INTERVIEW WITH AKILA, The Cat Shot Who Was Shot in the Head with - TopicsExpress


INTERVIEW WITH AKILA, The Cat Shot Who Was Shot in the Head with an Arrow… and Lived to Tell About It – By Katniss, Cat Reporter Two days ago, Cat Fancy broke the story of Akila, the Sphynx cat who was deliberately and viciously shot in the head with a 7” arrow. Katniss, Cat Reporter pounced on this story and obtained an exclusive interview with this brave cat. ____ When I first saw the photo of Akila with the arrow through her head, I thought, “That’s one bad-ass cat!” But in reality, before Akila snuck out of her house in a moment of cat-curiousity gone wrong, she would best be described as Diva with a capital “D.” A dainty 6.7 lb. Pampered Princess who enjoys warm baths and a good skin exfoliation with hand mittens. About the most daring thing to happen in her average day is when she sits up high on her Human Daddy’s shoulder like a parrot, (and considering he’s 6’5”, that’s really high). But one night, Akila found the door open a crack and decided to venture out into the bitterly cold, dark night because… well, open doors are a temptation to us indoor cats. And that’s when tragedy struck. KATNISS: Akila, I know this is probably hard for you to talk about, but can you take me through the events of that night? AKILA: Well, let me start by saying that I’m quite the social butterfly, you know? I’m friendly to Humans and cats as well as dogs. So when this guy called to me and offered me treats, I went. KATNISS: What about Stranger Danger? AKILA: Sweetie, you know how it is – when someone offers treats, all common sense flies out the window. KATNISS: (embarrassed nod) I have been known to don embarrassing holiday costumes with jingly bells… all in the name of treats. AKILA: So you get it. Anyway, I guess I’m also a little… sheltered, and trusting. So I went for it. And the guy… sorry, this is hard for me… grabbed me by the tail – which is now broken – and before I knew it, I was in excruciating pain. I didn’t even know what happened, but I’d been shot. KATNISS: Can you tell me the extent of your injuries? AKILA: The arrow/bolt penetrated the top of my head, grazed my skull, then came out of my forehead. I am very lucky – a couple of millimeters and the weapon would’ve gone through my skull. My left ear was torn and the tip of my tail was broken and is now slightly bent. There is a possibility that it may need to be amputated. I had burns on the back of my hind legs and multiple cuts and scrapes. Luckily, my unbreakable spirit was not wounded. KATNISS: And you’re expected to make a full recovery. AKILA: Yes. I got my stitches out today. KATNISS: You are very brave. AKILA: Sadly, though, I will never be the beauty I once was. KATNISS: I disagree. You have battle scars and you need to wear them with pride because you may be dainty, but you are fierce. You are a Warrior Princess. AKILA: (laughs) I guess you’re right. I am a Warrior Princess! KATNISS: What are the things you are most looking forward to, now that you are safely home and recovering? AKILA: I really just want to curl up in a lap and smother my Human parents with kisses. I love it when they sing to me. I also enjoy being taken for walks on a leash, and believe it or not, I enjoy rides in the car. Oh, and I may also steal some food from the dog dish, because it’s something to do. KATNISS: Can I ask – are you more wary now of people? It has to be unsettling that your attacker is still out there. That someone who is capable of such a vicious, inhumane act is still at large. AKILA: While there are undoubtedly cruel, evil people in the world, I choose to focus on the people who have shown kindness and support in the wake of my attack. People I don’t even know have been sharing their concerns, well-wishes and are sending loves and hugs my way. So there are a lot of compassionate, caring people out there, too. If I could I would lick their faces, purr for them and rub my face on their cheeks. KATNISS: Akila, you are an inspiration. Truly. I wish you all the best. You are purrfect. __________ Florida Voices for Animals in Tampa has offered $500 toward the reward to help find Akila’s tormentor. Friends of the family have also set up a GoFundMe account to add to this reward. Akila is grateful for every donation, regardless of the amount. gofundme/jzzlc0 If anyone has any information please contact the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office at 813-247-8200, Hillsborough County Animal Enforcement at 813-744-5660, Cpl. Butler or place a call anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 800-873-TIPS. #FloridaVoicesForAnimals, #CatShotWithArrow, #CatWelfare, #CatFancy, #TheCatChannel
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 21:04:27 +0000

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