, we think that the 18 year old Zelo has many deep thoughts and growing quite well thanks to the hyungs. But even the oldest hyung is still 24, very young. I remember that last April, Yongguk posted on his twitter, “I think I’m still too young and have a long way to go to talk about youth through music” and since we heard from Zelo about growing up, let’s ask the oldest. What is youth? Yongguk: Are you talking about the youth that I am thinking of now? I don’t really know. The time I made that tweet was when I was going to compose a song about “youth in the 20’s” but I quit. (laughs) After I composed it, it looked as if it was from a movie, not my life, so I quit. It’s a much too broad and big concept for me to talk about it. And because I think that I’m just a young person trying to become a youth of the 20’s rather than actually being a youth of the 20’s, I’m not sure what youth is. I think I’m too young to define and tell you exactly what youth is. Q: I think that you’ll be able to define the term when you’re in your 30’s and reminiscing the past. Yongguk: You’re right. That’s exactly how I feel. I’ll never know what it is until after the time has passed. (laughs) Cr; Danbi @ bapyessir
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:16:59 +0000

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